Muzej novejše in sodobne zgodovine Slovenije

  • Museum of Contemporary History of Slovenia


Celovška cesta 23 p.p. 6049


+386 (0)1 300 96 11


+386 (0)1 433 82 44


The forerunner of the Museum of Contemporary History of Slovenia was the Scientific Institute, which was founded in January 1944 by the Executive Committee of the Liberation Front. On 7 February 1948, after the Scientific Institute was liquidated, the government of the People's Republic of Slovenia established the National Liberation Museum. In autumn 1951, the museum moved to the Cekin Mansion, hired additional staff and opened its first permanent exhibition in 1955.

In the late 50s, the Museum temporarily lost its autonomy and became an organizational unit of the newly-founded Institute for the History of the Labour Movement. In 1962, the Museum of the People's Revolution was established by a special decree. Initially the Museum’s collection policy was only oriented towards the period of World War II, but they soon also began collecting materials related to the period before 1941 and after 1945.

In 1998, the Museum was nominated for the European Museum of the Year Award for its permanent exhibition of “Slovenians in the 20th Century”. The Museum was renamed the National Museum of Contemporary History in 2003 as a logical result of the fact that it engages in the collection, preservation, study and exhibition of museum material related to the history of the 20th century. In 2023, the National Museum of Contemporary History of Slovenia was merged with the Museum of Slovenian Independence and renamed the Museum of Contemporary History of Slovenia.

In addition to its permanent exhibitions, the Museum has also organised several hundred temporary historical and art exhibitions on its own premises or travelling around Slovenia, the former Yugoslavia and, especially in recent times, around Europe. All exhibitions are complemented by catalogues, brochures, leaflets and other supporting material.

Mandates/Sources of Authority

The Museum's basic mission is to acquire, document, preserve, research and promote materials related to contemporary Slovenian history. In addition to its exhibitions, the Museum also offers a variety of programmes for both children and adults. It carries out activities in the field of culture, education and research, collaborating with various institutions, and thus serves as a bridge between the general public and historical science. It connects the fates of 20th century Slovenian people and provides visitors with answers to questions about their own identity in modern times. The Museum also serves as a gathering place for groups of all kinds and as a place for dialogue and reflection. It not only answers questions, but it also raises questions and assists visitors in their search for answers, forming a type of partnership in which the Museum serves as a dynamic, innovative and welcoming establishment.

Opening Times

Tuesday to Sunday, 10am - 6pm. Closed on public holidays, except February 8, April 27 and June 25. Admission to the museum is free on the first Sunday of every month.

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