Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 22,241 to 22,260 of 26,867
Language of Description: English
Country: United States
  1. Ella and Leon S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ella S., who was born in Bielsko-Bia?a, Poland in 1918, and her husband Leon S., who was born in Lv?ov, Ukraine in 1918. Mr. S. describes details of his childhood in Kolomyya as the youngest of six children; attending high school where he edited a literary journal; training as a violinist; attending medical school; and anti-Semitic incidents throughout. Mrs. S. describes her family of four sisters; her parents' emphasis upon higher education; attending medical school in Lv?ov, where she met her husband; the Soviet occupation of Lv?ov and the hardships that resulted; t...

  2. Jan V. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jan V., a Christian rescuer, who was born in Amsterdam, Netherlands. He recounts attending school with Jews, but noting no differences or prejudice; anti-Jewish laws after German invasion; asking his minister, a liberal protestant, what he could do about Jews being "picked up"; being told to hide Jews in his home (he lived in a boarding house and could not); being approached by a contact of the minister to help find homes in which to hide Jewish children; contacting the liberal ministers in Arnhem for assistance; placing many Jewish children in hiding; additional assi...

  3. Adrienne K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Adrienne K., who was born in Cluj, Romania in 1923. This testimony includes virtually all of the information in an earlier interview (HVT-199). Additional topics discussed include her pain at learning details of the killing process at Auschwitz, where her family perished; detailed descriptions of the work she did there in a munitions factory and the camp "hospital"; and hiding in the hospital while ill with typhus to avoid deportation to a death camp. She tells of her postwar position as administrator of a hospital in Waldenburg (Wa?brzych); her return to her home tow...

  4. Jacques G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jacques G., who was born in Athens, Greece in 1912. He recalls moving to Thessalonike?; his father's Italian citizenship; German invasion; marriage in 1943; moving to Athens with his family due to their citizenship; benign conditions under Italian occupation; Italian capitulation in fall 1943; deportation with his family to Auschwitz in April 1944; selection with his brother for the Sonderkommando; working with him in Crematorium II moving bodies; a friend committing suicide on an open pyre; visiting his wife twice in the women's camp; bringing her food; recognizing t...

  5. Chana S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Chana S., who was born in Da?browa Go?rnicza, Poland. She recalls attending business school in Sosnowiec; German invasion; volunteering for forced labor in 1941 so her sister would not have to go; slave labor in Gru?nberg; assistance from the camp elder and a neighbor from home; a death march to Bergen-Belsen in winter 1944/45; an aborted escape attempt; a beating; not reporting deaths in order to obtain additional rations; contracting typhus; liberation (she was not conscious); returning to Poland seeking relatives (only two cousins survived out of her family of 200)...

  6. Yosef P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Yosef P., who was born in Kletsk, Poland (presently Belarus) in 1923. He recalls attending a Tarbut school, then a Jewish gymnasium in Baranavichy; his family's Zionist leanings; participating in Hashomer Hatzair; Soviet occupation in 1939; transfer to a Soviet school; German invasion; forced labor; a round-up in October 1941; his aunt including his family with her working group; thousands of others being shot in a mass killing; ghettoization; policeman surrounding the ghetto in July 1942; setting fire to houses, then escaping with others to a forest; learning his mot...

  7. Kurt R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Kurt R., who was born in Vienna, Austria in 1913. He recalls his family's orthodoxy; attending medical school; violence against Jewish students; the Anschluss; anti-Jewish restrictions and violence, including expulsion from medical school; obtaining visas for his parents to Czechoslovakia; smuggling himself and his younger sister to Czechoslovakia in September 1938 with assistance from Czech army officers; reunion with their parents in Trenc?i?n; forced labor; volunteering to enter Novaky labor camp in 1942 to avoid deportation; his parents' and sister's arrival; meet...

  8. Friedel M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Friedel M., who was born in Frankfurt am Main, Germany in approximately 1921. She recounts her family's orthodoxy; being raised by their maid; her father's death when she was six; spending Jewish holidays with grandparents in Bierstadt; attending a Jewish school; her mother's remarriage in 1933; antisemitic harassment, restrictions, and boycotts; fearing arrest during her brother's bar mitzvah in 1935, since gatherings were prohibited; his emigration to the United States to join her mother's sister; obtaining U.S. visas in Stuttgart; emigration with her mother and ste...

  9. Beba L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Beba L., who was born in Vilna, Poland in 1925. She recounts her grandfather's partnership in Rom Publishing; attending private school; Soviet occupation; German invasion in June 1941; anti-Jewish restrictions; round-ups of people who never returned; ghettoization in September; being hidden with a non-Jewish family for three months; their priest's efforts to convert her (she did not care, if it led to her survival); visiting the ghetto, not intending to stay; finding her immediate family of seven gone; living with an aunt; receiving food from her former non-Jewish mai...

  10. Tzvi K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Tzvi K., who was born in Jazłowiec, Poland (presently Pomortsy, Ukraine) in 1929. He recalls younger twin siblings; attending Polish school and cheder; antisemitic harassment; Soviet occupation in 1939; German invasion; forced evacuation to Zolotyy Potik; returning home a few months later; his father's death from typhus; ghettoization in Buchach; forced labor in Borki Wielkic; escaping; returning to Buchach; escaping to the forest in a group, including his mother and siblings; separation from his mother and brother; hiding in a village; returning to Buchach; learning ...

  11. Ben S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ben S., who was born in Opa?tow, Poland in 1925. He recalls attending public school and yeshiva; German occupation in 1939; ghettoization including Jews from surrounding areas; deportation in August 1942 with 800 others to Skarz?ysko-Kamienna; forced labor in the ammunition factory; an injury resulting in blindness in one eye; appells; and brutality and killings by guards. Mr. S. tells of transfer after eighteen months; chaotic conditions in Piotrko?w; receiving food from a Pole who had worked for his father; transfer to Buchenwald in open rail cars; a German who gave...

  12. Bella M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Bella M., who was born in Hungary in 1904 and grew up in Csecse. She recalls studying in Koma?rom, Budapest, and Vienna; obtaining a permit to retain her lingerie workshop despite the law against it; her husband's compulsory service in a labor battalion; an unsuccessful attempt to hide after Szaloshi came to power in 1944; incarceration in a brick factory; escaping with sick women to Gyo?r; organizing treatment and food for the Jewish women with assistance from a doctor and men from a Jewish labor battalion; contacting their friends and relatives through a peasant; es...

  13. Tibor M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Tibor M., who was born in Budapest, Hungary in 1918, the youngest of three sons. He recounts his mother's death in 1940; draft with his brothers into a Hungarian slave labor battalion; three months in Sa?toraljau?jhely; returning home; recall in 1942; reporting to Nagyka?ta; slave labor on the Russian front including Kiev and Seredyna-Buda; frequent beatings; learning one brother had been killed; Soviet partisans freeing them; separation from the partisans and re-capture; retreating with Axis troops; bombings by Soviets; improved treatment under the Wehrmacht in 1943;...

  14. Yakov S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Yakov S., who was born in Slonim, Poland in 1920. He recalls attending Jewish schools; pervasive antisemitism; Soviet occupation in 1939; studying in Lʹviv; returning home to help support his family; working in Białystok; German invasion in 1941; returning home; anti-Jewish restrictions; Polish friends turning on them; ghettoization; forced labor; being caught in a round-up for a mass shooting; being left for dead in the grave; tunneling out at night; returning to the ghetto; his brother advising him not to tell anyone what happened; joining the underground with his b...

  15. Sarah B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Sarah B., who was born in ?o?dz?, Poland in 1924. She recalls antisemitic graffiti; German invasion in September 1939; anti-Jewish measures; ghettoization in March 1940; pervasive hunger and sickness; her father's death from starvation in May 1942; forced labor; her mother's efforts to raise their spirits; her sister receiving extra food after singing for H?ayim Rumkowski; deportation to Auschwitz/Birkenau; learning of the crematoria; transfer to Ludwigshafen, then Unterlu?ss; slave labor; transfer to Bergen-Belsen; assistance from other prisoners en route; surgery on...

  16. Libiena E. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Libiena E., who was born in Nová Paka, Czechoslovakia (presently Czech Republic) in 1923, the youngest of five children. She recounts her family moving to Pardubice; attending school; their move to Prague in 1935; German occupation in 1939; surprise when her parents informed them they were Jewish; an uncle's arrest by the Gestapo (they never saw him again); anti-Jewish restrictions; expulsion from school; a non-Jewish teacher's offer to remain; choosing to work; removing her star to attend movies and swim; deportation with her parents to the Łódź ghetto; working in...

  17. Reuven L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Reuven L., who was born in Kaunas, Lithuania in 1927. He describes his father's prominence as a lawyer and his mother's as a gynecologist; his father's assistance to Jewish refugees from Germany and Poland; Soviet occupation; his father's arrest as a capitalist; Lithuanians killing Jews after Germany invaded the Soviet Union prior to entering Kaunas; ghettoization; forced labor at the airport, hunger, and killings; his parents arranging their escape with assistance from a priest; hiding in a monastery, then, using false papers, on a farm and with a Lithuanian woman; f...

  18. Jack K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jack K., who was born in Wieliczka, Poland in 1924, the oldest of seven children. He recalls cordial relations with non-Jews until 1936; attending yeshiva and public school in Krako?w until 1939; German invasion; ghettoization and formation of a Judenrat; finding his father's body after a mass murder; the influx of Jews from Krako?w to Wieliczka; forced labor at degrading tasks; transfer to Pustko?w; daily hangings; escape to Wieliczka; hiding; and working to obtain food for his siblings. Mr. K. recounts incidents in the Krako?w ghetto, Wieliczka, P?aszo?w, and anothe...

  19. Bill G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Bill G., who was born in Satu Mare, Romania in 1930. He recalls his large and close, extended family; pervasive antisemitism; Hungarian occupation in 1940; anti-Jewish measures; his parents' disbelief that anything could happen to them; his older brother moving to Budapest; German occupation in 1944; ghettoization; deportation with his parents and sister; German guards taking over from Hungarians in Kos?ice; separation from his family in Birkenau (he never saw his mother again); his initial psychological trauma; help from prisoners in adjusting; his decision to be men...