Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 2,521 to 2,540 of 22,191
Country: United States
Holding Institution: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  1. Randy Comins collection

    Photographs: family photographs of Zelda Field's (donor's aunt) family in Vilna, Poland, who died during the Holocaust.

  2. József Essösy papers

    Collection of documents relating to József Essösy's rescue activities in Hungary. Essösy was recognized as Righteous Among the Nations in 2016.

  3. Photograph album of German-occupied Poland

    Consists of a photograph album depicting German-occupied Poland, primarily Warsaw. The album was likely compiled and captioned by Jakob Lechner, an Austrian SS Hauptsturmführer who served as a Kriminal-Kommissar in Warsaw. While many photographs are attributed to propaganda photographer Mieczysław Bil-Bilażewski, personal snapshots are included. The album features events celebrating German occupiers, the reception of the Japanese delegation at Malkinia, and propaganda photography of the Warsaw ghetto. Among the figures depicted are Governor-General Hans Frank, Governor of Krakow Otto Wächte...

  4. Harold Williams photograph collection

    Contains photographs taken at the Buchenwald concentration camp by Harold Williams, a member of the United States Army, shortly after the liberation of the camp.

  5. War Office certificate holder

    War Office plastic certificate holder that originally housed a retirement certificate dating from 1968. The certificate itself is housed with the document portion of the collection.

  6. Selected records of the Embassies, Consulates and Diplomatic Legations of the Polish Republic : Consulate of the Republic of Poland in Leipzig Konsulat Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w Lipsku (Sygn.479)

    Correspondence and questionnaires relating to the issuance of passports to Polish citizens living in Germany, and a case of the expulsion of a Polish citizen, Mojzesz Wethamer, by the German authorities.

  7. Sigmund Neuberger papers

    The collection documents the experiences of Sigmund Neuberger of Hainstadt, Germany as a soldier during World War I and his immigration to the United States from Zurich in 1940. Included are identification documents, a document stating that he was neither a communist nor a fascist in Zurich, immigration papers, German Army papers from World War I, German passports, and photographs. Also included are German military documents from his brother in law, Moritz Rosenbaum, also a World War I veteran.

  8. Ruth Mueller papers

    The Ruth Mueller papers include biographical material, a diary, correspondence, and photographs relating to the pre-war, wartime, and post-war experiences of Ruth Mueller and her family, originally of Frankfurt, Germany. Biographical material includes a birth certificate, marriage certificate, death certificate, and driver’s license for Paul, Ruth’s father, as well as a copy of a death certificate for Maria, Ruth’s mother. The diary is written in German and was started by Ruth in 1930. In the diary Ruth writes about escaping Germany, her voyage to the United States, and adjusting to life in...

  9. Oral history interview with Freuda Bark

  10. Kürti and Vamos family collection

    Contains documents related to the wartime experiences of Susanne Vamos (née Kürti) and her parents, Ilona Kürti (née Fuchs) and Julius Kürti and other family members. Also includes documents from Endre Vamos as well as reparations related papers.

  11. Polish Press Agency "Polpress" Polska Agencja Prasowa "Polpress" (Sygn.1926)

    Selected records of the Polska Agencja Prasowa "Polpress", a government press agency set up in Moscow on March 10, 1944, by the communist Polish Patriots Union. Included in the collection are regulations, orders, circulars, registers of service messages, newsletters in Polish and other languages: e.g. Biuletyn Wewnętrzny XI, 1944, Biuletyn Młodzieżowy, Vi-VII, 1945, Centralny Serwis Artykułowy nr 11(VII0, 1945, Biuletyn Polski (Oddział Moskiewski), 1944-1945, Biuletyn: English Release (Yew York), 1944-1945; Biuletyn Felietonowy, 1945, Biuletyn Krajowy i Zagraniczny, 1945, Polish Facts and F...

  12. Prayer book

    Shavuot Mahzor, published in 1884, that belonged to Martha Bermann Loeb.

  13. Star of David badge worn in Romania

    Worn by Anuta Kling Rappaport Mendelovici in Botoşani-Suceava, Romania during the Holocaust.

  14. Salomon Garfinkel collection

    Contains letters and photographs concerning a family in Poland who wrote to their brother Solomon (Sam) Garfinkel in the United States. Letters dated 1940s.

  15. Greissman and Aronsfrau families collection

    Correspondence; from relatives in Berlin, dated September 1933, in Yiddish; from Anna Greissman Aronsfrau, sister of donor’s grandmother; dated December 12, 1940, from London, UK, in English; letter from Sophie Kanarek Aronsfrau from Lisbon explaining whose names should appear on an affidavit, dated January 22, 1941; and a telegram sent by Sophie Kanarek Aronsfrau from Lisbon on March 15, 1941 asking about the status of the affidavit. Also includes the front cover of a prayer book; inside, Mary Greissman wrote the names of her children, their dates of birth and Bar Mitzvah.

  16. Elizabeth Ann Malmquist Wilson Papers

    Contains three letters, dated May 20, 21 and June 7, 1945. written by Elizabeth Ann Malmquist, an American servicewoman and nurse who was attached to the 139th Evacuation Hospital in Ebensee, Austria, at the site of the former subcamp of Mauthausen concentration camp. The letters describe dire conditions of concentration camp survivors, their health and needs, and Elizabeth’s work. Collection also includes copyprints.

  17. Aaron Tunick papers

    The collection primarily consists of family correspondence received by Aaron Tunick, originally of Stołpce, Poland (Stolbsty or Stowbtsy, Belarus), after he emigrated from Poland in 1934. The bulk of the letters (1936-1941) are from his siblings, and in particular Henja and Yitzhak. The letters discuss a deteriorating situation, loss of their businesses because they are Jewish, a rise in antisemitism, and an urgency to flee Poland. A small amount of biographical material consists of a birth certificate and a Zionist Organization of Poland identification card. Also included are photographs d...

  18. Jewish Philanthropic Association : Minutes of the Board of Directors Asociación Filantropica Israelita : Reuniones Comision Directiva

    Minutes of meetings of the board of directors of Asociacion Filantropica Israelita, organized by year.

  19. Weisberger family papers

    Documents, photographs, and printed materials, related primarily to the activities of the Weisberger family, of Poughkeepsie, NY, and New York City, during World War II. Most material relates to Rabbi Ralph M. Weisberger, in his role as a chaplain in the U.S. Army, including his service in Iraq and Iran, where he worked with refugee Polish doctors. Also includes photographs of his parents, and documents related to the wartime voluntary service in the United States of two of his siblings, Estelle Klein and Helen Weisberger.

  20. Selected records of the Ministry of Information and Propaganda in Warsaw Ministerstwo Informacji i Propagandy w Warszawie (Sygn.168)

    Reports on the political situation in individual voivodships, materials about the Majdanek Museum of 1945, war compensation cases, German inscriptions from the occupation period, Soviet soldiers' graves in Poland, memoirs and elaborations on concentration camps, literary works on war, posters and announcements from 1945 on ceremonies for the victims of war, reports and correspondence on the Red Army in Poland.