Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 21 to 23 of 23
Country: Slovenia
  1. Tekstilna zbirka

    • Textile Collection

    The collection is divided into a military and a civilian section. The former, in addition to some Austro-Hungarian uniforms, is dominated by uniforms and items of clothing from the Second World War period (various camp uniforms and uniform parts as well as textiles) as well as clothing from the Yugoslav People's Army. Among the civilian clothing, the collection of Adria Airways uniforms stands out for its richness. A special group are the flags and banners, including unique examples of flags and banners of partisan units, etc.

  2. Zbirka predmetov iz taborišč in zaporov

    • Collection of Objects from the Camps and Prisons

    The collection contains 1159 objects from the Second World War. Most of the objects come from Italian and German camps and prisons. The camp objects are divided into objects that were taken from the camp inmates on their arrival, objects that were made by the camp inmates in the camp, especially on liberation, and objects that were used by the camp guards, etc.

  3. Zbirka Sinagoge Maribor (osebna zbirka Borisa Hajdinjaka)

    • Synagogue Maribor Collection (personal collection of Boris Hajdinjak)

    The collection includes: - Ernest/Ernst Bock (1922, Vienna-1943, Mršeča vas/Šentjernej), Dnevnik (Diary) 28. IV.-9. VIII. 1943 (original is at Museum of Dolenjska, Novo mesto); - Robert Kukovec (1910, Innsbruck-1945, Ljubno ob Savinji), Dnevnik (Diary) 1944-1945 (original is at Museum of National Liberation Maribor); - statement/testimony by Emerik/Mirko Hirschl/Hiršl (1908, Vanča vas-1985, Murska Sobota) to the Commission for determining crimes of the occupiers and their collaborators in Prekmurje, 14. V. 1945 (original is at Pomurje Museum Murska Sobota, Legacy of Miroslav Štubl, box 13);...