Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 2,241 to 2,260 of 26,867
Language of Description: English
Country: United States
  1. Buessing factory; parade in Braunschweig

    People in front of a sign: “Barenberger Hof Goethe Haus.” Ethel with a shawl sitting on the grass next to Hans. They paddle in a canoe. He waves. INT, men in white coats study a metal cylinder. Board with measuring tools. Another man looks through the cylinder. Procession through the streets, led by a man with a sign: “BUESSING NAG.” Buessing was a German bus and truck manufacturer in Braunschweig. Military band marches, followed by others. A man carries a large swastika flag; hand raised in salute in FG. Concessions with signs advertising “Waffel; Butter.” Men in suits stand side-by-side, ...

  2. Donations for European Jewry collection

    Three documents concerning donations for European Jewry, during World War II and later. Palestine, dated 1943-1948. Includes a donation card for child refugees, printed on behalf of the Civil Guard, Tel-Aviv, Hanukkah, [1943]; a printed letter to school children in Tel-Aviv, calling them to assist in collection of clothes and donations for Jewish refugees in Russia; a printed card on behalf of "HaMifal leAliyat Yalday Israel," Keren HaYessod, national council in Palestine, showing a print by Aryeh Alweil under the title (in Hebrew), "We shall take them out from slavery to freedom and from d...

  3. British Pathé (Unissued/Unused) -- Refugees are given clothing and food

    Titles read: "ALLIES FEED AND CLOTHE REFUGEES FROM WAR ZONES". Refugees (probably from Eastern Europe) carry bundles on their backs and heads walk to and from a building guarded by soldiers (unknown location). CUs of refugee adults and children outside the building. INT, women and children are given clothing. Refugees sit at long tables and eat. General view of refugees milling about outside the building.

  4. Collection of 3831 photographs made by members of the Peasant Movement Zbiór 3831 zdjęć wykonanych przez członków Ruchu Ludowego

    Consists of catalog cards with the photo collection from a grup of records: K4-BCH Lwów-Rawa Mazowiecka. Each card contains the photograph and its description along with the date (not always). Photographs relate to World War II: military actions, Polish Armed Forces in the West (Polskie Siły Zbrojne na Zachodzie, PSZ), prisoners of war, occupant policy, terror, Peasant Battalions (Bataliony Chłopskie, BCH)-Main Headquarters and armed units (partisans), and commemoration events after WWII.

  5. Lindemann family at home in Mascherode in 1942

    In Mascherode, Oda rides a bike, passes her baby sister Karin. Lindemann family walks down an avenue (repeat from earlier). Children on a residential street. Ethel walks with the two children. Sleds on the snowy street. Houses. Man on bicycle. The family in a different part of town. Large hall, Field. More rows of homes, mostly identical. “ENDE”

  6. Selected records relating to Romania's communist government's attempt to obtain Holocaust-related restitution from the Federal Republic of Germany

    The collection contains reproductions of Russian restitution applications as well as general records concerning the collaboration between Romanian and German authorities from 1938-1941. All records are translated into both Romanian and German. The records are organized in 31 containers that were given to the Archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1971 by the Romanian Ambassador to Germany. Container 1: Consists of 5 large folders comprising an estimated 5,000 pages concerning: Legislation concerning racial and political persecution, translations of the most relevant documents in Ger...

  7. Robert Kaldeck papers

    The collection consists of documents and correspondence regarding the experiences of Dr. Robert Kaldeck, including his emigration from Vienna, Austria in September 1938 with the intention of going to Mexico, where he had been granted asylum; his denial of entry into the United States and Mexico; his stay in Havana, Cuba, where he was given refuge after meeting with Cuban leader, Fulgencio Batista in February 1939; and his immigration to the United States in September 1939. The collection also documents his medical career in Austria and the United States, his efforts to rescue his parents Mo...

  8. Selected records of the city of Warsaw. City Board of the capital city of Warsaw Akta miasta Warszawy. Zarząd Miejski miasta stołecznego Warszawy (Sygn. 3)

    Records of the Social-Political Department of the City Board in Warsaw concerning Jewish associations from the post-war period: Correspondence, registration or refusal of registration, lists of associations, reports on activities, statutes, lists and members and personal files.

  9. Albert Henry Aronson collection

    Contains a "Programm fur die Ausländischen Ehrengäste des Führers," for an event dated April 20, 1939; the pamphlet was brought back to the U.S. after WWII by serviceman Albert Henry Aronson. Includes a letter written by Albert to his sister Emelia (Mitzi) Aronson Rosenberg (donor's mother) explaining how he found the brochure.

  10. Judenrat in Ujście Jezuickie Kolekcja dokumentów z gett i obozów Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej, 1939-1944. Judenraty Rada Żydowska Ujście Jezuickie (Sygn. 273)

    Records of the Judenrat in Ujście Jezuickie. Contains private documents: a letter written by Rozalia Polonecka from Ujście Jezuickie. It is handwritten "Goodbye" letter written before her execution, in the prison Wietrzychowice, September 18, 1942. Includes also a note from Dawid Polanecki explaining circumstances of Rozalia's writing, a note was written in Krakow Jan. 26, 1946.

  11. Kutschmann file from Moskovits Office Legajo Walter Kutschmann

    Records from the the office of Mr. José Moskovits, a Holocaust survivor and attorney in Buenos Aires. Consist of correspondence, memorandums, photographs and newspaper clippings relating to Nazi war criminal Walter Kutschmann who lived in Argentina after World War II under the false name Pedro Ricardo Olmo.

  12. Trencin county II Trenčianska župa II

    Administrative records of Trenčín county, with its seat in Žilina. Included are lists of Jews residing in Trenčín district, and in the district and city of Žilina as well as other districts; lists of Jews employed in various businesses; anti-Jewish regulations, circulars and decrees issued by the Ministry of the Interior and local authorities; and records pertaining to the expropriation of Jewish property and assets. Most of the records are for the period between 1940 until the mass round-ups and deportations in 1942.

  13. German soldiers on the eastern front

    Some damaged film. Wehrmacht soldiers in Lukow, Bobruisk, Smolensk in 1942. German men in uniform by car with W.H. on fender. Behind them, “Maison Roblot.” Officers. Men in shorts, one scrubs his shoes. Shirtless German soldier washes clothes. Others sit around a table to relax. They run laps. Military vehicles. Horses pull a covered wagon across a wooden bridge. Destroyed bridge. Men work with tools. “PATHEX”

  14. Central Committee of the Jews in Poland. Financial Department Centralny Komitet Żydów Polskich (CKŻP). Wydział Finansowy (Sygn. 303/VII)

    Records of the Centralny Komitet Żydów w Polsce (CKŻP). Wydział Finansowy (Central Committee of the Jews in Poland. Financial Department). Consist of administrative records, minutes, circular letters, ordinances and instructions for post-inspection reports from the field, correspondence on the budget matters, financial records, registers of Jewish children in care facilities, registers of teachers, and the like. Records relate to planning and controlling of the budget of the organization activities: in charities, culture, health, schools for Jewish communities, care of orphan children, publ...

  15. Selected records of the District Court in Łomża Sąd Okręgowy w Łomży (Sygn. 2142)

    Consist of court case files, notes, communist proclamations and newspapers, posters, postcards, arrest warrants, leaflets related to communist and anti-Polish activities of Jewish population in Łomża District after Polish independence. Jews were accused of organization of the local communist parties, participation in the plot designed to assassinate Polish independence, dissemination of anti-Polish publications, distribution of communist literature and slogans and banners, like: "Long Live Soviet Russia", "Worship to the chief of the international proletariat and peasantry, Karl Liebknecht,...

  16. Oral history interview with Nathan Burzinski

  17. Police Headquarters Munich Polizeidirektion München

    Case files of miscellaneous police matters and criminal investigations. includes numerous cases concerning the persecution, expulsion and registration of Jews during the Nazi period as well as relevant post-war cases, such as de-Nazification proceedings, police investigations of reported Nazi crimes, and investigations of neo-Nazi activities. Relevant examples include: police matters concerning Jews seeking to emigrate during the 1930s, including the issuance, renewal and confiscation of passports (examples: electronic folder 002, reel 02MUA 2000000142, file 11474; file 11478, and file 1147...

  18. Gerald Beigel collection

    Two identification cards issued to Gerald Beigel in Germany in 1946. One identifies him as a former prisoner of Auschwitz, the other as a former political prisoner of Dachau.

  19. Report of Fritz Linnenbuerger

    The thirteen page report was written by Dr. Fritz (Fred) Linnenbuerger (1873-1967) and chronicles his trip to Germany in the late summer of 1939. Linnenbuerger, a resident of Ashley, North Dakota, had immigrated to the United States from Germany in 1896. In 1939 Linnenbuerger was among nearly 70 German-Americans who had been invited to tour Germany by the German Teacher's Association. Among other tours and meetings the group was brought to view the Buchenwald concentration camp. This encounter is documented in the report and was included in a November 1939 article of the Dakota Freie Presse...