Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 6,821 to 6,840 of 26,867
Language of Description: English
Country: United States
  1. Fran Laufer collection

    Consists of post-war candid photographs of Golda Meir, Menachem Begin, and David Ben-Gurion. Also includes a group photograph of German soldiers and two photographs of the execution by hanging of an SS officer.

  2. Dachau liberation photographs

    Consists of six photographs taken after the liberation of Dachau on 27 April 1945. The photographs, which are identified on the verso, show corpses on a train, an SS officer beaten to death after liberation, and a photograph of an American soldier holding a Nazi flag in Schwabmunchen, Germany.

  3. Oral history interview with Mendel Halberstam

  4. Moritz Deutsch collection

    Consists of a letter written by Moritz Deutsch in Vienna on 7 October 1939, to his brother, William (Wilhelm) Deutsch, in New York City. In the letter, Moritz asks for William's help to procure visas for Moritz and his wife to immigrate to the United States. Also includes a World War I era photograph of Moritz Deutsch as a soldier in the Austro-Hungarian Army.

  5. Meir Eldar memoirs

    Consists of two memoirs, entitled "KZ Spaichingen and the march to...liberty" and "The Voyage of the Olim of the 'Biria,'" written by Meir Eldar, originally of Biala-Bielsko, Poland. In the "KZ Spaichingen" memoir, Mr. Eldar describes the forced march from the Spaichingen concentration camp to Steingaden, Germany from 17-27 April 1945. He includes articles and correspondence with historians and with other survivors of this march. In the "Voyage of the Olim" memoir, Mr. Eldar includes maps, photographs, and his memories of his illegal immigration to Palestine and the voyages of the ships Bir...

  6. Peter Mittler memoir

    Consists of the first chapter, entitled "Childhood," of the memoir of Peter Mittler, originally of Vienna, Austria. In the memoir, 27 pages, Dr. Mittler describes his memories of the Anschluss. Kristallnacht, antisemitism in Vienna, and his experiences as an eight-year-old on a Kindertransport to England, leaving 11 January 1939. He reunited with his parents in England in the spring of 1939, and describes their efforts to become Anglicized. He also records biographical narratives of his parents, Gustav and Gertrude Mittler, and of other family members, some who passed away before World War ...

  7. Robert Guttman transcript

    Consists of one interview transcript, 97 pages, entitled "Recollections and Reminiscences" with Robert Guttman, originally of Germany. In the transcript (compiled by Lisa Greaves and based on interviews conducted in 2005 by Hannah Neuschwander) Mr. Guttmann, whose parents divorced when he was a child, immigrated with his father and sister to England in 1934. He describes returning to Germany to visit his mother in the 1930s, his father's internment in the Isle of Man, and his family's immigration to the United States in 1940. The transcript also includes information about his schooling, exp...

  8. Register of Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, weddings, funerals in Buenos Aires Crónica Bar/Bat Mitzvá-casamientos-entierros

    This collection documents bar/bat mitzvahs, weddings, and funerals at which Rabbi Hanns Harf officiated, providing a comprehensive resource for vital records of the Comunidad NCI (Nueva Comunidad Israelita)-Emanuel.

  9. Selected records from the Departmental Archives of the Cantal

    This collection contains records from the Prefect’s Office, under headings “Foreigners”, “Jews”, “War Damages” and “Internment and Shelter”. It includes local objections to use of the thermal bath resort of Chaudes-Aigues as an internment site for Jews (under house arrest), correspondence concerning foreign Jewish refugees, Jews’ response to a call to work at Organisation Todt construction sites, and reports on war crimes committed during the war, including those concerning Jews.

  10. French, Yugoslavian and Greek campaigns

    R.2 Members of the Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler consult a map then move into Vichy, France. Tanks and soldiers in the streets. French colonial POWs, some wearing turbans. Fighting at the airport in Clermont-Ferrand, which was taken in a few hours. French army officers speak to members of the Leibstandarte. The Germans inspect the planes on the field. They march into Clermont-Ferrand to put down the last resistance. They knock on doors and inspect peoples' papers in the streets. Panning shot of a large crowd of French POWs, which the narrator describes as a "whole infantry regiment who laid...

  11. Three clips from the propaganda film about the 1934 Reich Party Day

    01:05:50 to 01:06:04 Huge crowd of Hitler Youth at the Nuremberg stadium. They salute Hitler, who stands with Hess, Goebbels, and others, including Viktor Lutze, head of the SA. 01:06:07 to 01:06:20 Tracking shot of Hitler Youth boys as they stand at attention and listen to Hitler speak. 01:06:23 to 01:06:38 Extreme CUs of the faces of Hitler Youth boys as Hitler speaks.

  12. Lieberman family looks out an apartment window in Poland

    The family looks out an upper story window with (from left to right) Henryk Kupferman (child cousin), Ella, Magda Kupferman (child cousin) with Thomas and Hanna behind near the window, and Avraham Kupferman (Benedikt's brother in law). Thomas and Hanna seem amazed by what they see.

  13. Hungary and Yugoslavia sign treaty

    Hungary and Yugoslavia sign a friendship treaty. Hungarian Foreign Minister Count Csaky arrives by train in Belgrade for the signing of the treaty. The platform is decked with flags and Yugoslav soldiers stand at attention. Csaky is greeted by his Yugoslav counterpart, Aleksandar Cincar-Markovic. The two walk down the platform together. The next scene shows Csaky exiting the Hungarian embassy, presumably after signing the treaty. He stands with a group of people, including several women, and smiles at the camera beside a bouquet of flowers. 01:01:33 A few seconds of the next part of this ne...

  14. Heinz Isenberg collection

    Consists of letters and photographs related to Heinz (Henry) Isenberg, who came to the United States from Germany on a transport in 1936. Includes letters from Heinz and his host family to his parents and sister in Germany, his naturalization papers, school reports, newspaper clippings, and photographs of Heinz and his family. The family was reunited in the United States in 1939. Also includes a video biography of Heinz Isenberg, on DVD, entitled "My Journey to Paradise," made on the occasion of his 80th birthday.

  15. Daniel Petriccione collection

    Consists of two photographs taken after the liberation of the Buchenwald concentration camp. Includes one photograph of a crematorium oven and one photograph of what appears to be a stone block with the word "Buchenwald" carved into it.

  16. Selected records from the Archives of the Department of the Calvados

    This collection was created by picking relevant documents from collections deposited at the archives by several local administrative divisions, and from the pre-war “M” series related to foreigners and immigration. The most relevant documents concern lists of Jewish inhabitants, card files made from gathering names and correspondence in relation to this, as well as files concerning the Aryanisation of property and businesses. The Aryanisation files deal almost exclusively with businesses and real estate and not with investments in businesses or shares of stock. The procedure for each file i...

  17. Selected records from the Departmental Archives of the Vienne

    Records pertaining to Camp de la route de Limoges in Poitiers: information on accounting, general administration, and aid to the families of internees; files on individual internees; surveillance over internees’ arrivals, departures, and escapes; correspondence with the German authorities; files on Jewish business owners; files on non-Jewish aliens, Freemasons, and Roma and Sinti; Jewish population statistics.

  18. Selected records from the Departmental Archives of the Eure

    Lists of German women interned as enemy aliens, registered Jews, requisitioned Jewish businesses and buildings, individuals in need of psychiatric care, arrested persons, and foreign Jews living in Evreux. Materials include a card file for French Jews, a card file for foreigners, and files on Freemasons.

  19. Selected Records of the David Diamant Collection from the Departmental Archives of the Seine‐Saint‐Denis,1906‐1986

    David Diamant (David Erlich 1904-1994) was a Polish-born French Communist resistance fighter and President of the Union des Juifs pour la Résistance et Entraide, who ran the Marxist Library of Paris, part of the French Communist Party, for many years. This was originally a heteroclite collection of press clippings, newspapers and magazines, documentation, original manuscripts in many languages (handwritten or typed,) and unidentified photos and microfilms in Yiddish which Mr. Diamant seemed to be keeping for his own use. There were also many boxes containing the membership forms of the Orga...

  20. Selected records of the Fonds Vanikoff from the French National Archives

    Records from the personal collection of Maurice Vanikoff (1886-1961), who in the 1930s was active in defense of rights of political refugees and victims of antisemitism, active in similar cause in Casablanca 1940-1943, and continued as an activist in France after the war. Includes government decrees concerning political refugees (1938-1939) and various associations and groups involved with their cause and antisemitism; reports on the situation of Jews in France before the war (1936-1939), under Vichy, as well as in Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia (1940-1944); documents of the Center of Politic...