Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 681 to 700 of 1,825
Language of Description: Danish
Language of Description: English
Country: United Kingdom
Holding Institution: Wiener Holocaust Library
  1. Czech refugee in Great Britain: report of flight into exile

    Report which documents the flight into exile of a Czech civil servant and his wife via Katovice, Poland, thence to England. The deposit comprises a manuscript version in German and a typescript version in English. The report offers a valuable insight into the difficulties encountered by Czech emigrés in the immediate aftermath of the German occupation in 1939.

  2. Irma de Miranda collection

    Correspondence and reports documenting Irma de Miranda's activities as a volunter with the Jewish Relief Unit and general information from the Jewish Committee for Relief Abroad

  3. Copy papers re fascism in Great Britain

    Copy papers from the Cabinet Office re fascism in Great BritainThis is a collection of copy documents, the originals of which are held at the National Archives

  4. John Davey: Copy papers

    Copy papers re John Davey's attempt to prove that Hitler was alive in 1953. (1990s)

  5. German Jewish families: various copy papers

    This collection of copy documentation relates mainly to the Mecklenburg family. Also included are smaller collections from other German Jewish emigre families.

  6. Telegram re mobility restrictions for Jews

    Copy telegram from Bern to Auswärtige Amt discussing the possibility of special entry in passports held by Jews from Germany and Italy designed to prevent their travel to SwitzerlandGerman 

  7. Various eyewitness testimonies

    Various eyewitness testimonies 

  8. Antisemitism in Denmark: Copy papers

    The papers in this collection relate to the trial of 6 Danish Nazis for anti-semitic libel, in Copenhagen in 1937. The defendants include Ernst Lemvigh Müller, Niels Olsen, editor of the National-Socialistiks Maanedhaefte, Aag Henning Andersen, Nannestad Møoller, Valdemar Jensen, editor of Stormen and Betty Henning. The longest sentence was 80 days. The collection includes the transcript of a declaration by the Chief Rabbi of Denmark, which takes the form of written answers to questions about the content of the anti-semitic publications produced by the defendants

  9. Reichssicherheitshauptamt: copy extract from annual report

    Copy extract from the Sicherheitshauptamt annual report consisting of the chapter entitled Judaism which is sub-divided into the following headings: Germany; abroad; the position of Jewish organisations in the old Reichsgebiet; political and religious organisations; action against the Jews on 9/ 10 November 1938; statistics; emigration; Ostmark; Danzig; world JewryGerman 20 pages 

  10. Copy documents and draft for research projects

    Copy documents and draft for research projects entitled Das traditionelle Judentum in Deutschland im 19 und 20 Jahrhundert, by Dr. M Breuer and Dr. J Walk, and Die anti-jüdische Gesestzgebung im Dritten Reich, by Dr. Shaul EshThe papers include copy documents from German archives and drafts of project plans for research into traditional Judaism in the 19th and 20th century and ant-Jewish laws in the Third Reich respectively.

  11. Reichsvereinigung der Juden in Deutschland: deportation order

    This order from the Reichsvereinigung der Juden in Deutschland to Frau D. S. Allfeld, partner in a mixed marriage, to go on a work detail out of the city (Frankfurt a. M.) is evidence of the continuation of this organisation's activities (albeit in changed and much reduced form).After June 1943, when most of Germany's Jews had been deported to concentration/ death camps. The following features are of particular interest. The date, 8 February 1945, seems very late and suggests that the Nazis must have been desperate to recruit workers at this time. The document appears to be a contemporary c...

  12. Laura Selo collection

    Laura Selo family correspondence and papers including letters from her mother Grete Gumpel to her father; also letters from the children to their father while he was interned; also documents and Red Cross letters of Else Philipps, Grete Gumpel's sister, who managed to get to Great Britain. Included is a negative of a letter by the Jewish Refugee Committee.

  13. Italian antisemitism during Mussolini's era: various papers

    Miscellaneous copy documents re antisemitism in Italy during Mussolini's era including book reviews, correspondence and a copy letter from Vittorio Cerruti, former Italian ambassador in Berlin, to URO Munich emphasising the differences between Mussolini and Hitler regarding racial ideology. 

  14. Academics persecuted by the Nazis: Correspondence

    Correspondence regarding the fate of Jewish mathematicians and academics during the Nazi era.

  15. Joan Campion: correspondence re Gisi Fleischmann

    This collection of copy correspondence of Joan Campion relates to her portrayal of Gisi Fleischmann, who assisted with the rescue of Jews in nazi occupied Europe, and who features in Campion's book In the Lion's Mouth.

  16. Institute for historical review conference: transcript of talk by David Irving

    Copy typescript annotated transcription of a talk given by David Irving at a conference organised by the Institute for Historical review in Anaheim, California, September 3-5 1983.