Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,301 to 1,320 of 22,191
Country: United States
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. Selected records of the Association of communities in Busko Związek gmin w Busku [Gemeindeverband in Busko] Sygn. 2123. Wybrane materialy

    Records related to the economic exploitation of the local population by the German occupation authorities: taxes, tributes and tolls. Includes lists of companies and a list of residents of the Busko region with statistics of Polish and Jewish people.

  2. Kreisgericht Krems: NS-Verfahren

    Postwar court records of Nazi-related cases in the district court in Krems, Austria.

  3. Wyższy Dowódca SS i Policji Wschód Der Höhere Schutzstaffeln (SS) und Polizeiführe Ost (GK 901)

    Consists of collection of orders of the Reichsführer-SS regarding the forced labor of Polish workers, 1939-1944, the organizational decree no. 1, 26 June 1942 regarding activities of police authorities in occupied Poland, set of guidelines for general matters, a daily order no. 46 regarding the transfer of officers to other positions, 1943; name lists of associates of SS-Obergruppenführer Krüger , and officers of the WD office, as well as names of civil and military administration institutions, and a name list of Polish and Ukrainian police in the General Government, 1940-1944. Includes a c...

  4. Social Anti-Communist Committee ANTYK Społeczny Komitet Antykomunistyczny ANTYK (Sygn. 1346/0)

    Selected records collected by the Społeczny Komitet Antykomunistyczny ANTYK (Social Anti-Communist Committee ANTYK). Includes instructions, reports, correspondence, files of members of the Komunistyczna Partia Polski, KPP (Communist Party of Poland), the Polska Partia Robotnicza, PPR (Polish Workers' Party), and the Gwardia Ludowa (People's Guard), propaganda materials, documentation of the Warsaw Uprising of 1944, judgments of special military courts, and reports of the Armia Krajowa (Home Army), and various publications.The materials were collected and hidden in a secret archive-the so-ca...

  5. Children play in the snow

    Sledding in snow in Brno in February 1940 in front of their home. Antonin and Michaela take turns on the sled in the streets of Brno with their nanny. They play in the snowy gardens behind the home, shoveling snow in toy wheelbarrows, and trudge through the deep snow. 01:01:14 The camerawoman and mother, Toni, films from indoors, note the window pane at the bottom of the frame. On the streets, a nanny throws a snowball at the children, “Benzol” advertisement in the BG. 01:02:56 A man sweeps snow on the roof of the family’s three-story house, showing a rare view of the house from the frontsi...

  6. Selected records of the District Commission to Investigate Nazi Crimes in Siedlce Okręgowa Komisja Badania Zbrodni Niemieckich w Siedlcach (GK 180)

    Minutes, official correspondence, a study entitled "Losses of the Siedlce county during the Nazi occupation", a study about the Treblinka camp based on the investigation materials of the prosecutor Zdzisław Łukaszewicz, testimonies of witnesses and lists of those murdered in the Biała Podlaska, Łuków, Siedlce county, testimony of Piotr Litwiniusz on the mass execution of Jews in the Łomża Podlaska counties, materials on Soviet prisoner-of-war camps in Ostrówek, Kaliłów, Sielczyk, Suchożrebach and Wola Suchożerbska, camp for Italian and French prisoners of war in Siedlce, materials on war cr...

  7. 1942 news roundup

    News documentary with intertitles produced for the home movie market by Castle Films Productions. "The News Parade of the Year 1942" "Yanks Fighting Around the Globe!" .... Includes the Flying Tigers in China, Dieppe Raid, Battle of Midway, Allied Chiefs Meeting, and more.

  8. Selected records of the Communal Council in Sobków Gminna Rada Narodowa w Sobkowie (Sygn. 1914)

    List of Jewish buildings within the Sobków commune, files for 1949.

  9. Selected records of the commune Prząław Akta gminy Prząsław (Sygn. 1664)

    Consists of correspondence and name lists of Jewish people residing in the Prząsław who belonged to the Jewish Religious Community in Jędrzejów and who were obliged to pay fee to the Jewish community (so called “składka bóżnicza” in Polish). The lists contain standard information: name and surname of the person; place of residence; amount of arrears of fees.

  10. Selected records of the commune Topolice located in Żarnów Akta gminy Topolice z siedzibą w Żarnowie (Sygn. 538)

    Budget records for 1935/36 with a list of building owners and tax payers in Żarnów; lists of births, marriages and dead from 1920-1929 in Białaczów, Topolice, Wielka Wola and Żarnów.

  11. Selected records of the County Office in Pińczów Starostwo Powiatowe Pińczowskie (Sygn. 2309) : Wybrane materiały

    Files related to Jewish affairs, correspondence and regulations regarding Jewish religion and lists of Jewish cemeteries.

  12. Selected records of the County Department in Pinczów Wydział Powiatowy w Pińczowie (Sygn. 2310)

    Minutes of meetings of the County Department in Pinczów and Busko on various matters of the Jewish population; a list of the property owners in Pińczów and Skalbmierz, files on social and health care with registration cards of recipients of help, as well as lists of craft workshops, enterprises and trading companies.

  13. Felix Kasprzak collection

    Contains two copies of an undated personal narrative written by donor’s father, Felix Joseph Kasprzak, an American born in New Jersey who moved to Poland in 1933 with his Polish-born mother so he could attend school. Living in Pabianice, after the German invasion of Poland, Felix fled to Warsaw and then back to Pabianice. He was eventually arrested and imprisoned in concentration camps and, according to his writings, was able to leave German occupation and return to the United States in 1942. His writings also describe bombings and chaos that ensued as the Germans bombed Poland. The two acc...

  14. Children play in their room in Brno

    November 1938. Antonín with a knit cap and suitcase on the gravel walkway in the garden of the family home in Veverská Bítýška (Note from Antonin: “October 1938 departure from Bítýška”). INT, Antonín and Michaela play indoors in the children’s room in Brno, putting the dolls to bed. Dark shots, Antonín plays with a toy car on the floor. 01:01:54 More INTs of children’s room, with projected lights. Antonín and Michaela ride on toy stuffed animals. 01:02:16 Antonín in the vestibule with jacket and hat, he carries postmail and a newspaper. Michaela washes and hangs laundry in a sunlit room. Sh...

  15. Selected records from the State District Archive in Brno-Venkov

    Records of the District Offices of Brno-Venkov and Tišnov, the District National Committee of Brno-Venkov, the Municipal Archives of Tišnov and Ivančice, pertaining to laws and regulations of foreigners, Jewish passport applications and emigration, the expropriation of Jewish property including lists of Jewish property owners, and anti-Jewish measures. Records also features lists of Jewish refugees in the years 1938 and 1939 from various domestic and foreign locations including from Nazi-annexed Vienna, Austria. Also features post-war lists of Jewish survivors.

  16. Selected records of the commune Busko-Zdrój Akta gminy Busko-Zdrój (Sygn.2130)

    Files of industrial and commercial enterprises, population books and indexes, the registry files and correspondence.

  17. Presentation by Gene Meisels

  18. Selected records of the Legation of the Republic of Poland in Stockholm Poselstwo Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w Sztokholmie (GK 186)

    Records relating to German war criminals, descriptions of crimes, description of everyday life in concentration camps in the Third Reich, territories incorporated to the Reich and in the General Government (Poland). Includes file cards of orphan children of Polish parents murdered or missing during World War II, as well as individual and collective photographs of children - depicting the help of Polish welfare committees

  19. Easter holidays in Brno

    April 1938. In yard of family home in Brno (regional capital of Moravia), Hlínky 35, young Michaela (age 3) and her brother Antonín (age 2) hunt for Easter eggs in 1938. They are dressed similarly in checkered jackets. They play in the garden, with the toys. 01:01:01 Michael Eckstein stands beside a nanny, and Michaela pulls the wheeled animal toys. 01:01:13 Side view of Antonín kneeling with the toy bunny in the grass. 01:01:37 Michael walks hand-in-hand with his son Antonín. More of the family in the garden celebrating the Easter holidays. Cut. 01:02:12 Michaela holds a doll and plays wit...