Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,341 to 1,360 of 22,191
Country: United States
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. Selected records of the Communal Council in Sędziszów Gminna Rada Narodowa w Sędziszowie (Sygn.1666)

    Contracts for the lease of Jewish real estate, ordinances, circulars, minutes of meetings, budget and financial documentation, correspondence related to abandoned properties, martyrdom and war damage. Includes registers of Jewish properties and population statistics,

  2. Playing outdoors in early summer 1938

    June 1938. Antonín and Michaela in the garden in Brno, Hlínky 18, bright red tulips. Michael on the balcony of the family home. Michaela pulls her brother in a toy car, the nanny helps. The children play with a toy castle doll-house with the red/white flag. 01:02:00 A woman walks from the house along the garden path. Garden furniture. The children play outdoors. Slow pan of the gardens. Woman (possibly the sister of Michael, Berta Freudenfeld, or her daughter, Lilli?) and teenage boy in dark suit (grandson of Berta, Gustav Landsmann, died in Auschwitz) closes the garden gate. 01:03:12 Vever...

  3. Selected records of the commune Topola Akta Gminy Topola (Sygn. 2230)

    Lists of commercial and industrial plants and their owner, lists of tax payers; files called "religious issues", 1926-1928 related to Jewish religious community; lists of inhabitants of the commune,1932-1948 and lists of those born between 1930-1932. Also consists files of the official correspondence regarding the forced labor of Jewish population, registration obligations, property registration and others. Includes very rare lists of Poles from the commune employed to transport Jews during the liquidation of ghettos in Miechów county, 1941-1944.

  4. Selected records of the commune Radzynów located in Olganów Akta Gminy Radzanów w Olganowie (Sygn. 2141)

    Lists of voters to the Sejm (Polish Parliament) from 1922 and 1930; census of Jews from 1930; index to permanent population books and records of postwar fate of the property belonging to Jews.

  5. Selected records of the Presidium of the Municipal Council in Chmielnik Prezydium Miejskiej Rady Narodowej w Chmielniku (Sygn. 2447)

    Records of the Jewish properties abandoned after war in Chmielnik, Poland. Included are official correspondence of the city council, rent registers, and registry books of individual properties with information about their previous Jewish owners.

  6. Wolfgang and Ruth Hannes papers

    Contains photographs, a photo album, documents, and postcards documenting the experience of Wolfgang and Ruth Hannes and their family.

  7. Bow tie

    Bow tie made for Joseph Feitler to be worn on the occasion of his Bar Mitzvah in 1938, Vienna, Austria, which was canceled by his mother after the Anschluss.

  8. Suitcase with handmade cover

    • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    • irn698902
    • English
    • 1948
    • a: Height: 7.630 inches (19.38 cm) | Width: 29.500 inches (74.93 cm) | Depth: 17.000 inches (43.18 cm) b: Height: 29.500 inches (74.93 cm) | Width: 17.000 inches (43.18 cm) c: Height: 3.750 inches (9.525 cm) | Width: 4.750 inches (12.065 cm)

    Suitcase that Cesia and Kuba Zaifman brought with them when they immigrated from German DP camp to Canada in 1948, and cover for suitcase as well as a Cunard White Star luggage label. The cover was made by Kuba Zaifman, a tailor, after he arrived in Canada.

  9. Laci Schiffer returns to Budapest for a visit

    Laci Schiffer visits home in Budapest around 1930 for the first time since emigrating to US in 1921. His father, Jonas, is in the garden. He walks with a cane and sits with his wife, Jenny, in garden chairs. Laci kisses them both. Erzsébet prepares to serve them cakes. Ernö helps his father stand; he waves. Trademark Pathex logo.

  10. Leo Banemann collection

    Contains an autograph book (Poesie) that belonged to Martha Lieberman; correspondence from 1938 regarding efforts by Martin Kohn of Baltimore to assist the family of Leo Banemann from Burgkundstadt, Germany, in their imigration to the United States; a postcard written by Leo Banemann from jail, dated Novermber 30, 1938; exhibition pamphlet and display; a passenger list booklet from the SS Manhattan dated May 1937; a passenger list booklet from the Orinoco dated 28 March 1939 regarding a voyage from Hamburg with stops in Havana, Veracruz, and Tampico; and photographs, including images from a...

  11. Oral history interview with Robert Neufeld

  12. Rudolph Ehrmann papers

    Contains original identification documents and reproductions of materials compiled to support the emigration from Nazi Germany of Jewish physician Rudolph Ehrmann, who arrived in the United States after September 1938 with his wife and son. Includes reproductions of letters from Albert Einstein concerning Dr. Ehrmann, a studio portrait of Dr. Ehrmann, and contemporary photographs of property that had belonged to the Ehrmann family in Germany.

  13. Aerial views of Paris; POW camp

    EXT shots of military planes, and a plane taking off. The propellors of plane 771 spin, preparing for take-off. People board plane V4. Aerial shots from plane show views of Paris and a chateau with large gardens. Clouds and the city below. 01:17:44 Two men stand in front of a military jeep smoking cigarettes. A young man in uniform walks towards the camera, hands in pockets and smiling. Building with an arched roof and a steeple has a sign in front that reads “Post Chapel”. 01:18:13 POW camp (?). Camera pans left to a plane, watchtower, a basketball court and rows of buildings. View from pl...

  14. Oral history interview with Jan Kupacz

  15. Torah breastplate

    Breast plate: silver, 19th century, for a Torah scroll entrusted to Lucie Sternberg Rosenberg by her father Manfred Sternberg. Manfred Sternberg was born in 1892 in Slavonska Pozega in the former Yugoslavia. The breast plate was likely carried from Zagreb, Croatia from where the family fled in 1941 to the United States [through Europe] and then entrusted to Lucie.