Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1 to 5 of 5
Language of Description: English
Language of Description: Hebrew
Language of Description: Croatian
Country: Slovakia
Holding Institution: Štátny archív v Nitre, pracovisko Archív Levice
  1. Okresné živnostenské spoločenstvo v Želiezovciach

    • District Business Association in Želiezovce
    • Járási ipartársulat Zseliz

    The fonds contains documents pertaining to the revisions and cancellation of business licenses of Jews. Additional files pertain to the propositions to exclude Jews from the Business Association after the adoption of the Second Jewish Law, penalties for trading goods without permission. Files from 1944 contain instructions on the closing of Jewish stores and shops as well as documents on the Aryanization of Jewish property.

  2. Okresné živnostenské spoločenstvo v Leviciach

    • Járási ipartársulat Léva
    • District Busines Association Levice

    The fonds contains documents of the District Business Association in Levice. It contains various documents on business owners, statistics and censuses of the members, including Jewish members. Documents on the exclusion of Jews from the Association from 1942, racially-motivated denial of the masters exam, list of Jewish stores in Levice. Files from 1944 contain documents on the selling of Jewish stores,

  3. Notársky úrad vo Farnade (vo Farnej)

    • Jegyzőségi hivatal Farnád

    The fonds contains interesting documents pertaining to the persecution of Jews in years 1938-1944. One file pertains to the case of the return of Jewish inhabitant previously deported from the village in 1938. The fonds also contains the Ruling on reporting Jewish businesses after the adoption of the law on the exclusion of Jews from public and economic life. There are also various documents from 1940 concerning several different anti-Jewish measures.

  4. Magistrát župného mesta Levice

    • The Municipality Office of the City of Levice
    • Megyei város Léva

    The fonds contains documents reflecting the fate and persecution of Jewish population of the town of Levice after its annexation by Hungary. Some documents pertain to the cancellation of Jewish associations in the town in 1939. After the adoption of the Second Jewish Law there were extensive business restrictions in Hungary. The fonds contains census of businesses, documents on the revision as well as cancellation of business licences and closing of stores. Some files pertain to the census of property, confiscation of agricultural property, requests (applications) for the allocation of Jewi...

  5. Hlavnoslúžnovský úrad v Leviciach

    • Chief Constable´s Office in Levice
    • Főszolgabíroi hivatal Léva

    The fonds contains documents pertaining to the Jews living in villages in part of the district that was annexed to the Hungarian Kingdom. These documents include data on the dissolution of Jewish societies and the removal of the city physician in Levice from 1938. Files of 1939 then document the restrictions on the businesses of Jewish merchants after the adoption of the Second Jewish Law. The fonds also contains many appeals and rejections of requests for the return of business licenses. Besides that, there are also documents about the police surveillance of Jewish traders and the confisca...