Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 4,461 to 4,480 of 56,066
  1. Broadside

    Broadside, “No A.E.F. Day / November 11th” for Armistice Day Rally “Keep Out Of War”

  2. Henriette Bick Hahn papers

    The collection primarily consists of correspondence, documents, and photographs documenting the Holocaust experiences of Henriette Bick Hahn and her parents Karl and Emma Bick, originally of Munich, Germany. The bulk of the collection consists of documents and correspondence relating to Karl’s imprisonment in Stadelheim and Dachau after Kristallnacht. The last letter in the collection written by Karl while in Dachau is dated May 5, 1940. Other material in the collection includes Karl and Emma’s marriage certificate, identification cards and naturalization certificate of Henriette, and prewa...

  3. Goldmann family papers

    The Goldmann family papers consist of correspondence, biographical records, immigration documents, school notes and records, photographs, and military documents relating to Kurt Goldmann's prewar life in Germany, immigration to the United States in 1939, experience as a student at Pennsylvania State University, service in the United States Army during WWII, and his postwar life in the United States. Also included are documents related to Kurt’s parents, Paul and Hedwig (Hede) Goldmann, and their emigration from Germany to England and the United States, as well as prewar documents relating t...

  4. Weinberg family collection

    Photographs and Yiddish notes surrounding Morton Steinberg's extended family in pre-war Europe

  5. Shames family collection

    The collection consists of pre-war photographs of the Shames family in Warsaw, Poland and post-war photographs in Lwów, Poland (Lviv, Ukraine), Siberia, Berlin, Germany, Israel, and the United States. Includes two photographs of the family on a ship during their immigration to the United States. Some of the photographs are copy prints.

  6. Socio-Cultural Society of Jews in Poland Towarzystwo-Społeczno Kulturalne Żydów w Polsce (TSKŻ) (Sygn. 325)

    Selected records contain correspondence with domestic offices and international organizations; minutes and reports from meetings and events; records of the Department of Education such as curricula in schools in Hebrew or Yiddish; reports from dayrooms for pupils; personal files and correspondence of the Towarzystwo-Społeczno Kulturalne Żydów w Polsce (TSKŻ), branch in Lublin. Note: Reproduction of this collection is ongoing.

  7. Association of survivors of the Nazi Persecution in Argentina. Archive of Sherit Hapleitá of the Moskovits Archive Asociación de Sobrevivientes de la Persecución Nazi en la Argentina. Archivo de Sherit Hapleitá del Archivo Moskovits

    Records from the legal office of Mr. José Moskovits, a Holocaust survivor and attorney in Buenos Aires. Consist of the manifesto, correspondence and publications of the Sherit Hapleita in Argentina collected by José Moskovits. Includes correspondence, letters to the Minister of Defense in Cuba, Raul Castro, office files, press releases, printed material, as well as project folders related to memorial events in Argentina and other activities of Holocaust survivors.

  8. Ministry of Foreign Affairs : Martial law, arrests and internment (Group 84.A.21a-b)

    Records relating to martial law in Denmark during the WWII, including: announcements, reports from police districts and local authorities, as well as records relating to arrests of hostages, including lists of arrested Danes and releases, and seizures of buildings and property.

  9. Lea Derszowicz memoirs

    The collection consists of two handwritten memoirs written by Lea Derszowicz (née Eberstark) describing her experiences in Poland, primarily in Dzików, Tarnobrzeg, the Dębica ghetto, and the Pustków concentration camp. Her writings chronicle some of her personal background and her family’s experiences during the early years of World War II including life in the Dębica ghetto, forced-labor, relatives searching for family after being separated, dressing as a boy to sneak out of Dębica with the aid of others to procure food to smuggle back in, deportation to Pustków, her brother getting shot f...

  10. Anton Kozlowski photograph collection

    Consists of photographs of Buchenwald at liberation, a photograph of Ohrdruf at liberation, and a photograph of a German soldier standing among casualties on the Eastern Front. The collection is attributed to Anton Kozlowski (1924-2002) who served in the European Theater after enlisting with the U.S. Army in 1943.

  11. Visiting Berlin

    Hans Lindemann stands by the garden in front of The Reichstag in Berlin. Berliner Dom. Altes Museum. A man speaks from the passenger seat of a car. The Preußisches Staatstheater in Gendarmenmarkt. “Markgrafen Str.” Busy streets of Berlin. Trolleys and cars drive past. Double-decker bus. The corner building, “HACIFA.” A man standing near factory. “PATHEX”

  12. Hans Fischböck papers

    The Hans Fischböck papers consist of correspondence, official documentation, biographical materials, and photographs, documenting Fischböck's National Socialist career which involved the systematic expropriation and Aryanization of Jewish properties and assets in Nazi-annexed Austria and the Nazi-occupied Netherlands; Fischböck's flight to Argentina after the war; his life and work in Latin America; and his eventual return to Germany and Austria. It contains official certificates of promotion and commendations issued to Hans Fischböck by high-ranking Nazi officials including Adolf Hitler, H...

  13. German Intelligence Service (Bundesnachrichtendienst, BND): Records related to War Crime Trials, German Federal Archives Koblenz (BND B 206)

    Consists of documents collected by the German Intelligence Service (Bundesnachrichtendienst, BND) after 1945. 10 files are on the identification of Adolf Eichmann and Klaus Barbie.

  14. Entartete Kunst leaflet

    Advertising leaflet for the "Entartete Kunst" [Degenerate Art] exhibition in Munich 1937. The text of the flyer invites the public to visit the exhibition and "to judge for himself" the quality of the art, describing the artwork as "pathologic, sick and spiritually rotten, torturing the fabric" of German society. The flyer describes the exhibition as free to enter, but "forbidden to youth."

  15. Selected files from the UK National Archives

    Selected files from the UK National Archives relating to the British investigation and prosecution of war crimes immediately after World War II (WO 309: War Office: Judge Advocate General's Office, British Army of the Rhine War Crimes Group (North West Europe) and predecessors: Registered Files (BAOR and other series) & WO 311: Judge Advocate General's Office, Military Deputy's Department, and War Office, Directorates of Army Legal Services and Personal Services: War Crimes Files (MO/JAG/FS and other series) and WO 310: War Office: Judge Advocate General's Office, War Crimes Group (Sout...

  16. Gombosi family papers

    The Gombosi family papers consist of biographical material, correspondence, and photographs relating to János, Magda, and Eva Gombosi’s experiences during the war. The collection includes an identity card from the Allied Expeditionary Force, a medical card, and a Läkarkort (doctor’s brief) for Magda, a post-war letter detailing what happened to János during war, and a handwritten contract handing guardianship of Eva to her grandfather, Lajos, if her parents did not return. The collection also includes correspondence from János, Magda, and Eva, and notes with postal information for János’ fo...

  17. Selected records of the City Pabianice Akta miasta Pabianice (Sygn.2074) : Wybrane materiały

    Records related to the Jewish population of Pabianice: records of the Jewish religious community, civil registry files, education, participation in the City Council, economic activity, sport, philanthropic activity. Includes also numerous lists of real estates, Jewish property plans for renovations, building permits or reconstruction, certificates from the rabbinate about birth certificates, 1936-1937, as well as other various certificates, census of Pabianice, 1889-1932, voter lists, personal files, lists of elections to the Sejm in 1935, certificates issued by the rabbi, excerpts from rec...

  18. Presentation by Ed Silverberg

  19. Elena Fleischnerova papers

    The collection consists of letters received by Elena Fleischnerova, formerly of Prague, after she fled Czechoslovakia for France in 1939 and then immigrated to the United States with her husband Eugene and daughter Danielle in 1940. The bulk of the letters, 1939-1941, are from her mother Emilie Wohryzek prior to her deportation with her husband Moritz to Theresienstadt in 1942. Other letters are from friends and family.