Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 381 to 400 of 1,670
Language of Description: English
Language of Description: Multiple
Language of Description: Ukrainian
Country: Israel
  1. M.41.GAOOMog - Documentation from the State Archive of the Public Organizations in the Mogilev Region

    M.41.GAOOGO - Documentation from the State Archive of the Public Organizations in the Mogilev Region History of the State Archive of the Public Organizations in the Mogilev Region The regional Archive of the Communist Party was established in Mogilev in March 1940. Before its establishment, the responsibility for the conservation of the Communist Party documents was imposed on the History Department starting in 1925, and as of 1927 the responsibility was imposed on the Communist Party Archive of the Mogilev region. During the period of the Great Patriotic War (World War II), the documentati...

  2. Documentation of Soviet local authorities in Estonia, 1940 - 1941

  3. Documentation from the Merzig municipality in the Saar region, 1913-1946

    Documentation from the Merzig municipality in the Saar region Documentation from the Kultusministerium (Ministry of Religions and Education) of the Saar region

  4. Documentation of the district administration in Kostopol, 1941-1942

    Documentation of the district administration in Kostopol, 1941-1942 - Instructions by the Gebietskommissariat (district commissioner) in Kostopol; - Statistical data regarding the nationalization of property and the sale of Jewish homes, 19/12/1941-29/09/1942; - Appeals to the Kostopol municipality by two Jews, regarding receiving a food allotment, 04-05/1942; - List of children born in the Kostopol district, 1937-1938; - Instructions by the mayor of Kostopol, regarding the sale of clothing and shoes of Jews that were left in the municipal area, and the sale of clothing and shoes to poor pe...

  5. Documentation of the Kreishauptmann (district governor) in Lemberg, 1941-1944

    Documentation of the Kreishauptmann (district governor) in Lemberg, 1941-1944 Included in the collection: - Circular of the Generalgouvernement propaganda department in the Galicia area, regarding statistical data concerning the area's residents; - Correspondence of the Generalgouvernement office, regarding the Jews; - List of Jews from Mosciska who were transferred to a labor camp and received permission to return in exchange for a deposit of money; - Lists of Jews from various places in the Distrikt Galizien; - Documentation of the German Police in the Galicia area, regarding the registra...

  6. Documentation of the municipal committee of the Communist Party in Bialystok, 1940-1941

    Documentation of the municipal committee of the Communist Party in Bialystok, 1940-1941 Included in the collection: - Documentation of the municipal committee of the Communist Party; - Lists of Communists; - Lists of representatives to the elections committee; - Lists of elections committee members; - Lists of engineers and technicians in Bialystok; - Questionnaires of Jewish delegates at the Communist convention in 1940; - Lists of horse owners.

  7. Documentation from the Polizeipraesidien (Police Headquarters) in Bochum and Hamm (Westphalia region)

    Documentation from the Polizeipraesidien (Police Headquarters) in Bochum and Hamm (Westphalia region)

  8. Documentation regarding underground groups and partisans units active in the Zhitomir region, 1941-1945

    Documentation regarding underground groups and partisans units active in the Zhitomir region, 1941-1945 Included in the collection: - Lists of partisans active in the Zhitomir region and in other sections of Ukraine; - Documentation regarding the Soviet POWs underground organization active in Zhitomir Boguniya camp; - Survey reports of the committee for former partisans affiliated with the Ukrainian government, regarding activities of various partisans units.

  9. Documentation of the Communist Party District Committee in Ivye, 1940-1941 and 1945

    Documentation of the Communist Party District Committee in Ivye, 1940-1941 and 1945 The Collection includes a report regarding intellectuals and professionals; protocols from District Committee meetings; work plans of the District Committee; reports of the RO NKVD (the District Department of the NKVD) regarding suspects in anti-Soviet activity; reports of the District Committee [that were sent] to the Regional and Central Committee of the Communist Party; appeals of residents to the District Committee; reports of Party members and various organizations regarding preparations for the school ...

  10. M.52.DAChrkO - Documentation from the State Archives of the Cherkasy Region

    M.52.DAChrkO - Documentation from the State Archives of the Cherkasy Region History of the Archives The Archive was first established in Cherkasy in April 1919; it was called the Regional Archive of Cherkasy in 1925. The name of the Archive was changed to the State Historical Archive of Cherkasy in 1932 and it became a branch of the State Archive of the Kiev Region in 1941. During World War II much of the documentation in the Archive was damaged. Following the establishment of the Cherkassy region in 1954, the name of the Archive was changed to the State Archive of the Cherkassy Region. A b...

  11. Documentation from the Bundesarchiv Bern, Switzerland, regarding the policies of the Swiss government toward refugees, 1933-1955, and a report by Dr. Carl Ludwig, 1957

    Documentation from the Bundesarchiv Bern, Switzerland, regarding the policies of the Swiss government toward refugees, 1933-1955, and a report by Dr. Carl Ludwig, 1957

  12. Documentation of the municipal Court of Law in Kalush, 1942-1943

    Documentation of the municipal Court of Law in Kalush, 1942-1943 Included in the collection are lists of inmates which were found in the prison next to the municipal Court of Law in Kalush.

  13. M. 51 - Reichsvereinigung der Juden in Deutschland (Reich Association of the Jews in Germany)

    M. 51 - Documantation of the Reichsvereinigung der Juden in Deutschland (Reich Association of the Jews in Germany) History of the Organization The organization was apparently founded in early 1939 by representatives of the Reichsvertretung der deutschen Juden (Reich's Deputation of the German Jews). In July 1939, an ordinance was published by the authorities concerning the establishment of the Reich Association of the Jews in Germany, which replaced the Reich's Deputation of the German Jews. In the words of its Chairman, "... [it will serve as] a new organizational basis for the dwindling p...

  14. O.37/Linz - Collection of the Jewish Historical Commission in Linz

    O.37/Linz - Collection of the Jewish Historical Commission in Linz

  15. Files from the Dokument Center in the Archive of Wuerzburg, Bavaria

    Files from the Dokument Center in the Archive of Wuerzburg, Bavaria

  16. Documentation of the auxiliary Ukrainian administration in Dnipropetrovsk, 1941-1943

    Documentation of the auxiliary Ukrainian administration in Dnipropetrovsk, 1941-1943 Included in the collection: - Documentation regarding Jewish elderly people and orphans in the municipal home for the disabled in Dnipropetrovsk, and registration of the Jews of the city before their deportation to the ghetto; - Documentation of the local authorities in Pyatikhatki regarding Jews, 1942-1943; - Instruction by the mayor of the city of Dnipropetrovsk to the chief physicians of the hospitals and clinics, including the ban against giving treatment to Jews, 1941; - Appeal to the Stadtkomissar by ...

  17. Documentation from the Friedhofsverwaltung (Cemeteries administration) in Hamburg

    Documentation from the Friedhofsverwaltung (Cemeteries administration) in Hamburg

  18. Files of the arbitrator for claims for compensation in Stuttgart

    Files of the arbitrator for claims for compensation in Stuttgart: The legal basis for the work of the arbitrator for reparations in the American zone was Law No. 59 of the Military Government (American Control Area) of November 10, 1947. According to this, the confiscated property, firm, bank account or other property was to be returned or compensation for it was to be paid. For this, the injured party or his legal successor had to conduct contentious proceedings against the individual or institution liable for restitution, which had seized the property. In order to prevent every claim for ...

  19. Documentation of the Council and the Executive committee of the Novaya Mysh district, 1940

    Documentation of the Council and the Executive committee of the Novaya Mysh district, 1940 Included in the collection is a list of voters in the Nowa Mysz [Novaya Mysh] district, prepared in 1940, and a professional opinion regarding a Jewish teacher named Abram Rozen who worked in the Baranovichi region.

  20. Documentation of the auxiliary regional committee to the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission in the Tarnopol region, 1944-1946

    • ארכיון יד ושם / Yad Vashem Archives
    • 13228700
    • English, Hebrew
    • 1944-1946
    • Diagram Exhumation report Newspaper clippings Official documentation Statistical report רשימת פושעים נאצים ומשתפי פעולה

    Documentation of the auxiliary regional committee to the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission in the Tarnopol region, 1944-1946 Included in the collection is documentation regarding the establishment of ghettos in the region; policies toward the Jews; employment of Jews for forced labor; murder of the Jews and liquidation of the ghettos in the Tarnopol region during 1941-1944; lists of Nazi war criminals and collaborators active in the Tarnopol region during 1941-1944, including letters of recommendation, biographies, orders, places and periods of service; Soviet newspaper clippings regard...