Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 21,401 to 21,420 of 26,867
Language of Description: English
Country: United States
  1. Stanley Becker collection

    The collection consists of 4 framed drawings (black ink and graphite) on paper by Arthur Szyk.

  2. Donald H. Harter family collection

    The collection consists of a megillah and a print relating to the experiences of Harry and Lenore Hirschberg and their children who left Nazi Germany for the United States in 1938.

  3. Elizabeth Margosches family collection

    The collection consists of artifacts, design artwork, buttons, coins, pencils, sewing materials, wallets, biographical materials, correspondence, a diary, documents, photographs, books and other printed materials, and immigration, restitution, and subject files relating to the experiences of the Margosches and Reik families in Czechoslovakia, France, England, the United States, and Brazil before, during, and after the Holocaust.

  4. Marion Sapir collection

    The collection consists of a set of Theresienstadt ghetto-labor camp scrip issued to Marion Sapir who was an inmate in the camp during the Holocaust.

  5. Steven Schuyler collection

    Postcards, black and white images from Israelitsches Kinderheim Koln; almanac, gray cover with Star of David image, title "Kulturbund Deutscher Juden Almanach 1934-1935"; book, cardboard cover with image of two flowering trees, title "Die Haggadah des Kindes"; calendar, for 1938-1939, pages for each month attached to yellow cardboard backing, photographic imges of children on backing, issued by Israelitsches Kinderheim Koln.

  6. Betty Willdorff collection

    The collection consists of two spoons made of coins. There is a coin on each end with a twisted metal handle. The spoons were made of coins to be used instead of currency in the Netherlands during World War II.

  7. Ruth Schaffer collection

    The collection consists of pages from a scrapbook, photographs, an "Intourist" ticket booklet, and a bank note from the USSR that relate to the experiences of Ruth Schaffer Lax during World War II.

  8. Kirszencwajg family collection

    Consists of letters, postcards and envelopes written in the Warsaw ghetto by the donor's family to Vilna, Poland, Melbourne, Australia, and Shanghai, China; documents; relating to the donor and his family life in Poland before the war, in Shanghai during the war, and in Melbourne, Australia after the war; and photographs;depicting the donor and his family in Warsaw before the war and later in Vilna, Kobe, Japan, and Shanghai.

  9. Honigberg family collection

    The collection consists of a hatbox, luggage tags, postcards, Japanese phrase books, pamphlets, and other items used by the Honigberg family during their flight from German occupied Europe to Kobe, Japan.

  10. Leon Apfel collection

    The collection consists of a compass and case and a photograph relating to the experiences of Leon Apfel and Lea Apfel-Bierlaire before and during the Holocaust.

  11. Patrick Gleason collection

    The collection consists of two Nazi party posters.

  12. Julius de Clercq Zubli collection

    The collection consists of a concentration camp uniform jacket and a prisoner identification bracelet relating to the experiences of Dr. Julius de Clercq Zubli as an inmate of Sachsenhausen concentration camp in Germany following his deportation from the Netherlands for resistance activities during the Holocaust.

  13. Arthur Szyk collection

    The collection consists of eleven lithographs by Arthur Szyk, two offset lithographs, Peace on earth to men of good will and General Wladyslaw Sikorski, and one portfolio of nine first edition lithographs from the series, Visual History of Nations (1945-1949.}

  14. Paula Catell collection

    The collection consists of 7 posters advertising concerts featuring Albert Catell donor's husband in Palestine/Israel and Egypt during the 1940s.

  15. Jlse-Maria Von Pape collection

    Collection of 5 silver items consisting of 1 silver powder box and 4 silver cake forks retrieved in the former Warsaw Ghetto by donor's husband immediately following WWII.

  16. Edward J. Marohn collection

    The collection consists of a drawing and a negative photocopy of the drawing.

  17. Steven Vogel collection

    The collection consists of a cotton shirt and a leather belt worn by Steven Vogel as he exited Mauthausen concentration camp upon liberation in April 1945. Steven Vogel took the shirt and belt from an SS storeroom housing clothing and supplies at the camp. Letter: handwritten by Tomi Baratod [sic] in Budapest addressed to "Pistka" [sic], dated December 14, 1946. Letter describes events in Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland after Steven was evacuated from there to Mauthausen concentration camp in Austria. Written by a friend of Steven's who remained in Auschwitz and detailed his experien...

  18. Jeanne Bowen collection

    The collection consists of four prints from Arthur Szyk's holiday portfolio and include "Simchat Torah," "Chanukah," "Rosh Hashanah," and "Passover."

  19. Patrick D. Gleason collection

    Consists of badges, ballots, broadsides, and posters relating to the 1933 elections in Germany. Also includes a ballot for the Austrian Anschluss plebescite.

  20. Jaworski family collection

    Consists of photographs of the Jaworski family, including of Maria Teicher, the donor's mother, in the Polish and Soviet Armies, 1942 - 1946; in the Szczebrzesyn ghetto in 1941; and after the war in Sopot and Lublin, Poland. Al;so includes a six-pointed yellow star patch, with "Jood" printed in the center in in black ink; on the verso is a Nazi emblem of an eagle with extended wings holding a wreath, printed in black ink.