Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 541 to 560 of 2,003
Country: United Kingdom
  1. Hans Schwarz papers

    This collection contains papers relating to Hans Schwarz, founder of the organisation Komitee Ehemaliger Politischer Gefangener, and general secretary of its successor, Vereinigung der Verfolgten des Naziregimes.

  2. Book of mourning

    This book of mourning pertains to the death of Markus Gruenebaum, the grandfather of the depositor, who died on 11 December 1912 age 89.

  3. Letter to Eva Manes

    This letter is from a former friend of Philip Manes and his wife, addressed to Eva Manes and written in 1957. It is a long rambling letter in Suetterlin script from the lady who bought Manes' grand piano for RM 1000. She lived in the same house as Philip Manes and his wife and was obviously a great friend who adored both. She writes about arrangements for payment for the piano, about Manes' problems, and also describes her own rather unhappy fate during the last years of the war and after.Most importantly, in connection with the Manes' life story, she describes the last days before their de...

  4. Notes on 'Unzer Styme'

    This collection consists of notes and summaries of articles from the periodical "Unzer Styme".

  5. Harold Fraser: copy correspondence from Weimar Germany

    This collection comprises two parts: a set of copy correspondence from Harold Fraser in Hamburg, to his employers, Helbert, Wagg and Co., merchant bankers based in London, circa 1923-1924 (1567/1); and a translation of a letter entitled, "A letter from my father about his experiences during the siege and the German occupation of Warsaw" (1567/2). It is not clear how the latter document relates to the depositor. The copy correspondence from Harold Fraser in Hamburg provides an insight into the economic, social and political conditions of that city and of Germany in general, covering the peri...

  6. Klappholttal Youth Camp

    This collection of published and unpublished pamphlets and prospectuses provides a history of the Klappholttal Youth Camp, Schleswig Holstein.

  7. Eleanor Hess: family papers

    This collection of papers documents the life of a German Jewish refugee to Great Britain, Eleanor Hess, and, in part, the lives of family members. The papers include emigration and citizenship papers of her grandfather Emil, c1870s; certificates and First World War army records of Julius, her father; and correspondence from Eleanor and her brother, Herbert, in Brazil, to their mother, c1950s. In addition there is an unpublished memoir of Eleanor, which describes the life of a Jewish girl in Nazi Germany and the experience of emigration to a foreign land.

  8. Holocaust remembrance 2004

  9. Otto Bondy: personal papers

    This collection consists of the personal correspondence of Otto Bondy, German Jewish immigrant to Great Britain and civil engineer, and that of his wife, Ursula Meyer.

  10. Joyce Rozendaal Haldinstein: letters

    The correspondence includes letters from Joyce in Holland and Switzerland and letters from friends in Great Britain and USA. Also included is the issue of the Dutch journal Sliepsteen, Spring 1998, No. 55, whose main feature is an article on Joyce Rozendaal Haldinstein.

  11. Lodz ghetto: copy registration cards

    This collection consists of a photocopy of the registration cards of Isaak and Martha Teich-Birken, confirming their entry to and departure from the Lodz Ghetto, Poland. In addition to their personal details, the precise date of entry and departure is given.

  12. Frank family collection

    This collection consists of copy Red Cross telegrams between members of the Frank family during the war and with a people tracing agency after the war.

  13. Dr Richard Michels: personal papers

    This collection consists of correspondence and journals of Richard Michels, mostly whilst on board a variety of ships in his capacity as ship's doctor c1900; some photographs; and typescript accounts of Kempen, Posen by a relative on his wife's side of the family. The correspondence consists of folders of loose letters and bound volumes of letterbooks and journals. All of it is from Richard Michels to his mother.

  14. Inow family: copy correspondence

    This collection consists of correspondence between Renate Inow, in England, her sister, Margalit in Sweden and Palestine and their parents in Wuppertal, Germany. The collection comprises 2 parts: an unbound volume of translations and partial translations of letters addressed to Margalit mostly whilst she was in Sweden entitled 'Voices from the Past'. This collection includes reproductions of photographs of the parents and a family tree. Margalit provides the following information in the introduction. She began collecting letters from her parents after Kristallnacht, and, after May 1939, fro...

  15. Copy papers re Rudolf Hess in Spandau

    This collection consists of copy papers relating to the imprisonment of Rudolf Hess in Spandau. The collection includes correspondence between Alfred Seidl, Hess's former defence attorney at Nuremberg and author of a number of books on Hess, and prominent politicians and public figures, who had some influence over or interestin Hess's continued imprisonment. In addition there is an affidavit from Hess' wife who testifies to a meeting shortly before Hess' flight to Scotland between Hess and Hitler. Included also are copies of contemporary documents relating to Hess.

  16. Erica Prean: account of Reichskristallnacht in Aachen

    Account of Reichskristallnacht in Aachen 

  17. Leon Goldenberg: copy military service record

    This copy service record of Leon Goldenberg documents his service in the Landwehr of the Austro-Hungarian army.