Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 101 to 120 of 296
Country: Israel
  1. Judith Ides Topcza, born in Kalisz, Poland, 1903; details regarding her activities in the Jewish underground in France during World War II

    1. O.89 - Collection of Personal Files of Jewish Underground Fighters in France

    Judith Ides Topcza, born in Kalisz, Poland, 1903; details regarding her activities in the Jewish underground in France during World War II Life in Paris. Manages the soup kitchen set up by the Comite Rue Amelot (Amelot Street Committee); relief provided by the soup kitchen to needy Jewish families; arrest by the Gestapo; deportation to Auschwitz on Transport 38, 28 September 1942.

  2. Marc Amon, born in Thessaloniki, Greece, 1923; details regarding his activities in the French Jewish underground during World War II

    1. O.89 - Collection of Personal Files of Jewish Underground Fighters in France

    Marc Amon, born in Thessaloniki, Greece, 1923; details regarding his activities in the French Jewish underground during World War II Work as a physicist; joins the EIF (French Jewish Scouts), 1942; activities in La Sixieme (the Sixth) underground in Paris; detention by the Gestapo, July 1944; deportation from France, July 1944. In the file; - Testimonies; - Photograph; - Letter.

  3. Aurelie (Polturak) Gottlieb, born in Lwow, Poland, 1892, known as Rella; details regarding her activities in the French Jewish underground during World War II

    1. O.89 - Collection of Personal Files of Jewish Underground Fighters in France

    Aurelie (Polturak) Gottlieb, born in Lwow, Poland, 1892, known as Rella; details regarding her activities in the French Jewish underground during World War II FSJF (Federation of Jewish Societies in France) activities in Lyons; arrested in the UGIF (Union Generale des Israelites de France) office by the Gestapo, 09 March 1943; deportation to Drancy; transfer to Auschwitz; murdered in Auschwitz. In the file: - Photograph; - Letter; - Documents; - Excerpts from testimonies.

  4. Jules Bass, born in 1924, details regarding his activities in the French Jewish underground during World War II

    1. O.89 - Collection of Personal Files of Jewish Underground Fighters in France

    Jules Bass, born in 1924, details regarding his activities in the French Jewish underground during World War II Life in Limoges; OJC (Organization of Jewish Combat Fighters) activities as part of FFI (Interior French Forces); arrest by the Gestapo while smuggling forged documents, 10 June 1944; torture and execution; finding of his body in a forest in St. Junien. In the file: - Certificate issued by the FFI.

  5. Marcelle Loeb, born in Strasbourg, France, 1923; details regarding her activities in the French Jewish underground during World War II

    1. O.89 - Collection of Personal Files of Jewish Underground Fighters in France

    Marcelle Loeb, born in Strasbourg, France, 1923; details regarding her activities in the French Jewish underground during World War II Membership in EIF (French Jewish Scouts); arrest by the Gestapo during a raid on the UGIF (Union Generale des Israelites de France) building in Lyon in the presence of Klaus Barbie, 09 February, 1943; deportation to Drancy; transfer to Sobibor; perishes in Sobibor. In the file: - Photograph of Marcelle Loeb; - Excerpt from a testimony.

  6. Esther Richter, known as Ika; details regarding her activities in the Jewish underground in France during World War II

    1. O.89 - Collection of Personal Files of Jewish Underground Fighters in France

    Esther Richter, known as Ika; details regarding her activities in the Jewish underground in France during World War II Life in Paris including the German occupation; joins Comite Rue Amelot (Amelot Street Committee); member of the Bund party; help to needy Jews; arrest by the Gestapo; deportation to Romainville; life in Romainville; death, 12 December 1942. In the file: - Summary of her personal information.

  7. Testimony of Palo Sheiner, born in Pilsen, Czechoslovakia, 1904, regarding his experiences in Cernauti, a camp near Marculesti and Hungary

    1. O.12 - Perlman Collection: Testimonies of refugees from Poland who arrived in Eretz Israel, 1942-1943

    Testimony of Palo Sheiner, born in Pilsen, Czechoslovakia, 1904, regarding his experiences in Cernauti, a camp near Marculesti and Hungary Deportation from Cernauti to a camp near Marculesti; escape and crosses the Dniester river; escape along the Polish border; encounter with the Ukrainian Police and Gestapo; escape; capture and transfer to a cemetery; escape and rescue from shooting; escape to Hungary. The testimony was recorded during the war.

  8. Testimony of Szlomo Bursztejn regarding his experiences in the Kleszczele Ghetto

    1. M.11 - The Mersik-Tenenbaum Archive: Documentation regarding the Bialystok Ghetto underground

    Testimony of Szlomo Bursztejn regarding his experiences in the Kleszczele Ghetto Life in the Kleszczele Ghetto; "Aktion" conducted by the Gestapo, 01 November 1942; planning of escape from the ghetto by Jews; arguments against escape; escape with other Jews; survival of four people.

  9. Testimony of Anatol Rabinowicz regarding his experiences in Bialystok

    1. M.11 - The Mersik-Tenenbaum Archive: Documentation regarding the Bialystok Ghetto underground

    Testimony of Anatol Rabinowicz regarding his experiences in Bialystok Witness is handed over to the Gestapo in Bialystok by Anton Wojtowicz, the Pole, 11 March 1944; life in detention including interrogation, abuse and beatings; work burning corpses. Note: The testimony was taken down 16 October 1944.

  10. Dr. Abraham Silberschein Archive: Correspondence with A. Herman, Organization Rehabilitation Trade (ORT) representative in Warsaw, and Dr. Abraham Silberschein's former secretary, regarding sending relief to various Jews in Poland

    1. M.20 - Archive of Dr. Abraham Silberschein, Geneva: Documentation regarding relief to persecuted Jews, 1939-1951

    Dr. Abraham Silberschein Archive: Correspondence with A. Herman, Organization Rehabilitation Trade (ORT) representative in Warsaw, and Dr. Abraham Silberschein's former secretary, regarding sending relief to various Jews in Poland Also in the file: - Letter from Harman in Geneva regarding preparations for publication of testimonies regarding the atrocities carried out by the Germans in Poland, 19 June 1944; - Letter from Entraide Universitaire Internationale regarding the rehabilitation of the universities and help to students; three pamphlets are attached, October 1944; - Letter from Stach...

  11. Testimony of Gedalyahu Abramowicz regarding his experiences in Baranowicze

    1. M.11 - The Mersik-Tenenbaum Archive: Documentation regarding the Bialystok Ghetto underground

    Testimony of Gedalyahu Abramowicz regarding his experiences in Baranowicze Occupation of Baranowicze by the German Army, 1941; abuse of Jewish men by Gestapo men approximately two weeks after the German occupation; murder of Jews; throwing the murder victims into pits; throwing live Jews into pits; injury; return to the Baranowicze Ghetto; liquidation of the ghetto; joins the partisans.

  12. Testimony of Miriam Robinson, born in Vilna, Lithuania, 1928, regarding her experiences in the Vilna Ghetto, Stutthof and other places

    1. M.11 - The Mersik-Tenenbaum Archive: Documentation regarding the Bialystok Ghetto underground

    Testimony of Miriam Robinson, born in Vilna, Lithuania, 1928, regarding her experiences in the Vilna Ghetto, Stutthof and other places Concentration of the Jews of the Vilna Ghetto on Rasa [?] Street in anticipation of the liquidation of the ghetto; liquidation of the Vilna Ghetto, 29 March 1943; selection by Gestapo men; execution of three members of the Bund: Abrasha Chwojnik, Asia Bik and Yankiel Kaplan; deportation to Stutthof; transfer to other camps; call for revenge upon the Germans.

  13. Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Documentation from Nuremberg Trials regarding the deportation of the Jews of Germany to eastern Europe

    1. P.13 - Archive of Benjamin Sagalowitz , head of the press agency of the Union of Jewish Communities in Switzerland, 1929-1969

    Benjamin Sagalowitz Archive: Documentation from Nuremberg Trials regarding the deportation of the Jews of Germany to Eastern Europe In the file: - Documentation taken from evidence gathered for the Nuremberg Trials regarding deportation of the Jews, mainly from Bavaria (southern Germany), to Eastern Europe, 1941-1943; - Among other things, a letter from Alfred Rosenberg, the Minister for the Occupied Areas in the East, regarding the deportation of the Jews of Germany to Minsk, 16 January 1942; - Orders from the Wuerzburg Gestapo office, 1942.

  14. Correspondence between Erich Kulka and Pavel Bergmann from Prague, 1987-1989

    1. P.25- Archive of Erich Kulka, Historian of Czech Jewry and Author

    Correspondence between Erich Kulka and Pavel Bergmann from Prague, 1987-1989 Correspondence between Erich Kulka and Pavel Bergmann regarding the conduct of the libel trial that Erich Kulka brought in the Prague Court against Josef Sebesta, the author of the book, "V zemi zaslíbené?" (In the Promised Land?) and against the Melantrich Publishing House which published the book. In the book, Kulka is presented as a Gestapo agent during World War II, and as a Zionist activist against Czechoslovakia after his aliya to Israel in 1968. The book has an anti-Zionist and anti-Israel character.

  15. Memoirs of and an interview with Franz Kejmar

    1. P.25- Archive of Erich Kulka, Historian of Czech Jewry and Author

    Memoirs of and an interview with Franz Kejmar 1. Interview conducted by Erich Kulka with Franz Kejmar at Kejmar's home in Spain, 06 July 1986. Kejmar was an opponent of the Nazis in Austria. He was arrested by the Gestapo in July 1941, and a month later, on 19 August 1941, he was deported to Auschwitz as a political prisoner. There he worked in the Deutsche Ausrustungswerke (DAW) factories and served as a Kapo, a position in which he showed compassion and humaneness towards the inmates (in German); 2. Unpublished memoirs of Franz Kejmar (in German); 3. Article regarding Franz Kejmar, who wa...

  16. Documentation regarding the Holocaust from the Centre de Documentation Juive Contemporaine (CDJC - Center of Contemporary Jewish Documentation) in Paris

    The Archives contain documentation of the Gestapo, the Commissariat Général aux Questions Juives (CGQJ-Commissariat-General for Jewish Affairs), the Union Generale des Israelites de France (UGIF-General Union of Jews in France), the German and Italian Embassies, the Nuremberg Trials and more.

  17. Het laatste geschrift van prof. Titus Brandsma

    1. Anti-Nazi resistance and opposition

    The pamphlet is the last writing of Prof. Dr. Titus Brandsma by “Order of the Gestapo” in the Scheveningen prison on January 22nd, 1942. Brandsma was an outspoken critic of the Nazis even before the war. He was imprisoned in Dachau and executed by lethal injection. In 2002 Brandsma was canonized by Pope Francis.

  18. Documentation from the Landratsamt Saarbruecken (Saarbruecken district authority) in the Saar region

    Documentation from the Landratsamt Saarbruecken (Saarbruecken district authority) in the Saar region

  19. O.92 - Kulka-Jaeckel Collection: Nazi reports regarding public opinion in Germany

    O.92 - Kulka-Jaeckel Collection: Nazi reports regarding public opinion in Germany The Collection includes reports regarding the Stimmungsberichte (atmosphere; mood) among the members of SD units, the Gestapo, the Nazi Party and local authorities throughout Germany. The reports in which there is information regarding the Jews served as the basis for the book, "Die Juden in den geheimen NS-Stimmungsberichten 1933-1945" (The Jews in the Secret Nazi Atmosphere Reports, 1933-1945), Kulka, Otto Dov and Jäckel, Eberhard, eds., Droste Verlag, Düsseldorf, 2004. Professor Dov Otto Kulka submitted cop...

  20. Wechselnde Pfade

    1. Anti-Nazi resistance and opposition

    The account by Walther Hensel describes his arrest and internment in various prisons on trumped up charges during the years 1937-1939. He describes in harrowing detail the humiliations and abuse one had to endure by the hands of the Gestapo, but also acts of kindness by regular prison guards. With the help of a committed lawyer, he managed to be released early.