Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 21 to 40 of 40
Language of Description: English
Language of Description: Multiple
Language of Description: Russian
Country: Ukraine
Holding Institution: Державний архів Сумської області
  1. Sobycheve village administration in Shostka district

    • Собичівська сільська управа с. Собичеве Шосткинського району
    • Sobychivska silska uprava, s. Sobycheve

    Collection contains order by village elder of Sobychivo village about registration of the Jewish population and reporting to elder when the Jews appear in the village (file 1, p. 15); order by commandant about isolation of the Jews and prohibiting communication between the Jews and non-Jewish dwellers beyond the curfew (file 1, p. 140).

  2. Sydorova Iaruha village administration in Velykopysarivskyi district

    • Сидоровояружська сільська управа с. Сидорова Яруга Великописарівського району
    • Sydorovoiaruzhska silska uprava s. Sydorova Iaruha Velykopysarivskoho raionu

    Collection includes orders of the head of Velyka Pysarivka police about registration of the Jewish families (file 1, p. 65), making lists of the Jewish population (file 1, p. 129), marking Jewish IDs with the letter "Ж" or “ I ” (file 1, p. 365); announcement about introducing labor duty for the Jews in the front rear line (file 3, p. 13); list of the Jewish authors prohibited by the occupation authorities (file 3, p. 261).

  3. Berezivka village administration, Velykopysarivsky district

    • Березівська сільська управа Великописарівського району
    • Berezivska silska uprava Velykopysarevskoho raionu

    Collection contains orders of the commander-in-chief, the provincial commandant, the agricultural commandant, the elders of the district council on the execution of dwellers for helping partisans, the registration of the Communists and the Komsomol members, the dismission of the collective farms, and the implementation of the milk supply plan. Lists of individuals recruited to Germany, lists of persons for land allocation, police officers. Information on the payment of wages. Collection includes order by the police head in Velykopysarevskyi district to mark the Jewish names in the register ...

  4. Office of the Ukrainian auxiliary police in the town of Konotop

    • Конотопське міське управління Української допоміжної охоронної поліції

    Collection contains orders of the district elder about the passporting of the population, dismissal and recruitment. Lists, identity cards and personal applications for issuing passports. Accounting books for issuing passports. Search records. The book of the property of the police. Payroll information for police officers. The collection includes: 1. Lists of the dwellers of Konotop, including Jews (inv. 1, file 35, pp. 196, 201, 214, 223-225); 2. Statements about confiscation of property from the Jews of Konotop (inv. 2, file 2, pp. 17, 31, 33, 35, 305, 311, 371-377).

  5. Bureau of the head of the city of Putivl

    • Управління старшини м. Путивля
    • Upravlinnia starshyny m. Putivlia

    The collection contains orders of the German and the local administrations. It includes the order by the head of Putivl administration to type in the letter "i" in the passports and interim certificates belonged to the Jewish population (file 2, p. 323, file 3, p. 272).

  6. Klochkivka village administration in Chervonyi district

    • Клочківська сільська управа Червоного району
    • Klochkivska silska uprava Chervonoho raionu

    Collection contains decrees, orders, of the feldkommandant, burgomaster of the district on the provision of land, the plan of food supply, the issuance of personal identification. Population lists, lists and questionnaires of those individuals recruited to Germany. Information on the payment of wages. The collection includes order by the local administration to mark the Jews listed in the population register lists with the letter "ж" (file 3, p. 38).

  7. Shostka district office of the Ukrainian auxiliary police at Sumy city administration

    • Шосткинське районне управління Української допоміжної поліції Сумської міської управи
    • Shostkinske raionne upravlinnia Ukrainskoi dopomizhnoi politsii Sumskoi miskoi upravy

    Collection contains minutes of interrogation of partisans, questionnaires. List of policemen and elders killed and wounded in the fight against the partisans. Report on the partisan attack in the villages of Chaplevka, Sobichevo. Applications for admission to the police. Communist personal cards, communist lists, denunciations of citizens, report about Jewish family, reports on fighting partisans. Personal file of a policeman. File 7, page 5 - contains request from a dweller of the village of Chapleevka to the head of the Shostka police to pay him a reward for reporting to the Germans about...

  8. Notary's office at the Sumy city administration

    • Нотаріальна контора Сумської міської управи
    • Notarialna kontora Sumskoi miskoi upravy

    The orders of the Sumy city administration. Decrees, orders of the legal department at the city head about taxation of the population, creation of judicial commissions and department of legal acts. Protocols of meetings of the board of trustees. Logs of registration of documents issued by the notary's office. Certificates of death, birth, marriage. Collection contains log books registering deaths of Sumy dwellers, including the Jewish dwellers (file 2, pp. 15, 25, 38, 43, 44, 50, 74); log books registering births of Sumy dwellers (file 6, pp. 1, 6, 38, 59, 249, 266, 293); death certificates...

  9. Inspectorate of the Department of youth at the Sumy city administration

    • Інспектура служби молоді Сумської міської управи
    • Inspektura sluzhby molodi Sumskoi miskoi upravy

    Collection contains lists of children and youth, index cards of youth of the city of Sumy, including Jewish children and youth, under the German occupation. Lists of Jewish children and youth: file 8, p. 8, file 46, p. 12, file 61, p. 2, file 108, p. 4, file 115, p. 1; Index cards of the Jewish youth: file 22, pp. 83-85, file 24, p. 130, file 27, p. 106, file 30, p. 124, file 32, p. 8.

  10. Editorial board of the "Sumy Herald" newspaper

    • Редакція газети "Сумський вісник"
    • Redaktsiia hazety "Sumskii Visnyk"

    The collection contains requests from institutions to produce seals and stamps, their samples. Articles for publication, announcements, poems, cuttings from the newspaper "Sumy Herald" and from German newspapers. Information on wage billing for editorial staff. The collection includes antisemitic articles published in the "Sumy Herald" newspaper under the German occupation (inv. 2, file 2, pp. 24-26, file 3, pp. 11, 14, 181).

  11. Bureau of the House management No. 11 of the Sumy city administration

    • Контора домоуправління № 11 Сумської міської управи м. Суми
    • Kontora domoupravlinnia #11 Sumskoi miskoi upravy

    Collection contains house-register books, lists of workers in house management and tenants. Inventory information, orders for apartments. Information on the payment of wages. Collection includes house-registers of Sumy dwellers during the German occupation, including the Jewish dwellers (file 30, p. 4, file 36, p. 2, file 42, p. 13).

  12. Bureau of the House management No. 10 of the Sumy city administration

    • Контора домоуправління № 10 Сумської міської управи м. Суми
    • Kontora domoupravlinnia #10 Sumskoi miskoi upravy

    Collection contains house-register books, lists of workers in house management and tenants. Inventory information, orders for apartments. Information on the payment of wages. Collection includes house-registers of Sumy dwellers during the German occupation, including the Jewish dwellers (file 35, pp. 13, 14).

  13. Bureau of the House management No. 9 of the Sumy city administration

    • Контора домоуправління № 9 Сумської міської управи м. Суми
    • Kontora domoupravlinnia #9 Sumskoi miskoi upravy

    Collection contains house-register books, lists of workers in house management and tenants. Inventory information, orders for apartments. Information on the payment of wages. Collection includes house-registers of Sumy dwellers during the German occupation, including the Jewish dwellers (file 52, p. 16).

  14. Bureau of the House management No. 8 of the Sumy city administration

    • Контора домоуправління № 8 Сумської міської управи м. Суми
    • Kontora domoupravlinnia #8 Sumskoi miskoi upravy

    Collection contains house-register books, lists of workers in house management and tenants. Inventory information, orders for apartments. Information on the payment of wages. Collection includes house-registers of Sumy dwellers during the German occupation, including the Jewish dwellers (file 12, p. 6, file 31, p. 5, file 35, pp. 32-34).

  15. Bureau of the House management No. 7 of the Sumy city administration

    • Контора домоуправління № 7 Сумської міської управи м. Суми
    • Kontora domoupravlinnia #7 Sumskoi miskoi upravy

    Collection contains house-register books, lists of workers in house management and tenants. Inventory information, orders for apartments. Information on the payment of wages. Collection includes house-registers of Sumy dwellers during the German occupation, including the Jewish dwellers (file 2, p. 5, file 5, pp. 3, 4, file 45, pp. 15, 16).

  16. Bureau of the House management No. 6 of the Sumy city administration

    • Контора домоуправління № 6 Сумської міської управи м. Суми
    • Kontora domoupravlinnia #6 Sumskoi miskoi upravy

    Collection contains house-register books, lists of workers in house management and tenants. Inventory information, orders for apartments. Information on the payment of wages. Collection includes house-registers of Sumy dwellers during the German occupation, including the Jewish dwellers (file 18, p. 19, file 37, p. 25, file 37а, p. 3).

  17. Bureau of the House management No. 5 of the Sumy city administration

    • Контора домоуправління № 5 Сумської міської управи м. Суми Сумської області
    • Kontora domoupravlinnia #5 Sumskoi miskoi upravy

    Collection contains house-register books, lists of workers in house management and tenants. Inventory information, orders for apartments. Information on the payment of wages. Collection includes house-registers of Sumy dwellers during the German occupation, including the Jewish dwellers (file 2, p. 4, 5, 8, 10, file 7, p. 2, 15. 23, file 8, p. 4, file 20, p. 7, file 24, p. 3, file 42, p. 3, 5, 6, 13, 18, 19, 21, file 46, p. 4, 5, file 51, p. 9).

  18. Bureau of the House management No. 4 of the Sumy city administration

    • Контора домоуправління № 4 Сумської міської управи м. Суми Сумської області
    • Kontora domoupravlinnia #4 Sumskoi miskoi upravy

    Collection contains house-register books, lists of workers in house management and tenants. Inventory information, orders for apartments. Information on the payment of wages. Collection includes house-registers of Sumy dwellers during the German occupation, including the Jewish dwellers (file 3, p. 6, file 4, p. 5, 8, 12, file 5, p. 4-6, file 6, p. 6, file 8, p. 3-6, file 19, p. 20, file 20, p. 5-7, file 29, p. 15, file 31, p. 9, file 32, p. 14, file 34, p. 4, 13, 17).

  19. Bureau of the House management No. 3 of the Sumy city administration

    • Контора домоуправління № 3 Сумської міської управи м. Суми
    • Kontora domoupravlinnia #3 Sumskoi miskoi upravy

    Collection contains house-register books, lists of workers in house management and tenants. Inventory information, orders for apartments. Information on the payment of wages. Collection includes house-registers of Sumy dwellers during the German occupation, including the Jewish dwellers (inv. 1, file 25, p. 6, file 42, p. 3, 4, 6, file 43, p. 7, inv. 2, file 7, p. 8, file 29, p. 10).

  20. Marianivka village administration in Syniv district

    • Cільська управа с. Мар'янівка Синівського району
    • Silska uprava s. Marianivka Synivskoho raionu

    Collection contains decisions and orders of the district administration on taxes, supply of agricultural products for the German army, certificates of death and birth, an order on the registration of the population, list of members of the communal economy. File 2, page 75 - contains order by Syniv district administration to celebrate 2-year anniversary of liberation of Ukraine from the Jews and Bolsheviks