Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 24,401 to 24,420 of 26,867
Language of Description: English
Country: United States
  1. Aaron W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Aaron W., who was born in Mie?dzyrzecz, Poland in 1914. He describes his family and their brush business; ghettoization; forced labor; mass killings and deportations including family members; being hidden for a short time by a volksdeutsch whom his brother paid; transport to Majdanek; encountering his brother who was killed soon after; transfer after three months to Auschwitz where he spent time in Birkenau and Monowitz; becoming seriously ill; efforts of one doctor to help him recover; undergoing surgery without anaesthesia; dreaming of his mother for which he credit...

  2. Willi F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Willi F., who was born in Berlin, Germany in 1923 to a Jewish father and Catholic mother. He recounts the excitement of Nazi rallies; learning his father was Jewish (though he had converted to Catholicism) in 1932 when he was harassed at school; anti-Jewish laws barring him from an apprenticeship; working for a Communist Party member; the impact of anti-Jewish laws increasing after Kristallnacht; forced labor in a munitions factory; sabotaging his work; traveling to Konstanz, planning to enter Switzerland illegally; a guard accosting him; traveling to Lustenau to ente...

  3. Eva C. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Eva C., who was born in Bratislava, Czechoslovakia in 1926. She recounts her parents' separation; moving to Brezno with her mother; living with her maternal grandparents; visiting her father twice annually (he was a physician); belonging to Hashomer Hatzair; visiting cousins with whom she is still close; her father's emigration to England in 1939; increasingly severe antisemitic restrictions after Slovak independence, including having to move; her aunt's deportation on the first transport in 1942; receiving a note she had thrown from the train warning them not to foll...

  4. Pol R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Pol R., a Catholic, who was born in Saint-Georges-sur-Meuse, Belgium in 1922, the oldest of three children. He recounts growing up in Amay; German invasion in May 1940; immediate military draft; transfer to Cazères in July; returning to Amay in March 1941; distributing underground newspapers, burning mills, and damaging trains; avoiding forced labor in Germany by obtaining a factory job; sabotaging production; hiding after he was denounced; learning his father and brother were held hostage; surrendering to free them; imprisonment in Huy in November 1943; transfer to ...

  5. Grunia M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Grunia M., who was born in Lysyanka, Ukraine in 1924. She recalls moving to Zvenigorodka with her family; attending Ukrainian school; German occupation; forced labor; torture and mass shooting of Jewish men; forced labor in a German hospital; transfer to a labor camp with her mother and two sisters; public executions; quarry work; escaping to Popivka with her younger sister with assistance from non-Jews; leaving her sister with a non-Jewish friend in Petrivka; obtaining false papers; fleeing to Tarashcha; imprisonment; release due to a non-Jewish friend vouching for h...

  6. Inge M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Inge M., who was born in Vienna, Austria in 1933. She recalls moving to Brussels in 1939; German occupation; a humiliating antisemitic incident in school; her father's deportation (she never saw him again); a teacher arranging to hide her and her sister in a convent; Catholic baptism with her sister; transfer to a convent in the country; living briefly with a priest and his housekeeper; reunion with her mother after the war (her mother hid in Brussels); placement in a Jewish children's home in Antwerp due to her mother's financial straits; emigrating to Israel in 1949...

  7. Serge V. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Serge V., who was born in Paris, France in 1931. He recalls his parents' secularism; cordial relations in their non-Jewish neighborhood; German occupation; pervasive antisemitic propaganda; his Catholic friends and their priest continuing their friendships; confiscation of his father's business; his father's escape to unoccupied France; his mother instructing him to escape to friends near Bordeaux during the Vel d'Hiver round-up; traveling to Bordeaux alone; loving care from his family's friends; being smuggled to unoccupied France to join his father; living in Pau in...

  8. Irene S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Irene S., who was born near Warsaw, Poland in 1921. She recounts her father's difficulty earning a living as a physician in ?o?dz? due to antisemitism; attending music conservatory in ?o?dz?, then in Warsaw in 1938; antisemitic incidents; unsuccessfully attempting to emigrate to Palestine; her father's draft into the Polish army; German invasion; fleeing to Warsaw; hiding using false papers; joining her mother in the Warsaw ghetto to avoid exposure; moving to the Piotrko?w Trybunalski ghetto with her mother with help from a Polish friend; avoiding separation from her ...

  9. Lea W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Lea W., who was born in Mannheim, Germany in 1932. She recalls her warm and observant family; arrest of her father and grandfather on Kristallnacht; their release from Dachau a few months later; her grandfather's emigration to the United States; attending Jewish school in Heidelberg; hiding with her sister in a Catholic kindergarten in Ladenburg; deportation with her family to Gurs in 1940; being removed with her sister from the camp (they never saw their parents again); living in an OSE orphanage; learning her parents had been deported; placement with her sister with...

  10. Eric M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Eric M., who was born in Vienna, Austria, in 1907, one of five brothers. He recalls attending public school; his father's death; receiving a business degree in 1930, then a law degree in 1933; the Anschluss; efforts to obtain emigration documents for him and his mother (his brothers had emigrated earlier); incarceration in a school on May 28, 1938; transfer to Dachau; assistance from a non-Jewish prisoner when he fainted during appell (roll-call); arduous slave labor; assistance from his father's former business competitor; transfer to Buchenwald; obtaining a visa fro...

  11. Jack B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jack B., who was born in ?o?dz?, Poland in 1930. He recounts his father's career as a concert violinist; attending public school; piano lessons; German invasion; ghettoization; forced labor in factories; relatives dying of starvation and disease; deportation with his parents and younger brother to Auschwitz/Birkenau in summer 1944; separation from his mother and younger brother (he never saw them again); remaining with his father; their transfer to Gleiwitz; slave labor digging ditches; his father's death in November; a death march to Blechhammer; liberation by Soviet...

  12. Frances H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Frances H., who was born in Hungary in 1918. She recalls her childhood in Moha?cs; not attending university due to anti-Jewish quotas; moving to Budapest with her family in 1935; marriage; her brother, father, and husband being drafted into Hungarian forced labor battalions; learning of her brother's death in 1943; German invasion; traveling with her mother to join her father-in-law per her husband's instructions; their arrest; incarceration in Kistarcsa; psychological devastation when her mother had to undress in front of young policemen; deportation to Auschwitz/Bir...

  13. Esther L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Esther L., who was born in Munich, Germany in 1926. She recounts visits from her father who worked in Pirmasens; attending a Jewish school; Jewish holidays with her maternal grandparents; belonging to Betar; Kristallnacht; assistance from their non-Jewish neighbors; joining her father in Holland in 1939 with her mother and sister; her father arranging her grandparents' illegal immigration to Brussels; attending school in Tilburg; German invasion in 1940; attending high school in Rotterdam, then in Oss; the Tilburg police chief warning her parents of a deportation; obt...

  14. Nelly G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Nelly G., who was born in Berlin in 1930, an only child. She recounts that her mother was Czech and her father Hungarian; their orthodoxy; her mother's siblings joining them; her aunt caring for her while her mother worked; visiting both sets of grandparents with her mother when she was five; her aunt's marriage and birth of her cousin, whom she considered her sister; attending a religious school; increasing antisemitism and anti-Jewish restrictions; her father's trip to the United States in 1938 to visit his siblings and arrange for her and her mother to join him; he...

  15. Fridrich B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Fridrich B., who was born in Lúky, Czechslovakia (presently Slovakia) in 1919. He recalls his family bakery; their orthodoxy, particularly his grandfather; confiscation of the bakery in late 1939 due to anti-Jewish laws; draft for forced labor in January 1940; working in Sabinov, Nováky, Prešov, Bratislava, Liptovský Hrádok, and Kežmarok; release and returning home in 1942; an evangelical warning him to flee and providing false papers; deciding to remain with his parents; deportation a few days later to Žilina, then Auschwitz/Birkenau; observing corpses everywh...

  16. Szapsia S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Szapsia S., who was born in Tomaszów Mazowiecki, Poland in 1925 the oldest of four children. He recalls his large, close extended family; antisemitic violence; his father's military draft in 1939; German invasion; briefly seeing his father with other POWs; learning he had been murdered in a mass shooting; his mother sending him to his great aunt; forced labor; a brief visit to his family (he never saw them again); deportation of his aunt and relatives; living with his cousin in a ghetto; a non-Jewish worker providing him with extra food; friendship with two prisoners...

  17. Reva S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Reva S., who was born in S?iauliai, Lithuania in 1927. She recalls ghettoization in 1941; mining peat and digging ditches as a forced laborer; extreme hunger; moving to the Trakai ghetto; deportation of her grandparents and youngest sister; her father's escape from the ghetto (she never saw him again); and deportation to Stutthof with her mother and sister. Mrs. S. describes futile efforts to help her sister avoid selection; transfer with her mother to Elbing, then five months later to Neumarkt; assistance from Italian prisoners of war; transfer to jail; a death march...

  18. Thomas F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Thomas F., who was born in Illinois. He describes growing up with Jewish friends; his indignation upon encountering antisemitism in college; naval service in the Pacific, then in the Department of Special Assignments in the Bureau of Naval Ordinance in Washington; being assigned to "confirm unusual circumstances discovered" in Ohrdruf in April 1945; shock and horror upon observing stacks of emaciated bodies; returning to the United States; submitting a written report; and new assignments. Mr. F. discusses learning about concentration camps in the press and connecting ...

  19. Rella W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Rella W., who was born in Mukacheve, Czechoslovakia in 1921, the oldest of eight children. She recalls her family's Hasidism; attending a Czech school; a large and close extended family; Hungarian occupation; one brother's conscription into a Hungarian slave labor battalion; ghettoization; obtaining false papers as a non-Jew; traveling to Budapest; arrest upon arrival; release to a ghetto the next day; deportation to Auschwitz; transfer to Płaszów; slave labor building roads; local prisoners sharing food; transfer back to Auschwitz four months later; seeing her siste...

  20. Ester S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ester S., who was born in Šal̕a, Czechoslovakia (presently Slovakia) in 1927, the second of four children. She recounts a wonderful childhood; attending a Jewish school, then public high school; her uncle's emigration to Palestine in 1938; Hungarian occupation; antisemitic harassment by classmates; anti-Jewish restrictions resulting in termination of her father's job in 1942; knitting socks to help support the family; her father's arrest; visiting him in Trnovec; his release; visiting relatives in Nové Zámky; meeting her future husband; his draft into a Hungarian s...