Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 2,801 to 2,820 of 26,867
Language of Description: English
Country: United States
  1. Sección Khurbn un Vidershtand

    Consists of a mixed provenance collection of documentation donated to Fundacion IWO in Buenos Aires, Argentina by survivors starting in the immediate post-war years until the 1970s. Includes documents, photographs, manuscripts and other records.

  2. Selected records of the District Court in Kielce Sąd Okręgowy w Kielcach (Sygn. 146) : Wybrane materialy

    Court files pertaining to civil cases of Jewish population in Kielce: Authorization, protocols, statements, translations from Russian, court judgments, notices, receipts, marriage certificates related to inheritance, rights of possession, notary acts, acknowledgement of purchase-sales, restoration of property, exclusion of rights of possession, appropriation of land, annulment of last wills, bids, returning of money, divorces and annulment of marriages, ratification of marriage acts, alimonies, determining identity, rectification of register act, criminal acts as homicides, robbery assaults...

  3. Captain Stuart Cosgriff, MD collection

    Contains correspondence written by Dr. Cosgriff to his mother and a friend/fellow doctor which document his experiences in the Buchenwald concentration camp in the days immediately following liberation, his visit of Ebensee and other locations. Also includes photographs taken by Dr. Cosgriff during his visit to the concentration camps at Buchenwald and Wels, and a Russian POW camp at Nurnberg; dated April - May 1945; in English. Dr. Cosgriff was in charge of the medical setup in Buchenwald after liberation.

  4. Bimah cover

    Bimah cover cloth from the Dej synagogue. This cloth was in the synagogue when it was used in 1944 as a gathering place for Jews before they were sent to the local ghetto.

  5. Selected records of the Embassies, Consulates and Diplomatic Legations of the Polish Republic : Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Berlin Konsulat Generalny Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w Berlinie (Sygn.475)

    Correspondence, passport applications, passports, and consular letters relating to legal matters of Polish minorities living in Germany, and about Zionist organizations in Germany.

  6. Hausspiegel family collection

    Contains postcards that Wolf Hausspiegel received from relatives in the Łódź ghetto; Bertha (Priwin) Hausspiegel's passport; and a Polish/Hebrew document regarding the family.

  7. General Jewish Council. Selected records.

    Constitution, meeting agenda, press releases, statements, memoranda, and similar documents, from the General Jewish Council (New York, NY), relating to its efforts to raise public awareness of the threats of Nazism and antisemitism, and to mobilize individuals and organizations in the United States to combat antisemitism, 1938-1942. The documents, which were mimeographed copies that were distributed to member organizations, were collected and housed in one volume at the library of the American Jewish Congress at time of distribution, and were later withdrawn from that library. In addition t...

  8. Aharon Lazer papers

    The Aharon Lazer papers contain two handwritten diaries and documents that belonged to Jewish Brigade soldier, Aharon Laser (Lazer). Aharon served in the 1st Palestine Light Anti-Aircraft Battery of the 202 Field Artillery Regiment in Cyprus, Italy, Germany, and other locations in Europe. The first diary, which begins in French and then switches to Hebrew, dated November 14,1944, includes numerous edits and deletions. In an entry dated May 27, 1944, and revised on December 1, 1944, he documents the last months of the war. This diary also includes entries about a battle on the Senio River, e...

  9. Gertrude Adams Collection

    Contains photographs of the roundup and execution of Poles by Military Field Police Section 581, Einsatzgruppe IV under the command of SS-Brigadefuehrer Lothar Beutel, and the 6th Motorized Police Battalion in Bydgoszcz, Poland. Images show Polish hostages arrested during the "pacification" of Bydgoszcz, Poland before being shot by men with the 6th Motorized Police Battalion, as well as general scenes of the killing site in Bydgoszcz (Bromberg); captioned on verso in German.

  10. William Shirer handbill

    Consists of one handbill issued by the National Lecture Management Corp. to advertise William Shirer's lecture, "Where are we Going? A Front-Page Analysis on America in World Affairs", circa 1949-1950. The broadside includes a large photograph of Shirer on one side posing with an MBS microphone, and includes a brief biography of him on the verso.

  11. Selected records of the Embassies, Consulates and Diplomatic Legations of the Polish : Consulate General in Istanbul Konsulat Generalny Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w Stambule (Syg.500)

    Correspondence, registers, certificates, visas and other documents relating to social care for immigrants abroad, employment, refugees from Poland Oct. 1, 1939, evacuation of Polish people from Romania to Turkey, opening of the Shipping Line from Poland via Constanța to Haifa (ship "Polonia"), 1932, transport of emigrants and food/supplies by the shipping companies from Gdansk and Gdynia, Poland, 1936 (Gdynia America Shipping Lines) to Palestine via Turkey and Romania (Line Constanța-Haifa), crew lists, tourist tours to Palestine, 1933; proceedings of succession in Palestine (Stefan Norblin...

  12. Selected records from Telšiai County Branch Archives in Lithuania related to restitution of the Jewish property after WWII

    Records of various county agencies (State Notary, County Executive Council, People's Court etc) related to the restitution and inheritance of individual and communal Jewish property located in the Telsiai County after World War II, includes sales contracts, wills, sales records and personal documentation of Jewish residents trying to re-establish ownership over their property and/or inheritance rights.

  13. Felix Lilienthal family papers

    The collection contains pre-war and wartime correspondence between members of the Lilienthal family of Wiesbaden, Germany. Pre-war correspondence includes letters sent to Saul Lilienthal, a cantor and teacher, from when he was living in Posen (present-day Poznan, Poland); Freiburg, Germany; and Wiesbaden; as well as general family correspondence. Wartime correspondence primarily contains letters sent to Felix Lilienthal, who immigrated to Treinta y Tres and then to Montevideo, Uruguay in 1938. Included are letters sent by Saul and Bertha Lilienthal from Wiesbaden in 1938, and then from Amst...

  14. Selected records from Klaipeda Regional State Archives in Lithuania related to expropriation of private property in Klaipeda County by Soviet authorities after WWII

    Minutes and decisions of the Agricultural Committees regarding the expropriation of the private property (farms, shops, small business etc.) in the Klaipeda County by the Soviet authorities during and after World War II.

  15. Collection of German prints Zbiór druków niemieckich (Sygn. 122)

    Posters, brochures, and leaflets issued by the German authorities during their occupation of Poland during World War II. Directed at the Polish population, these materials instructed residents about their obligations during the occupation, such as calling on Poles to lay down their arms, and also includes the ultimatums for the people of the city of Warsaw, the call to leave Warsaw, etc.

  16. Cactus breeding; gymnast; skiing in Grinzing; boy plays with a telephone

    Lizzy-Film Produktion. "Heute Doppelprogramm" “Wochenschau Feber 1931” [Alice Kessler's amateur version of a weekly newsreel.] “Kakteenzucht Ziechentrick” “Sehr schnell waechst hier der Kaktus, die Pflege man verstehen muss.” A series of cactus graphics appear on screen, interspersed with film of live cacti. Cactus breeding. 01:02:05 “5 Minuten Akrobatik” “Ausgefuehrt von Frau Hilde Altmann Gymnastiklehrerin” “Aufgepasst!!” A woman performs a gymnastics routine indoors. 01:03:17 “Grinzing im Schnee” Passers-by carry wooden skis as they walk through the snowy streets of the Austrian city of ...

  17. Selected records of the State Archive in Levoča

    Selected records of the post-war trials and investigative cases of the District People's Courts and the Local People's Courts pertaining to Slovaks and former Hlinka guard members accused of collaborating with the German security forces. Includes the trial records of individual Slovaks accused of denouncing their Jewish neighbors, the trial records of regional Hlinka Guard commanders responsible for the deportation of local Jews, as well as the trial records of major political defendants. Also consists of wartime files of the local gendarmerie stations pertaining to the arrest and roundup o...

  18. Foreigner Entry Management "First Class Passengers" : Immigration records Gestión de Ingreso de Extranjeros "Pasajeros de Primera Clase" : Expedientes Inmigracion

    801 applications for entry into Uruguay of Jews descent from Europe. The files consist of immigration applications and documentation filled out by family members (and in some cases companies) residing in Uruguay and sponsoring individuals seeking entry into Uruguay, including the names of the sponsored family member(s), their nationality and current address abroad, and other personal data. Also includes the persons' arrival date and ship information. Many of the applications feature the Uruguayan residency permit of the private sponsor, including portrait photographs of applicants. Note: Th...

  19. Apology letter from residents of Bonbaden, Germany, addressed to Margot K. Stern

    Letter (two leaves, four pages), written and signed by the residents of the village of Bonbaden (part of city of Braunfels), in Hessen, Germany, 9 November 2008, containing an apology to Margot K. Stern and her family, former Jewish residents of Bonbaden, who fled their village and homeland because of antisemitic persecution during the Nazi era. The letter, written following a Christian worship service commemorating the 70th anniversary of Kristallnacht in Bonbaden, expresses remorse for the persecution of Jews in Bonbaden during that era, acknowledges the pain that Stern’s family experienc...

  20. Documents of Jewish communities, organizations and schools in Brazil

    Records from various Jewish communities in Brazil, including Amazonas, Belém, Bello Horizonte, Manaus, Niterói, Pará, Porto Alegre, Quatro Irmãos, Rio de Janeiro, Santa Maria, Santos, and São Paulo. Features board minutes, protocols, statutes, membership registries, birth and death records, lists of Jewish residents, correspondence and reports, account ledgers, newspaper clippings, publications and articles, a photo album (digital file BR/BL79), school and pedagogical materials, and other documents.