Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 10,461 to 10,480 of 56,066
  1. Trophy (German and other) records from the collection of the Soviet State Extraordinary Commission to Investigate Crimes Committed by Nazis and their Allies on the territory of the USSR during WWII (Fond 7021, Opis 148)

    Contains diverse military records and directives of the German Army, orders, personnel lists, addresses, appeals and correspondence of the Nazi civil and military administration on the occupied territories, anti-Soviet and anti-Jewish propaganda, records related to the organizations of interrogations of the German POW by the Soviet intelligence services (SMERSH), Soviet partisan warfare and its suppression, treatment of the Soviet POW, and the like.

  2. Hannah Koblentz Shulman collection

    Contains one copyprint of a wartime photograph of Hannah Koblentz Shulman, originally of Albany, NY, in a Women's Auxiliary Army Corps uniform, and a copy of the July/August 1998 issue of "The Jewish Veteran" magazine. The magazine contains an article entitled "Jewish Women in the Military: Hannah Koblentz" and describes Mrs. Shulman's experiences in the armed forces and her experiences as a Jewish woman touring the newly liberated concentration camps.

  3. Oral testimony of Dina Oppenheimer "My Story"

  4. Guta Strykowski collection

    Contains a copy of one report, 15 pages, written by Dr. Peter Ostwald, a psychiatrist at the University of California Medical Center in San Francisco on January 18, 1966, to Mr. Klaus Hoefel, a consular officer at the Federal Republic of Germany consulate in San Francisco, regarding the mental health of Mrs. Guta Strykowski (later Cohen, born Weintraub), originally of Vlostrova, Poland. Dr. Ostwald describes Mrs. Strykowski's wartime experiences and relates that she is currently experiencing nightmares, depression, and pain as a result of her experiences in the Łódź ghetto and in the Ausc...

  5. "Good-bye Mr. Ghoya" pamphler

    Consists of one pamphlet entitled "Good-bye Mr. Ghoya," published in Shanghai in September 1945. The pamphlet was a denunciation of Sgt. Kano Ghoya, the Japanese ex-vice chief of the Stateless Refugees' Affairs Bureau in Shanghai, and includes seven cartoons by F. Melchoir.

  6. "Nazi Crimes in Poland in the Years 1939-1945" map

    Consists of a copy of a map entitled "Zbrodnie Hitlerowskie na Ziemiach Polski w Latach 1939-45" ("Nazi Crimes in Poland in the Years 1939-1945) created by the Pań́stwowe Przedsiȩbiorstwo Wydawnictw Kartograficzynch in 1968. The map, which was copied from the collection of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), is a map of Poland depicting hundreds of concentration camps and showing the size of their prisoner populations.

  7. Regina Löwy Espenshade articles

    Consists of one article, entitled "Zu Besuch in der Alten Heimat: Eine Rückschau auf meinen letzten Besuch im Burgenland (Stadtschlaining, Jabing, Oberwart)" and English translation of the same article, entitled "A Personal Account of my Last Visit to Burgenland (Stadtschlaining, Jabing, Oberwart)", by Regina Löwy Espenshade. The article contains reflections on her family's pre-war and wartime experiences, her genealogical research, and her favorable impressions of efforts in Stadtschlaining to commemorate both the Jewish community and the Holocaust.

  8. Post-war Milan photograph

    Consists of one photograph taken in the synagogue in via Unione in Milan, Italy, in 1945. At the time the photograph was taken, the building was being used to house refugees.

  9. Dr. Bronek Drozdowicz collection

    Collection consists of a manuscript handwritten in Yiddish by Chana Gorodecka [donor's maternal grandmother], describing the experiences of her family during the Holocaust; dated 1945; typed manuscript of the above; translation of the above manuscript into Portuguese; newspaper, "Yiddishe Shriftn", published in Poland in Yiddish in 1962 with a review fo the book by Chana Gorodecka and an article about clandestine medical schools in the Warsaw ghetto.

  10. Sol Brivik photograph collection

    Collections consists of 16 photographs depicting members of the Brivik family from Kaunas, Lithuania; all of whom were taken from the Kovno ghetto and executed.

  11. Prayer book

    Collection consists of a prayer book imprinted on front cover "vom Bethaus im IX. Bez. Wien" and "zur Erinnerung an die Confirmation" and inscribed inside "an die Confirmation der Alice Goldschmied 3 June 1900"; published 1895, Prague; in German and Hebrew. The book was found by the donor while he was working for the Viennese Jewish Community circa 1941/1942. The prayer book was found in a subterranean storage room and kept with donor through deportation to Theresienstadt concentration camp and liberation. It was found among other religious books such as a Pentateuch most likely rescued fro...

  12. William Lush collection

    Collection consists of a German passport (Reisepass) issued to Paul Steinharter on January 13, 1937 includes visas from Belgium and England and an immigration visa from the United States. The passport issued to Lea Steinharter includes visas issued for Spain and Portugal and an immigration visa from the United States. Documents inserted into her passport include a Declaration of Intention for U.S. citizenship, receipt issued on board the SS Exeter on August 13, 1941, and a note and letter to Paul from Clara Lussheimer in Chicago dated June 4, 1951; in German.

  13. Renee Fainas Wehrmann collection

    Collection consists of one Sauf Conduit pass issued for donor's grandmother Yetta Fainas in May 1943 in Roquebrune-Cap-Martin, France. Donor was living in this area with her parents and grandmother diring World War II. All members of her family survived.

  14. Catalog

    Collection consists of a booklet, Zidovi, the catalog from an antisemitic exhibition in Zagreb, Croatia. The cover has image of a man with sword and shield battling a snake. Dates for exhibit,"1.V.1942-1.VI.1942." Black and white illustrations and text.

  15. Archiv der Israelitischen Kultusgemeinde Wien - Jerusalemer Bestand Archive of the Jewish Community Vienna-Jerusalem component collection

    Contains the Holocaust related archival records of the Israelitische Kultusgemeinde Wien (Jewish Community Vienna), including reports, letters, emigration and financial documents, deportation lists, card files, books, photographs, maps, and charts detailing the final years of the once-largest German-speaking Jewish community in Europe. The current part of the collection, microfilm reels 960-1231, contains emigration questionnaires.

  16. "While the World Watched"

    Consists of one audio CD entitled "While the World Watched," created by the Library of Congress as part of the Veterans History Project. On the CD, veterans describe their experiences as concentration camp liberators and as witnesses to the Nuremberg war crimes trials. The program is narrated by former United States Senator Max Cleland.

  17. Ministry of Social Welfare of the Czechoslovakian Government-in-Exile in London, Repatriation Department (JAF 1007)

    Records of the Ministry of Social Welfare, Repatriation Department, London (Ministerstvo sociani pece, Londýn), and Czechoslovak Red Cross dealing with emigration, matters of internal security and racial policy, especially anti-Jewish measures. Includes materials on "Jewish Question", name lists, registration cards and correspondence, Czech organizations in the USA, UN reports on crimes of Nazis, list of camps, descriptions of camps, repatriations from France, emigration to Chile, Cuba, Paraguay, Venezuela, Caracas, Trinidad, USSR, reports on detainment camps, documents and reports on disp...

  18. Robert Capa photographs

    Consists of two photographs taken on July 3, 1948, in Jerusalem by famed wartime photographer Robert Capa. One photograph depicts a bulletin board covered with propaganda flyers, and the other depicts construction workers digging in dirt and rubble.

  19. Memoirs of Abram Tseitlin

    The collection contains the printed memoirs (Memories) of Abram Tseitlin, written in 1990. The work predominantly spans the period 1941-1944 of Second World War. There are six chapters including: Chapter 1, "War"; Chapter 2 , "Evacuation"; Chapter 3, "Kerminye"; Chapter 4, "School", Chapter 5, "Misfortunes of War"; and Chapter 6, "I ask."