"Nazi Crimes in Poland in the Years 1939-1945" map
Extent and Medium
1 map,
Archival History
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum copied this collection from the Map Services Center at the Central Intelligence Agency and received permission to add the map to the Museum's collection.
Scope and Content
Consists of a copy of a map entitled "Zbrodnie Hitlerowskie na Ziemiach Polski w Latach 1939-45" ("Nazi Crimes in Poland in the Years 1939-1945) created by the Pań́stwowe Przedsiȩbiorstwo Wydawnictw Kartograficzynch in 1968. The map, which was copied from the collection of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), is a map of Poland depicting hundreds of concentration camps and showing the size of their prisoner populations.
- Document