Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 381 to 400 of 747
Country: Belgium
  1. Transcripts of interrogations of Adolf Eichmann in preparation of his trial. Item

    This item consists of six volumes containing the transcriptions of the interrogations of Adolf Eichmann by investigator Avner Werner Less, conducted between 29 May 1960 and 15 January 1961.

  2. Oscherowitz family. Collection

    This collection contains : photos of the British inmates of Ilag VIII/Z among whom Philippe Oscherowitz, Maurice Bernard Fishel and Leonard Fishel, including propaganda photos of prisoners at the Ilag swimming pool and theatrical and musical spectacles performed by the inmates ; family photos of Belgian citizen David Oscherowitz, his wife Clara Risnik and their daughter Eva Oscherowitz ; photos of David Oscherowitz taken during his military service in the Belgian army in 1935-1936 ; photos of unidentified family members and friends of the Oscherowitz family.

  3. Violin of Maurice Flam. Collection

    This item is a violin used by an unidentified prisoner to play for the guards at the Dora concentration camp and taken to Belgium by camp survivor Maurice Flam in 1945.

  4. Renée Flaksbaum. Collection

    This item is a studio portrait of Renée Flaksbaum. The back of the photo mentions the date on which she gave it to her non-Jewish friend Lucy Lauwerijs, 8 August 1942, which is the same day that Renée left for the Dossin barracks with a convocation for forced labour (Arbeitseinsatzbefehl).

  5. Dutkiewicz-Wagner family. Collection

    This collection contains: the envelope created by the Dossin barracks administration to contain the documents of Laja Wagner, confiscated from her upon her arrival at the SS-Sammellager ; the false ID card of Laja Wagner which was stored in the Dossin barracks envelope ; the wedding photo of Gdalja Dutkiewicz and Laja Wagner.

  6. Ehrenfeld family. Collection

    This collection contains: one portrait of the extended Ehrenfeld family ; five photos of Anna Lambrechts walking down a street or at the Antwerp Stadspark (city park) in the company of Marcel and/or Sylvain Ehrenfeld, sons of her employer Jacques Ehrenfeld ; a photo of brothers Marcel and Sylvain Ehrenfeld walking down a street ; a wartime ID card of Anna Lambrechts' husband August Bosmans

  7. Objects alledgedly made from human tissue confiscated by the Police judiciaire de Liège - Police scientifique in a post-war fraud case. Collection

    This collection consists of a lamp with a lampshade, alledgedly made from human skin, and a box with a clasp containing 4 pieces of soap, rumoured to have been made from human fat, confiscated during investigations by the Police judiciaire de Liège - Police scientifique into a fraud case against J.G. in Liège in 1968.

  8. Circular regarding the exclusion of Jews from public office in Borgerhout. Collection

    This circular contains information regarding the exclusion of Jews from public office in the municipality of Borgerhout, Antwerp. The content is based on the German anti-Jewish decree of 28 October 1940.

  9. Handkerchief of Sarah Goldberg. Collection

    This silk handkerchief shows the following embroidery: a forearm with the number 51825 and small triangle, the words "Auschwitz! Buchenwald! Belsen! N'oublions jamais…" and a red decorative border. On the back, in pencil, the words "Un jour à Laurenskirche" appear.

  10. Alice Spruyt. Collection

    This collection consists of : a Megillah Esther, the scroll containing the book of Esther which is read twice during the Purim fest and which was rescued by Marcel Bracke from a Jewish home near the Antwerp city park in 1942 ; a copy of Marcel Bracke’s post-war forced labourer recognition card.

  11. Jenny Gutwirth. Collection

    In this interview Jenny Gutwirth talks about: her family fleeing Italy and surviving the war in Switzerland ; the survival story of her husband Emmanuel Neustetel, including the fate of his father Mojzesz Neustetel as a forced labourer in France, going into hiding in Laeken and Emmanuel’s band with his rescuer Frans Verbiest.

  12. Research collection created by Annie Sliwka. Collection

    This collection consists of: multiple press clippings collected by Annie Sliwka on the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de Guerre (AIVG) and the Wezembeek-Oppem children's home ; multiple databases created by Annie Sliwka, using lists and registries kept by the AIVG, the Jewish Social Services and children's homes run by the Association of Jews in Belgium ; photos of rescuers such as Brigitte Jacobsberg, caretaker at the Wezembeek-Oppem home ; recordings of the international gathering of children formerly housed in the homes of the AIVG organised in Brussels on 27-29 September 2002 ; recordings...

  13. Hans Rosenblatt. Collection

    This collection contains: a digital copy of the Rosenblatt-Ginsberg family photo album, including photos of Hans Rosenblatt, his parents Adolf Rosenblatt and Lea Ginsberg, his uncle Samuel Rosenblatt and his adoptive parents David Dorn and Hanna alias Fanny Dorn taken before, during and after the war ; Samuel Rosenblatt’s American immigrant identification card from 1939 ; an album with handwritten messages of friends of Lea Ginsberg which she took with her when she migrated from Poland to Vienna to marry Adolf Rosenblatt ; postcards received by Lea Ginsberg in France in 1941 from her family...

  14. Borisewitz family. Collection

    This collection consists of the following files: KD_00577_0001 : Belgian passport used by Robert Borisewitz for fleeing to Brazil in 1940 KD_00577_0002: documents regarding the military career of pilot Oscar Borisewitz ; correspondence between brothers Oscar and Robert Borisewitz ; documents regarding the death of Oscar Borisewitz in Rabat, Morocco, in July 1942 ; photos of the headstone and aviator monument with Oscar Borisewitz’s name ; documents regarding the repatriation of Oscar’s body to Belgium after the war KD_00577_0003: the charter granting pilot Oscar Borisewitz the title of chev...

  15. Roger Pauwels. Collection

    This collection consists of: two photos of a young Roger Pauwels ; two documents of the Sotramont company confirming Roger Pauwels's departure to and arrival at Auschwitz ; a letter and a telegram sent by Roger Pauwels while working in Auschwitz to his parents in Brussels ; two post-war documents regarding the search for Roger Pauwels ; a deportation commemoration medal.

  16. Paul Bucholz. Collection

    In this interview Peisach alias Paul Bucholz talks about: his youth in Antwerp, Belgium ; his father's fate working as a forced labourer for Organisation Todt in France ; going into hiding with his mother Basze Laie Bucholz and younger brother Salomon in Silsburg in 1942 ; the separation of his youngest brother Jakob who was placed in hiding in Forest, Brussels ; his uncle Simon Bucholz fleeing to Spain ; the escape attempts of his uncle Aron Bucholz from the Dossin barracks and Transport XX.

  17. Szmulewicz-Kramarz family. Collection

    This collection contains: the documentary “Darkness and Light” on the story of Irene alias Rina Szmulewicz-Mondlin, created by Gaël Krajzman Johns ( ; the documentary “Nous sommes là!” on the story of Irene’s cousin Francine Erlich and Francine’s husband Marcel Holender, created by Gaël Krajzman Johns ( ; the documentary “We are here!” on the story of Irene’s cousin Francine Erlich, Francine’s husband Marcel Holender and sister-in-law Louise Holender, created by Gaël Krajzman Johns ( for French ...

  18. Manes Klinger. Collection

    This collection contains documents regarding Manes alias Martin Klinger's life in Germany, his work for copyright agencies including Auteursbureau ALMO, Independant Management Entity, attestations from employers, correspondence, his passport, documents regarding his service in the German army during the First World War, family photos and two medals awarded to Manes Klinger.

  19. Sternefeld-Hemelrijk-Mok testimony. Collection

    This collection consists of an interview of Mirjam Hemelrijk who survived the war in an orphanage in the Netherlands, Eva Sternefeld who survived the war in Suriname and Rachel Mok who survived the war in the United Kingdom ; photos of Samuel Lisser and Rachel Keyser, adoptive parents of Mirjam Hemelrijk.

  20. Resler-Gutmann family portrait. Collection

    This family portrait depicts Mendel Resler, his wife Rebecca alias Rosa Gutmann and their four youngest children Alexandre or Alexander, Mircea or Mircia alias Michel, Tauba and Eva Resler