Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 22,321 to 22,340 of 26,867
Language of Description: English
Country: United States
  1. Odette B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Odette B., who was born in Paris, France in 1931, one of nine children. She recalls celebrating Jewish holidays with her grandparents; evacuation by the Red Cross in August 1939 because of impending war; her sister's birth in Saint-Lambert-du-Lattay on September 1; her mother arranging their baptism for protection (they still felt they were Jewish), which did not help; deportation of her father, two older brothers, and sister in July 1942; learning her grandparents were deported from Paris; her mother's illnesses; caring for the family; with help from non-Jews, travel...

  2. Leon W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Leon W., who was born into a middle income family in ?o?dz?, Poland, in 1925. Mr. W. recalls his happy childhood, widespread denial in the wake of the outbreak of the war; and the formation of the ?o?dz? ghetto. He vividly describes conditions in the ghetto: forced labor, the harrowing effects of intense hunger, the deterioration of interpersonal relationships, selections, and infanticide. He tells of his arrest in May, 1944; his transfer to Cze?stochowa, where he worked in an airplane factory; his evacuation from that camp at the end of 1944 to Buchenwald and from th...

  3. Alexander E. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Alexander E., who was born in Łódź, Poland, in 1928, an only child. He recounts his family's affluence; attending a Jewish private school; grand celebrations of Jewish holidays at his maternal grandparents' home; German invasion; his father's brief flight east; ghettoization; his grandfather's non-Jewish former employee bringing them food; his father's privileged position managing meat distribution; studying with a private tutor; he and his mother working in a factory; his extended family of ten hiding during a round-up; his grandfather's death; fear of frequent tra...

  4. Rene? R. Holocaust tesimony

    Videotape testimony of Rene? R., who was born in Brussels, Belgium in 1918. He recounts his parents' emigration from Poland; their militant participation in the Bund; his own leftist activities; working as a civil servant for the Ministry of Health; German invasion; anti-Jewish measures; working for the Front de l'Inde?pendance and other Resistance groups; his brother's arrest as a Resistant; his arrest in July 1943; eight months in Breendonk; a German guard sending his letters to his family; transfer to Malines as a Jew; gaining weight there, to which he attributes his survival; deportatio...

  5. Hillel K. Holocaust testimony

    Videorecording testimony of Hillel K., born in Krako?w in 1923, a distinguished psychiatrist who has dedicated his life to the study and treatment of Holocaust survivors and their families. He speaks of his prewar involvement in the socialist-zionist movement; his escape to Mielec at the outbreak of the war; his return to Krako?w after being forced to work for the Germans; spiritual resistance of the Jewish community of Krako?w; his flight to Dobczyce upon the ghettoization of Krako?w; his internment in the P?aszo?w labor camp; and his escape to Wieliczka, where he arranged to have his pare...

  6. Anna G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Anna G., who was born in Drohobych, Ukraine (then Poland), in 1929. She speaks of her prewar life, life under Russian occupation, and her experience of the German occupation of her town. She notes the worsening conditions under German occupation, culminating in the deportations and (as they learned only later) mass murder of Jews, including Mrs. G.'s mother, sister, and young niece. She tells of living with her father and brother in Drohobych; in the Gestapo camp on Janowska Street, where she had to hide in a closet for over a year and was finally discovered by a Germ...

  7. Future imperfect

    In this edited program, survivors reflect on the effects of their Holocaust experiences upon their lives and those of their children.

  8. Henry A. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Henry A., who was born in Jasło, Poland in 1922. He recounts cordial relations with non-Jews (many assisted him when he escaped in 1943); German invasion; fleeing to the Soviet zone; imprisonment in Lʹvov; release three weeks later; returning home; ghettoization in 1941; moving to Jedlicze in late 1942; selection to work in a refinery (his father and brother were deported and killed); placing his young cousin with a non-Jew (she survived); transfer to the Rzeszów ghetto in late 1942; transfer to Płaszów; surgery without anesthesia; escaping four weeks later; hiding ...

  9. Zoe R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Zoe R., who was born in Cluj, Romania in 1925, an only child. She recounts her parents' divorce when she was three; attending the school of a Neolog synagogue; participating in Hashomer Hatzair; Hungarian occupation; antisemitic legislation; German invasion in spring 1944; round-up with her mother to a building with thousands of other Jews; deportation to Auschwitz/Birkenau; separation from her mother (she never saw her again); fellow prisoners holding her when she fainted during an appell; frequent selections; transfer to Frankfurt; slave labor for Organisation Todt;...

  10. Raisa B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Raisa B., who was born in Cherkasy, Ukraine in 1934. She recalls German invasion in 1941; fleeing to Poltava with her mother and brother; fleeing with her mother and a friends' daughter, using false names; traveling from village to village; her mother and friend working on a collective farm; leaving the friend, fearing exposure as Jews; in winter 1942, staying with a Ukrainian family who gave them their identity papers; arrest and interrogation in Karlovka; their release with assistance from a non-Jewish policeman; wandering in the Poltava area near Fedunka and Mirosh...

  11. Susan B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Susan B., who was born in Vienna, Austria in 1929. She recounts being raised as a Catholic (her mother was Lutheran and her father Jewish); performing at the Vienna State Theater; the Anschluss; her father's harassment by a Hitler Youth; his incarceration in Dachau; obtaining British visas with assistance from her half-sister; traveling with her mother to London in November 1938; living in a foster home with a Jewish girl from Breslau; her mother working as a domestic; a wonderful relationship with her foster mother and sister; her father's arrival; visits from her pa...

  12. Manfred H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Manfred H., who was born in Stettin, Germany (presently Szczecin, Poland) in 1934. He recalls attending a Jewish school; confiscation of his father's business in 1938; his father's arrest on Kristallnacht; his return after three months; receiving papers for three for Palestine; his father deciding they would stay so no one would be left behind; deportation of Jews from Stettin to Be?z?yce in 1940; his brother's job in the Jewish police protecting them; hiding during round-ups; ghettoization; transfer with his parents and brother to Budzyn?; slave labor in a Heinkel ai...

  13. Pola J. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Pola J., who was born in Rovno, Poland in 1927, and raised in the shtetl Antono?wka. Mrs. J. describes mutual respect among Jews, Poles and Ukrainians; a school teacher who tried to incite anti-Semitic conflict; Soviet occupation; her mother's refusal to flee east in 1941; robberies and killings by Ukrainians; forced labor; and being sent by her mother to sleep with a Ukrainian family. She tells of her mother's disappearance in Rovno in mid-1942; fleeing with her father, brother, and aunt to the woods; being caught and nearly killed in October 1942; building a bunker;...

  14. Evelyn R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Evelyn R., who was born in Breslau, Germany in 1930. She recounts her maternal family's distinguished rabbinical ancestry; her father's service in World War I; her mother's successful business; her father's reluctance to leave Germany after Hitler's election in 1933, believing his status as a veteran protected them; loss of the business and expulsion from school following the Nuremberg laws; attending a Jewish school; selling family valuables; destruction during Kristallnacht; her father's incarceration in Buchenwald; her mother purchasing tickets to Shanghai; her fat...

  15. Leona K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Leona K., who was born in Nowe Miasto nad Pilicą, Poland in 1926, one of five children. She recalls her large and close extended family; antisemitic policies at school; German invasion; she and her family visiting her married sister in Warsaw; ghettoization; their return to Nowe Miasto; ghettoization; working outside the ghetto as a maid for a German family; deportation to Auschwitz/Birkenau in November 1942; remaining with two sisters and cousins when separated from her family; slave labor digging ditches in bitter cold; carrying the dead back to camp; learning of t...

  16. Lea B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Lea B., who was born in Paris, France in 1931 to Polish immigrants. She recalls hearing antisemitic remarks directed at her family; her father serving in the French military when war began in 1939; his return in 1940; his detention in Beaune-la-Rolande in 1941; visiting him; his gifts of hand-carved items; finding he was not there when they visited in 1942; her mother's illness; placement with her brother in a children's home; hiding with her brother when police took all the children and staff in 1943 (no one returned); taking the subway home after everyone had left; ...

  17. Yvonne S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Yvonne S., who was born in Berlin, Germany in 1927. She recalls her family's move to Paris in 1933; a comfortable life in Neuilly; attending Catholic school; her parents' divorce; moving to Holland with her mother and sister in 1938 to join her grandparents and other relatives; a brief stay in Paris; return to Amsterdam; German invasion; anti-Jewish measures including compulsory wearing of the yellow star and expulsion from school; attending Jewish school; disappearances of schoolmates; her grandparents' arrest and deportation (she never saw them again); going into hi...

  18. Cecile J. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Cecile J., who was born in Anderlecht , Belgium in 1931, one of three children. She recalls moving to Woluwe?-Saint-Pierre; her family's assimilated lifestyle; attending public school; antisemitic insults; vacations in Ostend; German invasion in May 1940; briefly fleeing to Lille; memorizing addresses of relatives in the United States; expulsion from school and wearing the star; round-ups in September 1942; her parents hiding her younger brother in a sanitarium; their arrest in January 1943 when she and her older sister were not home; being hidden by neighbors, then i...

  19. Bluma B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Bluma B., who was born in Warsaw (Praga), Poland in 1922. She recalls graduation from gymnasium in June 1939; German invasion; ghettoization; a Judenrat member helping her family locate living quarters; round-ups by Jewish police; streets strewn with corpses; her mother's and sister's deportation (she never saw them again); forced factory labor; living with her father at Mila 5; youth activities; surviving the big selection at the end of 1942; hiding with her father in a bunker during the winter; the Jewish uprising in 1943; being burned out; deportation to Majdanek; ...

  20. Klara S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Klara S., who was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1927. She recounts attending a Jewish school; her father's medical practice; bombing of their building during German invasion marking the end of her childhood; illegally entering Soviet-occupied territory with her mother in November; living with relatives in Białystok; her father joining them in spring 1940; arrest by Soviets while illegally attempting to enter Lithuania; brief imprisonment with her mother in Lida; her father's imprisonment in Baranovichi; returning to Białystok in May; living in Slonim; attending a Soviet s...