Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 981 to 1,000 of 1,669
Country: Israel
  1. תיועוד מעזבונו של Reiner Heinrich, ה-Reichsstatthalter ב-Hessen, שנים 1919-1943

    Heinrich Reiner (1892-1946), engeneer in his profession, joined the Nazi Party (NSDAP) as early as 1923. After the National Socialist seizure of power in 1933, he was appointed to senior posts in the government of Hessen. From August 1934 to June 1937 Reiner officiated as deputy of the Gauleiter of the Nazi Gau (district) Hesse-Nassau. In April 1935 he became deputy of the leader of the Hessian state government and the State Commissioner (Führers der hessischen Landesregierung und des Reichsstatthalters). In January 1936, he was appointed Hessian State Councilor (Staatsrat) and in January 1...

  2. P.51 - Personal Archive of Rabbi Shaul Veingert, who helped many Jews in occupied Europe and refugees in Switzerland, 1941-1948

    P.51 - Personal Archive of Rabbi Shaul Veingert, who helped many Jews in occupied Europe and refugees in Switzerland, 1941-1948 The Veingert family transferred the archives to Bar Ilan University. Mr. Adler, a worker at the University, wanted to prepare comprehensive research regarding Rabbi Veingert and his activities, and he began by arranging the principal material of the Collection, the letters which were in numbered envelopes. Additionally, he began to catalog the basic information in each letter according to the order of the envelopes (This catalogue is located in File Number 1of the ...

  3. Files from the Devisenstelle (Foreign Currency Authority) in Frankfurt am Main and Kassel

    Record keeping authority: Foreign exchange offices Frankfurt a.M. and Kassel The state exchange control to avoid flight of capital with foreign currency, existed in the German Reich since 1931. The pertaining foreign exchange offices were established in June 1932. They were subject in the last instance to the economics ministry of the Reich (therein starting from 1934 the Reich office for currency control). The intermediate supervisory authorities were in the beginning the state tax offices and then from 1937 the Chief Finance Presidents (Oberfinanzpraesidenten). The official designation wa...

  4. Documentation of Das Ahnenerbe (The Ancestral Heritage) Society, 1935-1945

    Documentation of Das Ahnenerbe (The Ancestral Heritage) Society, 1935-1945 Documentation of Das Ahnenerbe Society, a pseudo-scientific organization founded through the initiative of Heinrich Himmler and Darre, in 1935, which dealt with the study of ancient German history and in anthropological research in order to decide on various issues in Nazi ideology. At the peak of its activities, the organization included 40 scientific departments headed by Wolfram Sivers, who was executed as a result of the Nurenberg Trials. Following 1939, the organization frequently used the results of medical exp...

  5. Documentation of the Communist Party District Committee in Sopotskin, 1940-1941

    Documentation of the Communist Party District Committee in Sopotskin, 1940-1941 The Collection includes lists of Communists; regulations of the Communist Party Regional Committee; statistical reports of members of the Communist Party; lists of candidates who were accepted to the Communist Party.

  6. O.81 - Kulka-Hildesheimer Collection: Documentation of the Reich Representation of German Jews, 1932-1938

    O.81 - Kulka-Hildesheimer Collection: Documentation of the Reich Representation of German Jews, 1932-1938 In the collection there are copies of documentation gathered by Otto Dov Kulka and Azriel Hildesheimer as part of their comprehensive research regarding the Reichsvertretung der Deutschen Juden (Reich Representation of German Jews), the central organization of German Jews during the Nazi period, in their attempt to reconstruct the organization archives. Included in the documentation is a huge number of documents regarding the organization starting from the preparation stages for its est...

  7. Documentation of Bielaruskaya Krayovaya Abarona (BKA-National Belorussian Defense Headquarters) in Minsk, 1944

    Documentation of Bielaruskaya Krayovaya Abarona (BKA-National Belorussian Defense Headquarters) in Minsk, 1944

  8. O.54 - The Jewish Press Agency in Switzerland- JUNA - newspaper clippings collection, 1936-1965

    O.54 - The Jewish Press Agency in Switzerland- JUNA - newspaper clippings collection, 1936-1965 The JUNA (Juedische Nachrichten-Presseagentur) was set up in 1936 by the Federation of Swiss Jewish communities in an effort to counteract antisemitic and pro-Nazi activity in Switzerland. Dr. Benjamin Sagalowitz was its director until 1965 (see record group P.13). This collections consists of newspaper clippings, mainly about the condition of the Jewish people in Nazi occupied Europe.

  9. Collection of the Binnenlands Bestuur - Ministry of the Interior of the Netherlands, Local Authorities Department, 1924-1944

    Collection of the Binnenlands Bestuur - Ministry of the Interior of the Netherlands, Local Authorities Department, 1924-1944 Binnenlands Bestuur - Ministry of the Interior of the Netherlands, Local Authorities Department, was responsible for the administration of matters related to the regions, municipalities, and needy persons, Armwezen. The local Police, firefighters and air defense forces were subordinate to it and were transferred to the responsibility of the Ministry of Justice during the Nazi occupation period. A general draft of the Dutch Army was declared in June 1939. Binnenlands B...

  10. Documentation of the Gebietskommissar (district governor) in Zwiahel, 1942-1943

    Documentation of the Gebietskommissar (district governor) in Zwiahel, 1942-1943 Included in the collection: - Instructions regarding arrests and executions, and correspondence with Police agents; - Instructions and directives regarding the collection of taxes from the local population; - Documentation regarding local residents who were deported to forced labor in Germany; - Lists of "Eastern" laborers who handed over their clothing; - Legal files against various people, including Communists, and lists of those people; - Documentation regarding the payment of salaries to workers in the distr...

  11. Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Mishmar HaNegev

    Documentation collected in the context of the "Research project regarding the contribution of Holocaust survivors to the State of Israel", from Kibbutz Mishmar HaNegev Interviews/ testimonies: 1. Ilana Arad; 2. Yosef Erez; 3. Momos Bonim; 4. Jacques Borstein; 5. Zvika Blustein; 6. Fanni Bar-Alon; 7. Esther Gutkind; 8. Ben-Zion Degani; 9. Dorit Dekel; 10. Mordechai Voloshchovski; 11. Shula Wechsler; 12. Yosef Tanzer; 13. Terez Lev; 14. Dora Magril; 15. Meir Soker; 16. Meir Soker; 17. Arush Poznanski; 18. -- Kelert; 19. Yoel Roizman; 20. Michael Rapaport; 21. Yishai Shtikman; 22. Stuki Shteff...

  12. Documentation of the Communist Party District Committee in Oshmyany, 1940-1941

    Documentation of the Communist Party District Committee in Oshmyany, 1940-1941 The Collection includes reports from various Communist Party institutions and organizations regarding the establishment of kolkhozes and the presence of national parties in the District; lists and reports regarding persons suspected of anti-Soviet activity; documentation of the Propaganda Department including lists of Communist propagandists and correspondence with various organizations; lists of Area Election Committees including personal documentation of the committee members.

  13. P.76 - The Esther Lurie Collection

    The artist and painter Esther Lurie (1913-1998) grew up in Latvia. She studied in Belgium and made aliya to Eretz Israel in 1934. In 1938 she won the Dizengoff Prize. She traveled to visit her relatives in Latvia and Lithuania in 1939, and was unable to return to Eretz Israel. In June 1941 she was in Kaunas. She was deported to the Kaunas Ghetto and documented life in the Kaunas Ghetto in her paintings. She was deported later to Stutthof camp. Esther returned to Eretz Israel in 1945, married Dr. Yosef Shapira, and continued her artistic activities. She participated in many exhibitions and w...

  14. M.67 - Documentation regarding the Holocaust from archives in Bulgaria

    M.67 - Documentation regarding the Holocaust from archives in Bulgaria In the Record Group there is documentation from government archives in Bulgaria. Cataloguing began in 2001, and it is still continuing. The Record Group is open for accepting additional official documentation. The Record group contains documentation from the Holocaust period: - Indictments, protocols of investigations carried out in preparation for the trials held in the People's Court in Bulgaria in 1945, verdicts and protocols from the first three Court sessions (regarding protocols from additional People's Court Sessi...

  15. Documentation from the Amt Nohfelden / Türkismühle in the Saar region, 1920-1944

    Documentation from the Amt Nohfelden / Türkismühle in the Saar region Documentation from the Amt Merzig-Land in the Saar region

  16. Documentation of the German authorities and the local authorities in Belorussia, 1941-1944

    Documentation of the German authorities and the local authorities in Belorussia, 1941-1944 Included in the collection: List of Jewish residents from Skidel who paid taxes; list of Jews from Mosty, prepared by the Judenrat, 20/11/1941; documentation regarding investigations of Jews by the Ortskommandatur Grodno, 1941; list of Jews from the Korelichi Ghetto, 1942; documentation regarding industrial and agricultural matters in Mosty, 1942; documents and lists of residents and property in the Nowogrodek district, 1941-1943; documentation of the municipal administration in Slonim, 1941-1944; doc...

  17. Documentation of the government offices in Hamburg regarding Jews and the persecution of Jews

    Documentation of the government offices in Hamburg regarding Jews and the persecution of Jews List of contents of the microfilms (inside the parentheses are the record group numbers of the official institutions): JM/12659 Senat (111-1) (Collection 12665617) JM/12660 [bad quality microfilm - dark pictures] (frames 2-2169) Innere Verwaltung (Buero Senator Richter) (113-2) (Collection 12666235) JM/12661 + JM/12662 Staatsverwaltung (Allgemeine Abteilung) (113-5) (Collection 12628222) JM/12663 (frames 2-86) Buergerschaft (121-3) (Collection 12672597) JM/12663 (frames 87-203) Ratsherrenkanzlei (1...

  18. P.24 - Dov Levin Collection - Partisan and Holocaust researcher

    P.24 - Dov Levin Collection - Partisan and Holocaust researcher Dov Levin was born in Kaunas, Lithuania on 27 January 1925. His parents were Zvi Hirsh Levin and Bluma (Vigoder) Levin. Dov Levin died in Jerusalem on 03 December 2016. He received a Zionist education, and was fluent in Slavic languages, Lithuanian, English and Hebrew. Levin studied at the "Schwab" Hebrew high school in Kaunas, which was affiliated with the "Tarbut" educational network, until the school's closure following the Soviet occupation, and at the "Shalom Aleichem" Yiddish high school. He joined the Hashomer Hatzair mo...

  19. Documentation from the Stutthof concentration camp political department, 1940-1945

    Documentation from the Stutthof concentration camp political department, 1940-1945 Included in the collection is documentation of the political department administrators regarding the camp's inmates, an announcement regarding the transfer of inmates to the Stutthof concentration camp from other camps, documentation regarding the deportation of Jewish inmates from Riga, Auschwitz camp and Plaszow camp to the Stutthof concentration camp including transport lists from 1944, card files of inmates and their registration books, and correspondence regarding the transfer of 500 female inmates to Ha...

  20. Anti-Jewish legislation in Italy

    Anti-Jewish legislation in Italy - Anti-Jewish legislation as published for the public in the governmental leaflet and by various government offices.