Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1 to 20 of 91
Language of Description: English
Country: Poland
  1. Przełożony Starszeństwa Żydów w Getcie Łódzkim

    • Der Aelteste der Juden in Litzmannstadt-Getto
    • Head of the Jewish Council in the Łódź Ghetto

    The collection documents all aspects of the fate of the Jews in the Łódź ghetto, because the administration of the Judenrat (Jewish Council) was very highly developed (it employed over 10,000 people) and generated vast quantities of documents, which, fortunately, have survived. The inventory to the Rumkowski Archive comprises an extensive preface that offers good insight into the ghetto offices, and a body of archives categorized by department and section. These materials will be described in greater detail in Part II of this Guide. Among them is a large collection of original contact sheet...

  2. Podziemne Archiwum Getta Warszawskiego

    • Archiwum Ringelbluma
    • Konspiracyjne Archiwum Getta Warszawy
    • Oneg Szabat (cryptonime)
    • Underground Archive of the Warsaw Ghetto: the Ringelblum Archives

    RING. I I. Oneg Shabat records – call no. 1-4. II. General studies on the situation of the Jewish population during the war: 1. Plans and drafts of works, questionnaires – call no. 5-22. 2. Oneg Shabat bulletins – call no. 23-38. 3. Studies, scholarly works, reports – call no. 39-70. 4. Autonomous collections: – the “Kalisz letters” – call no. 71-163, – the “Płock letters” – call no. 164-178. III. Warsaw and the Warsaw ghetto: 1. Documents generated by the German authorities and institutions – call no. 179-193. 2. Documents generated by other institutions and organizations – call no. 194-19...

  3. Delegatura Rzadu RP na Kraj

    • Government Delegation for Poland

    In terms of Holocaust research, the most important departments of the Delegation were as follows: Departament Spraw Wewnętrznych (Department of Internal Affairs – Security), above all files 26-28, whose content includes the personal files of Jews who collaborated with the Germans, and registration data from the Warsaw ghetto for the years 1941-1943. These are some of the most important documents for anyone researching the Polish Underground State. Departament Informacji i Prasy (Department of Information and Press), which covers areas such as radio tapping, reviews of the underground press,...

  4. Historia Mówiona

    • Oral History

    The collection contains the spoken testimonies of the inhabitants of Lublin registered since 1969.

  5. Rejencja Szczecińska

    • Regierung Stettin
    • Szczecin Regional Administration

    Of greatest significance are the files of the Wydział Prezydialny (Presidium Department), and within these issues connected with supervision of communes, the ruin of Jewish trade, anti-Jewish demonstrations, looting of property, arrests, and name changes

  6. Akta Miasta Krakowa

    • Files of the city of Krakow

    The collection contains i.a. the files Akta Starosty miasta Krakowa (Der Stadthauptmann der Stadt Krakau, Governor of the City of Krakow) from the years 1939-1945 – German ordinances; bill posters and public announcements; printed propaganda material; documents of trustee administrative boards and concerning Jewish property and confiscations of such property; materials concerning the liquidation of Jewish organizations and associations; documents directly concerning the history of the ghetto, including a collection of 157 original photographs taken during the resettlement of the Jews into t...

  7. Relacje i wspomnienia

    • Testimonies and Memoirs

    Muzeum gromadzi wspomnienia (niemal 1500) i relacje (ponad 3500) byłych więźniów, członków obozowej i przyobozowej konspiracji, robotników przymusowych zatrudnionych przez niemieckie zakłady przemysłowe wykonujące prace na rzecz obozu. Większość tych dokumentów spisana jest w języku polskim, choć występują też wspomnienia i relacje w językach: niemieckim, angielskim, francuskim, rosyjskim, czeskim, hebrajskim i innych. Uzupełniają one dokumentację obozową i są ważnym materiałem pomocniczym w opracowywaniu historii KL Auschwitz.

  8. Starostwo Powiatowe w Sokołowie Podlaskim

    Sprawy ogólne 1944 sygn. 1, Wykaz sekretarzy i wójtów gminy 1944 sygn. 2, Okólniki i zarządzenia 1944 sygn. 3, Uposażenia dla pracowników 1944-1945 sygn. 4, Sprawy organizacyjne 1945-1948 sygn. 5-6, 11, 13, 18, 24, Zjazdy starostów i konferencje 1945 sygn. 7, Zebrania periodyczne 1945 sygn. 8, Obsada personelu w Starostwie Powiatowym 1945 sygn. 9, Sprawy osobowe urzędników i funkcjonariuszy niższych 1945 sygn. 10, Sprawy ogólne 1946 sygn. 12, Wykaz pracowników 1946 sygn. 14, Teczka zarządzeń Wewnętrznych Starosty Powiatowego w Sokołowie 1947 sygn. 15, Akcje społeczne kierowane i popierane p...

  9. Akta miasta Sierpca

    • Files of he Town of Sierpc

    I. Stadtverwaltung Sierpc l. 1917-1918 (sygn. 125): akta licytacji na wydzierżawienie jatek. II. Magistrat Miasta Sierpca l. 1924-1932 (sygn. od 126 do 127 oraz od 129 do 130): protokoły posiedzeń, księgi uchwał, wykazy radnych i członków Magistratu, sprawy wojskowości, obwieszczenia o poborze rekruta. III. Zarząd Miejski w Sierpcu l. 1939-1939 (sygn. 128 i 131): korespondencja ze starostwem, wykaz przedsiębiorstw skupujących zboże i tłuszcz zwierzęcy, ustalanie cen artykułów zbożowych, komunikaty rabina o zawartych małżeństwach. IV. Miejska Rada Narodowa w Sierpcu l. 1945-1950 (sygn. od 1 ...

  10. Akta miasta Raciąża

    • Files of the Town of Raciąż
    1. Miejska Rada Narodowa l. 1945-1950 [1951] (sygn. od 1 do 8): protokoły posiedzeń Rady, jej Prezydium i Komisji Rewizyjnej. 2. Zarząd Miejski miasta Raciąża l. [1939] 1945-1950 (sygn. od 9 do 32): protokoły posiedzeń Zarządu Miejskiego; a) Referat Ogólno-Organizacyjny l. 1939-1950 (sygn. od 33 do 89): akta dotyczące organizacji władz miejskich, zarządzenia wewnętrzne, sprawozdania, kontrola wewnętrzna, zestawienia i rejestracja szkód wojennych i zbrodni hitlerowskich, akta dotyczące majątku przedsiębiorstw miejskich /rzeźnia, szkoły, przedszkola, elektrownia miejska/, plany gospodarcze, b...
  11. Akta miasta Otwocka

    • Files of the town of Otwock

    The collection contains i.a. regulations and general orders concerning matters such as forced labour and resettlement of the Jews, taxes, materials connected with the expropriation of Jewish real estate in the “Aryan” quarter by a special administrative office, and many documents related to statistics, population records and control, lists of real properties, a personnel list of the Getto-Polizei and instructions for it, and a range of official letters and correspondence on matters concerning the Jews of Otwock. The body of material is relatively extensive and thus sufficient to reconstruct...

  12. Starostwo Miejskie w Warszawie

    • Stadthauptmannschaft Warschau
    • Office of the Warsaw City Governor,

    The collection contains i.a. birth and death statistics, weekly reports of the chairman of the Judenrat (1941), the dispute over the boundaries of the ghetto, forced labour, Jewish mutual aid, the fight against typhus, applications for passes, and cases of illegal trade and smuggling

  13. Akta gminy Rydzyna

    • Files of the commune of Rydzyna

    The collection contains i.a. cases concerning forced labourers, a list of residents of Rydzyna by nationality (1941 and 1943), various statistical information, lists of Jews from the camp in Kłoda (Judenarbeitslager Roden b. Reisen) dating from 1942, and copies of entries in the land register concerning the Jewish synagogue and cemetery.

  14. Akta miasta Przemyśla

    • Files of the town of Przemyśl

    The collection contains i.a. materials on the establishment of the ghettos and Jewish community assets, correspondence regarding the Jews, German orders, and a list of administrators of the assets of the Jewish community in Przemyśl.

  15. Akta miasta Rzeszowa

    • Files of the town of Rzeszów

    The collection contains i.a. items including German bills and public announcements; information on the establishment of the ghetto and forced labour for Jews; confiscations of property and its administration; death sentences; lists of deceased Jews for the years 1935-1942; an incomplete list of the Jews of Mielec (1941); lists of licences issued and tribute payments by residents in the years 1941-1943; registers of houses and lists of names of the tenants of various real properties; records of personal identity documents issued; alphabetical card files on population movements ; and the orig...

  16. Więzienie Karne Warszawa - Mokotów

    • Penitential Prison in Warsaw - Mokotów

    The collection contains i.a.contains several thousand personal files of Jews convicted of various occupation crimes, such as being outside the ghetto illegally, not wearing the armband with the Star of David, illegal trade and smuggling, theft, forgery, and similar cases. This record group is of unparalleled significance in view of the excellent state of preservation of the files, and their completeness.

  17. Akta miasta Radomska

    • Files of the town of Radomsko

    The collection contains i.a. lists of the personal identification documents issued to Jews in the years 1939-1940, as well as registration and residence registration documents from specific properties, house residence registration ledgers for the years 1931-1943, and registers of houses by street.

  18. Urząd Metrykalny Izraelicki w Rzeszowie

    • Israelite Registry Office in Rzeszów

    The collection contains i.a. records and registry files from the years of the occupation: marriage certificates (Trauungsscheine), birth certificates, death certificates, as well as various other certificates, personal identity documents, residence registration documents, etc.

  19. Akta miasta Wrocławia

    • Files of the city of Wrocław

    The collection contains i.a. mayoral speeches, propaganda materials, matters connected with Jewish schools and the seizure of museum holdings from the foundation administrating the home of Prof. Niesser, a professor of medicine (“Haus Niesser Verwaltung”), and the matters of the creation of a Jewish museum in the years 1928-1935 (“Jüdisches Museum”), the removal of the commemorative plaque from the house of Ferdinand Lassalle, and others;

  20. Starosta Powiatowy w Sanoku

    • Der Kreishauptmann in Sanok
    • Sanok County Governor

    The collection contains anti-Jewish orders, propaganda pamphlets and public announcements regarding confiscation of property, and lists of Jewish registry books from several locations (Lesko, Sanok, Ustrzyki Dolne).