Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 2,121 to 2,140 of 26,867
Language of Description: English
Country: United States
  1. Gestapo Düsseldorf Geheime Staatspolizei-Staatspolizeileitstelle Düsseldorf (RW 0058)

    Case files of individuals arrested by the Gestapo in the Rhine Land region, consisting of questionnaires, protocols, internments and dismissals, Schutzhaft orders, arrest orders, flyers, photographs, and biographical information with particular focus on the Communist Party in Germany and associated political organizations (Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands (KPD), Kommunistischer Jugendverband Deutschlands (KJVD), Kampfbund gegen den Faschismus, Roter Frontkämpferbund (RFB), Revolutionäre Gewerkschaftsopposition (RGO), Rot Sport, Aufbruch-Arbeitskreis, Ringbolschewisten); the Communist move...

  2. Jewish survivors in Yugoslavia photographs

    Collection of photographs depicting groups of Jewish Holocaust survivors in Yugoslavia after World War II. Includes images of survivors standing near empty rail cars that had transported Jews to the camps, as well as photos taken on the train tracks; also includes large group photo of refugees with a flag reading "Lochamei Ha Ghetaot' in Hebrew characters

  3. Collection of Rafael Gerstenfel Collectie Rafael Gerstenfel (P-122)

    Personal papers of Dr. Rafael Gerstenfeld relating to his activities in social work in the Netherlands. Includes minutes, reports, correspondence of the Joods Maatschappelijk Werk, JMW (Foundation of the Jewish Social Work), letters and applications for assistance (alphabetical order), various announcements, bulletins and correspondence (alphabetical order), and financial documents of the Verbond van Midden- en Oost-Europese Joden in Nederland (Federation of Central and Eastern European Jews in the Netherlands), other materials: List of people who received assistance, various documents rela...

  4. Death cards from the Warsaw Ghetto Karty zgonów z getta warszawskiego (Sygn. 221/15)

    This collection contains death cards of the deceased in the Warsaw ghetto, which were handed over to the Jewish Historical Institute in the 1990s. This consists of more or less a tenth of all cards issued in the ghetto counting 10,052 names, while before the liquidation in 1942 about 100,000 people died. The cards were prepared by the Health Department of the Jewish Council for the Statistical Department of the City Board in Warsaw. The cards were completed and signed by Jewish doctors in the ghetto, mainly from 1941. Note: Digitized cards are available online on the JHI website. There is a...

  5. I.L. Perec Jewish Public School No. 162 in Łódź Żydowska Szkoła Powszechna nr 162 im. I. L. Pereca w Łodzi (Sygn. 2340)

    The collection includes: assessment books, books of school council, class books and grades. Contains lists of school children. After the war, it was the only Jewish school in Łódź, children who survived the war and had the experience of ghettos and camps were learning there. In the school, alongside Polish and Polish history, Hebrew and Yiddish were taught. Among the graduates of this school was Henryk Grynberg, a writer living after 1968 in the USA. In 2009, a film directed by Sławomir Grunberg entitled "The Peretzniks" was made, telling the story of the school and its pupils spreading aro...

  6. Selected records related to the history of Jews in the Alytus region, Lithuania

    Records of the Alytus State Notary Office and the Alytus Court pertaining to the inheritance, purchase, and sale of the Jewish-owned properties located in the Alytus district, Lithuania after WWII: certificates of the right of inheritance (1947-1948), sale and purchase agreements (1947), and judgments and decisions of civil cases (1945-1950).

  7. Ministry of Foreign Affairs : Deportation and arrests of Danish citizens. Name index of arrested and deported persons (Index cards) (Group 84.G.5-A- Ø)

    Consist records relating to German arrests of Danish citizens organized alphabetically in the name index cards. On the index card are listed: Name, birthday, date for arrest, date for deportation, reason for arrest, name of the KZ-camps and record number.

  8. Gray wood and metal ladder used while in hiding by a Polish Jewish concentration camp inmate

    Ladder used by Michael Goldmann (later Goldmann-Gilead), Chanan Ansbacher, and Eli Heilman to hide in Konrad and Regina Zimoń’s hayloft in January 1945, in Rybnik, Poland. The men had escaped from a forced march after Auschwitz concentration camp was evacuated. They hid for a week, during which time the Zimoń’s oldest daughter, Stefania, regularly brought them food. In summer 1939, fearing a German invasion, Michael’s family left Katowice, Poland, and went to stay with relatives in Bircza. In September 1939, Germany and the Soviet Union invaded Poland, and Bircza fell under Soviet control. ...

  9. Sax family collection

    Collection of correspondence between Ervin Sax, a Jewish soldier in the British Army, who was captured by the Germans and held in Stalag VIIIB as a British POW, and his wife Gabriella in Palestine. Several letters concern the attempts by both to work with Mandate authorities to secure their house in Czechoslovakia. Several letters were facilitated through the Red Cross.

  10. Prison at the Daniłowiczowska Street in Warsaw Więzienie przy ulicy Daniłowiczowskiej w Warszawie (Sygn.210)

    Records of the Centralny Areszt w Warszawie-"Centralniak" at the Daniłowiczowska Street in Warsaw. Includes a register of persons detained in the prison, the book of prisoners, lists of arrests, prisoners' index, file of Janina Serafin and Noech Lejba Troper.

  11. Records on the Holocaust in North Africa from the German Federal Archives Freiburg and Berlin

    Records on German military actions in Tunis, and Africa, mostly administrated by Obersturmbannführer Walter Rauff, and secret reports on Africa and its Jewish population by the Reichssicherheitshauptamt, and Reichsführer SS. Includes war diaries of the German Naval Command North Africa and German Naval Command Tunisia, summary reports, radio messages from the combat area in Libya and from the battle area in North Africa, reports relating to political situation in Libya, Morocco, and to "Jewish questions" in South Africa, newspaper clippings and agency reports about the situation of Jews in ...

  12. Faber family collection

    Contains letters and documents related to the Faber family, from WWI-era to 1957. Also contains two postcards, one dated January 7, 1935, addressed to Karl Faber of Warsaw; the other dated June 27, 1939, from Hermann Israel Wolf of Frankfurt am Main, addressed to family in Tel Aviv, Palestine. Also includes WWI-era military photos of Jakob Kallmann; a photograph of a tombstone for Jakob Faber; and a photo of a house. Also includes a photographic postcard and a 1915 German military identification book (Militarpass) for Otto Guenther.

  13. Selected records of the Voivodship Office of Silesia in Katowice Urząd Wojewódzki Śląski w Katowicach (Sygn. 185)

    Selected records of the Urząd Wojewódzki Śląski w Katowicach (Voivodship Office of Silesia in Katowice) related to complicated socio-political situation in Silesia after World War II: General and political situational reports, correspondence, regulations, registers, leaflets, appeals, and newspaper cllipings. It contains reports on the political and security situation in Katowice districts, such as terrorist acts, robberies, rapes on women by members of the Red Army stationed in Silesia, the strike in the Jowisz mine in Wojkowice Komornych, and strike in the Radzionków mine, Volksdeutsch ma...

  14. Meyer family collection

    The Meyer family collection consists of documents, photocopies, social reports, and a photograph illustrating the experiences of Lotte (née Weil), Ernest (Ernst Meijer), and Bob Meyer (b. 1939) during the Holocaust in the Netherlands and their subsequent immigration to the U.S. in 1948. Original U.S. Naturalization Certificates for Ernest and Lotte Meyer conferred on 4 May 1953 are included as well as restitution claims, a medical evaluation regarding Lotte Meyer, and a social worker report regarding Bob Meyer that requests recognition and assistance as a victim of persecution under the Net...

  15. Lore and Simon Rosen family papers

    Identification documents, military records, immigration documents, postcards, and photographs documenting the Holocaust-era experiences of Lore (née Baron) and Simon Rosen, both of whom survived in England. Documents include is Lore’s 1939 Kindertransport identification card, British Army pay books and Soldier’s Release Books, Simon’s British passport, documents related to the Rosen’s immigration to Canada from Israel in 1954, and a copy of Simon’s relative Edna Rosine’s immigration paperwork to Liverpool, England in 1918. Also included are postcards of Malemort-sur-Corrèze, France, where L...

  16. Esther and Robert Born papers

    The collection primarily consists of a diary kept by Esther Born (née Wittlin), originally of Żółkiew, Poland (present-day Zhovkva, Ukraine), who survived the Holocaust in hiding. The diary is handwritten in Polish on loose sheets of paper, and included is a typed English language translation. It describes in detail the family’s flight from Żółkiew and their experiences while in hiding. Also included in the collection is Esther’s autograph book from Bytom, Poland, and the Memmingen and Wegsheid DP camps, 1945-1947; a 1953 essay about her arrival in the United States; a Wittlin family tree; ...

  17. Sussman family papers

    The Sussman family papers document the prewar and wartime experiences of Leo and Rachel Sussman in Vienna, Austria and Switzerland. The collection includes a school certificate, an approval for travel from the St. Gallen Foreign Office, an identification card, and a United States war ration book for Rachel Sussman as well as an identification card for Leo Sussman. Also included is correspondence from Chanine Stroh, Rachel Sussman, and Leo Sussman. Sussman family photographs depict Leo’s father Josef Sussman, Leo’s brother, Moritz Sussman as well as Leo and Rachel Sussman. Stroh family photo...

  18. Selected records of the Staatsanwaltschat bei dem Landgericht Zichenau Akta Prokuratur Niemieckich Rejencji Ciechanowskiej (Sygn. 1205) : Wybrane materialy

    This collection contains regulations concerning penalties given to prisoners for the use of weapons, proceedings for escaped prisoners, penalties to Poles for leaving work, execution of sentences against Poles for penalties under 4 months of prison, treatment of prisoners suffering from typhus, health care for prisoners, fight against typhoid epidemic, correspondence from prisoners, individuals sent to labor camps. Other records include name lists of prisoners sentenced by district courts to a labor camp for conducting illegal trade and smuggling. Also included is a criminal case against a ...

  19. Pathé Front Page -- Nuremberg trials: verdicts announced; shots of war criminals; prosecutors and local civilians

    Title reads: "Nuremberg" Various shots of sentenced war criminals, Rudolf Hess and Franz Von Papen standing out from the group, chat together and bid farewell in the courtroom, while U.S. military police look on. Various shots of the citizens of Nuremberg buying "Nuremberger" newspapers and reading the result of the trials. American armoured cars patrolling the streets. American soldier inspecting pass of civilian CU of an emblem carved in stone on the outside wall of the Nuremberg Courthouse, showing scales encircled by a laurel wreath. HAS of British team of prosecutors (most in military ...