Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 301 to 304 of 304
Language of Description: English
Country: Ukraine
  1. Подільська районна управа, м. Київ.

    • Administration of Podol rayon, city of Kiev

    Оpis 1 1. Decrees of the general kommissar of Kiev general region and the Kiev city administration 2. Decrees and orders of the Podol rayon administration 3.-3a. Orders of the Podol rayon administration 4. Materials and orders 5. Records of meetings and sessions of the Podol rayon administration 6. Lists of employees of the Podol rayon administration and staff rosters Opis 2 1. Orders and instructions of the Kiev city administration and the Podol rayon administration Opis 4 1. Statements regarding investigations of families sent to work in Germany 11. Lists of families of soldiers, police e...

  2. Київська штадткомендатура, м. Київ

    • Kiev Stadtkommandatura

    Fond 2353, Opis 1, Delo 1: Instructions of the Chief of Staff of the German armed forces and the commander of the troops of Ukraine on celebrating Christmas and on the spiritual education of the troops. Military-political overview Nos. 5 and 6 for 1941. 1941. 152 pp. Fond 2353, Opis 1, Delo 2: Lists of Ukrainian employees of the Stadtskommandatura who received allowances in November, December 1941. Lists and German and Ukrainian employees. 1941. 31 pp. Fond 2353, Opis 1, Delo 5: Orders of the Stadtskommandant for August-December 1941. 1941. 59 pp. Fond 2353, Opis 1, Delo 6: Orders of the Ge...

  3. Українська республіканська надзвичайна комісія зі встановлення збитків та злочинів, заподіяних німецько-фашистськими загарбниками, м. Київ

    USHMM has copied from this fonds and describes the copies as follows: Opis 1, Ukrainian Extraordinary State Committee to Investigate German-Fascist Crimes Committed on Soviet Territory Folder 31: Lists of people killed and damages inflicted upon population, for the Stalino oblast. Folder 48: Lists of people killed and damages inflicted upon population, for the Poltava oblast. Folder 51: Lists of people killed and damages inflicted upon population of various villages in the Ukraine. 1943. Folder 52: Lists of people killed and damages inflicted upon population, Oleinik. Folder 53: Ostarbeiter...

  4. Управління німецької жандармерії, м. Київ.

    1. Administrative orders dealing with organizational matters for the city of Kiev 2. List of gendarmerie/police services in the Kiev general district and staffing schedules with the distribution of positions in the various services 3. List of members of the Kiev gendarmerie staff and geographic maps/plans