Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,521 to 1,540 of 1,669
Country: Israel
  1. The Zionist Organization / The Jewish Agency for Palestine/Israel – Central Office, London.

    Firstly, we note in this fonds several series of correspondence which are of interest to this guide. Files Z4/30867 - Z4/30870 contain correspondence regarding “Zionist work” in Belgium (for the years 1927-1946). Correspondence on immigration from Belgium (often with lists of immigrants) and family research can be found in the files Z4/32408 to Z4/32412 (1943-1947). Various correspondence (regarding i.a. immigration, the Golden Shekel, donations, Zionism in Belgium, …) with the Belgian Zionist Federation and the Zionist Organisation in Belgium is found in files Z4/40030 (1920), Z4/40342 (19...

  2. Immigration department.

    This fonds contains a number of files relevant to this guide, generally containing correspondence, notes, reports and various other documents. We firstly note files concerning: the association of immigrants from Belgium in Tel Aviv (file S6/1417; years 1943-1946), Hehalutz in Belgium (S6/2390, S6/2150 and S6/2151, resp. for the years 1931-1932, 1937-1938 and 1938-1947), Hehalutz in Antwerp (S6/2148 and S6/2149; resp. 1936 and 1937), hakhsharah in Belgium (S6/1936, S6/1937 and S6/1938; resp. years 1938-1947, 1937 and 1937-1938), immigration permits for members of the Belgian Agudath Israel (...

  3. Office of Eliezer Kaplan.

    This fonds contains 7 relevant files. We find files concerning: trade relations between Belgium and the Netherlands (file S53/1283; years 1939-1947), the situation in Belgium from 1944 to 1945 (S53/1588), actions to help the Jews in Belgium (S53/1610; 1944), the Zionist Federation in Belgium (S53/482; 1946), Hamagbit Hameuhedet (United Jewish Appeal?) in Belgium (S53/1437; 1947-1948) and the Belgian Congo (S53/1444; 1948) and finally a file concerning fundraising appeals in Belgium (S53/423; 1940).

  4. Organization Department.

    In this fonds we firstly note 14 files titled “Belgium”, spanning the years 1950-1971 – see files S5/10491, S5/11397, S5/11398, S5/11399, S5/11400, S5/11401, S5/12484, S5/12485, S5/12486, S5/12487, S5/12488, S5/12489, S5/12490 and S5/12491. File S5/12161 contains newspaper clippings concerning Belgium. Concerning the shekel in Belgium, see files S5/2017, S5/2018, S5/1316, S5/1317, S5/11739, S5/11792 and S5/11862, roughly covering the years 1935-1961. The fonds also contains various documents such as reports and correspondence with Zionist political organisations in Belgium, notably with Miz...

  5. Office of David Ben Gurion.

    In this fonds we note the file S44/244, containing correspondence on the situation of the Jews and Zionism in Belgium (1944-1945).

  6. Rescue Committee.

    In this fonds we firstly note several files containing correspondence and other documents concerning requests for help to individual Jews and Jewish families in/from Belgium (the names are mentioned in the inventory) see file S26/905 (1945), S26/730 (1944), S26/609 (1947), S26/497 (1945) and S26/49 (1945). Several files covering the years 1941-1945 contain reports, correspondence, testimonies and various other documents concerning the situation of the Jews and their communities in Belgium, rescue efforts, the Jewish resistance, … - see S26/1496, S26/1228 (reports of the American Jewish Comm...

  7. Political Department.

    In this fonds we find 6 relevant files, mostly containing correspondence, reports and other documents. We note: reports on the situation of (exiled) Jews in Belgium (file S25/7853; years 1940-1945), reports on i.a. Belgian industry and trade during the war (S25/10759; 1941-1944) as well as files concerning: the situation in Belgium during the Second World War (S25/9321; 1939-1944), trade relations with Belgium (S25/7396; 1947), Zionist activity in Belgium (S25/1996; 1926-1947) and the local Palestine Office (S25/603/4; 1925).

  8. Search Bureau for Missing Relatives.

    This fonds contains correspondence with Aide aux Israélites Victimes de la Guerre (file S104/388; years 1947-1949) and the Palestine Office in Belgium (S104/163; 1945-1953), concerning requests for information on missing persons.

  9. Immigration Department, Office in Istanbul.

    We note the file L15/1181, containing correspondence on the persecution of the Jews in France, Belgium and the Netherlands in 1940-1944.

  10. Central Bureau for the Settlement of German Jews in Palestine, London.

    This fonds firstly contains correspondence with D.M. Van Buuren from Brussels, concerning financial investments in Palestine (including letters signed by Weitzman); see file L13/5 (year 1934). We also find general correspondence with Antwerp, including lists of Jewish refugees wanting to emigrate to Palestine (L13/28; 1933-1936). File L13/41 contains lists of German Jewish refugees “in correspondence with Belgium” (1933-1934). Lastly, we note two files concerning immigration certificates i.a. for Belgium (see L13/67/2 and L13/67/3, resp. for 1933-1935 and 1933-1934).

  11. Office of the World Jewish Congress in Geneva.

    In this fonds we firstly note several Belgium-related wartime reports, more specifically the files C3/27, C3/28 and C3/45. They contain anti-Jewish legal texts, various brochures, correspondence, documents, reports on the situation of the Jews in Belgium, during the years 1940-1946. Several other files concern post-war Belgium – see C3/341 (including reports, correspondence, newsletters, … on the Conseil des Associations Juives en Belgique and COREF; 1945-1950), C3/342 (containing newsletters of the CAJB; 1946) and C3/370 (i.a. concerning WJC children’s homes in Belgium; 1946-1947). File C3...

  12. Office of the World Jewish Congress in London.

    In this fonds we firstly point out the relevant files containing correspondence with the WJC office in Brussels, Jewish organisations and individuals (files nrs. C2/1002 and C2/1317; years 1959-1962), with the Belgian ambassadors in London concerning the Bergen-Belsen memorial (C2/1766; 1948-1952), with He’atid – Federation of Zionists (C2/1196; 1942-1947), with the Conseil des Associations Juives de Belgique and concerning heirless Jewish property in Belgium (C2/1631; 1949-1963), regarding cultural affairs (C2/4226; 1956-1957), regarding publications, education, cultural issues, … (C2/4236...

  13. Adler-Rudel, Shalom.

    We firstly note the file A140/363 (dated 1938), in which we find lists, brochures and leaflets of various schools, as well as correspondence between Shalom Adler-Rudel, Paul Reiward and the Zionist Federation of Belgium regarding the financial situation and activities of Jewish refugees in Belgium. File A140/342 contains a (copy of a) letter from Reiwald to Adler-Rudel, concerning the economic activities of German refugees, including a list of companies in Belgium owned by refugees. Reports (dated 1939) on the assistance to Jewish refugees, i.a. in Antwerp and Brussels, can be found in A140...

  14. United Restitution Organisation (URO) London – Administration Files.

    This fonds contains documents produced by the URO office in London. One can find correspondence and material concerning Belgium in the file nr. 011a-b. “General. Restitution claims in countries outside Germany”, including Belgium (1947-1976); in the file nr. 268 “BRüG, BRüG XIX, Möbelaktion: Belgium BRüG § 5 claims” (1957-1966); in the file nr. 043a-b “Zones & other countries, URO Belgium” (1954-1968) and in the file nr. 161 “Claims Conference Brussels conference (March 7, 1964), Meeting of Senior Officers of the Claims Conference with URO representatives” (1961-1964).

  15. The Far Eastern Jewish Central Information Bureau (DALJEWCIB), Harbin-Shanghai.

    This fonds mainly contains correspondence, newspaper clippings, reports and notes. We find five series: the outgoing letters and cables sent to individuals and organisations (1918-1947), the letters and cables received from organisations and activists (1918-1938), general correspondence with various organisations (1935-1947), various documents such as lists of refugees, and a last series consisting of emigration applications (1938-1939). The Far Eastern Jewish Central Information Bureau corresponded notably with HICEM Brussels and the Service of Transmigration of the CARJ in Brussels in 193...

  16. British OSE (Oeuvre de Secours aux Enfants) Society, Old Photographs.

    This fonds contains old photographs of the British OSE, including a few pictures pertaining to Belgium. We firstly note 3 undated files with photographs titled “Belgium. Tent camp”: files 15/001, 15/002 and 15/003. Two undated files are described as “Belgium. Medical treatment”; see 15/004 and 15/005.

  17. Private collection Izak (Isaac) Haim Prins.

    This collection includes thousands of notes written by Isaac Prins, a large quantity of newspaper clippings and a lot of material on Dutch and Belgian Jews, topics in which Prins was very interested. One will find documents such as newspaper clippings, reports of activities, correspondence, notes, manuscripts and publications concerning the Jews in Belgium from the 16th century onwards, although most of the documentation pertains to the interwar years, the Second World War and post-war period. We find documents pertaining to onomastics, such as a telephone directory from Antwerp and the pro...

  18. Collection Rabbi Salomon Ullmann.

    This fonds includes correspondence of the Chief Rabbi of Belgium during the Second World War (as representative and head of the Vereniging der Joden in België – Association des Juifs en Belgique) including a list of Jewish teachers in Brussels, a list of Jews from Ghent, and correspondence with imprisoned Jews in internment camps in Limburg. This fonds also includes documents such as activity reports and statutes of the Association des Juifs en Belgique, reports on the situation of the Jews in Belgium during the occupation (written in Lisbon by Maurice Benedictus), reports written by the Ch...

  19. ORT Photo Collection.

    This fonds contains photographs from the photo collection of the ORT headquarters in London. The photographs depicting ORT activities in Belgium bear the reference code “ORT/PH 22”. There are 97 photographs and 8 photo albums in total related to Belgium (see photos [ORT/PH] 22/001 to [ORT/PH] 22/105). The large majority of the material relates to ORT work in Brussels and Antwerp; there is 1 photo album concerning the “Farming school” (hachsharah center) in Kessel-Lo (22/007). We firstly note pictures/albums on classes organised for both children, young men and adults concerning dressmaking ...

  20. Archiv der Israelitische Kultusgemeinde Wien, Teil II.

    In this fonds we find important files concerning the emigration of Viennese Jews (particularly children) to Belgium, mostly during the years 1938-1939. We firstly note files and series of a general nature, such as correspondence and telegrams regarding individual refugees, notes and reports on general emigration matters, brochures, series of questionnaires (concerning financial aid to émigrés, or questionnaires filled in by candidates), statistics, lists and reports on emigration (often ordered by target country), … For instance, in the subsection “emigration of children” (Kinderauswanderun...