Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 261 to 280 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Dora Turksma. Collection

    This collection contains: two photos of Dora Turksma as a child, including a photo of her with her mother Klara Schilt at the beach; the ‘Volksmisboek en Vesperale’ (catholic prayer book) Dora Turksma received when being baptised as a hidden child in 1944; several dozen post-war prayer cards and devotional cards tucked away in the bible, signed by nuns and pupils at the boarding schools Dora attended; an interview with Dora Turksma in which she talks about her childhood in Antwerp, daily life at Morpheusstraat where she and her mother lived, moving around during the first years of the war, ...

  2. Objects alledgedly made from human tissue confiscated by the Police judiciaire de Liège - Police scientifique in a post-war fraud case. Collection

    This collection consists of a lamp with a lampshade, alledgedly made from human skin, and a box with a clasp containing 4 pieces of soap, rumoured to have been made from human fat, confiscated during investigations by the Police judiciaire de Liège - Police scientifique into a fraud case against J.G. in Liège in 1968.

  3. Patrick Verwerft. Collection

    This collection contains: documents of Michel Van West and his family, detained at the Dossin barracks and deported via Transport XXIV ; documents of René Basch, detained at and released from the Dossin barracks, and of his wife Elsa Verhoeven ; a statement on behalf of Max Kirschen confirming his release from the Dossin barracks ; Rose Goldine 's payment slip proving her membership of the Association of Jews in Belgium ; certificate exempting Charles Sternberg from wearing the yellow star ; order addressed to Laure Nejman-Reich to report to the Sipo-SD headquarters in Brussels ; one worn y...

  4. Aronsfrau-Hollander family. Collection

    This collection consists of: photos of the Aronsfrau-Hollander family, including photos of siblings Leonore, Norbert and Siegbert Aronsfrau as children and adults, photos of parents Leon Aronsfrau and Eva Hollander, photos taken during family vacations, a photo of Leon Aronsfrau during his military service and a photo of Norbert Aronsfrau with his rescuer Simone Goossens ; documents regarding the Aronsfrau-Hollander family, including Siegbert Aronsfrau’s fake ID, a letter sent to Siegbert Aronsfrau while detained at the Dossin barracks from his rescuer Simone Goossens, a post-war letter fro...

  5. Tadeusz Geisler. Collection

    The collection contains: cutlery (spoon, fork and knife) used by Tadeusz Geisler during his internment at the Sachsenhausen concentration camp ; two strips of fabric with a red triangle, the letter P and Tadeusz Geislers prisoner number at Sachsenhausen (90175) ; three patches of cloth depicting Polish and French flags ; three small pieces of bread, saved by Tadeusz Geisler during a death march in 1945 ; a prototype of a violin bridge - the Geisler-comb - developed by Thadé Geisler; a photocopy of the patent accorded to Thadé Geisler for his violin bridge in 1966 ; three post-war photos, in...

  6. Brigitte Jacobsberg. Collection

    This collection consists of: Brigitte Jacobsberg's ID used during the Kindertransport from Germany to Belgium in 1938, her false and her real Belgian ID, a public transport ID under her false name Brigitte Leclerq, certificates regarding Brigitte's employment at the Wezembeek-Oppem children's home under supervision of the Association of Jews in Belgium in 1942-1944, post-war certificates regarding Brigitte's conduct during the war, and a biography.

  7. Circular regarding the exclusion of Jews from public office in Borgerhout. Collection

    This circular contains information regarding the exclusion of Jews from public office in the municipality of Borgerhout, Antwerp. The content is based on the German anti-Jewish decree of 28 October 1940.

  8. Brunner-Hollander family. Collection

    This collection contains: pre-war photos of Menasche alias Maximilian Brunner, his wife Esther Hollander, their children Dora and Henri Brunner, and the extended Brunner family ; wartime photos of the Brunner family while in hiding at Genval with the Balzat family ; a photo of Menasche alias Maximilian Brunner being reunited with his wife Esther Hollander and their son Henri at the Royal Circus in Brussels in 1945 ; war-time Red Cross membership card and ID card of Rosa Brunner ; advertisement stamp of Pension Brunner located in Heide ; Menasche alias Maximilian Brunner's Hungarian military...

  9. Handkerchief of Sarah Goldberg. Collection

    This silk handkerchief shows the following embroidery: a forearm with the number 51825 and small triangle, the words "Auschwitz! Buchenwald! Belsen! N'oublions jamais…" and a red decorative border. On the back, in pencil, the words "Un jour à Laurenskirche" appear.

  10. Alice Spruyt. Collection

    This collection consists of : a Megillah Esther, the scroll containing the book of Esther which is read twice during the Purim fest and which was rescued by Marcel Bracke from a Jewish home near the Antwerp city park in 1942 ; a copy of Marcel Bracke’s post-war forced labourer recognition card.

  11. Jenny Gutwirth. Collection

    In this interview Jenny Gutwirth talks about: her family fleeing Italy and surviving the war in Switzerland ; the survival story of her husband Emmanuel Neustetel, including the fate of his father Mojzesz Neustetel as a forced labourer in France, going into hiding in Laeken and Emmanuel’s band with his rescuer Frans Verbiest.

  12. Flor Van Laer. Collection

    This collection contains: postcards sent by family members to David Wajntraub and his wife Sura Gitla alias Sara Broner in Brussels (1937-1942) ; a letter from the Antwerp Ortskommandantur to the mayor of Schoten, confirming the confiscation of buildings by the Abteilung Feind- und Judenvermögen [Division enemy and Jewish capital] (1941) ; postcard sent by Edith Silbiger, Jewish secretary at the Dossin barracks, to her parents Arnold Silbiger and Ernestine Kirschner (30 September 1942) ; parcel request form filled out by Michel Van West and his family while detained at the Dossin barracks (...

  13. Liwszyc-Jagolkowska family. Collection

    This collection contains: two pieces of yellow cloth containing each three Belgian stars of David which were never cut from the fabric or worn ; two letters sent by relatives to Rachel Carolina Liwszyc while she was in hiding as Lina Pasqual ; a report on the history of the Liwszyc- Jagolkowska family written during the procedure to recognize rescuer Jeanne Periphanos as Righteous among the Nations ; the diploma of Righteous issued to Jeanne Periphanos in 2007 ; a letter signed by Yad Vashem confirming that the title of Righteous among the Nations was issued to Jeanne Periphanos ; a photo o...

  14. Research collection created by Annie Sliwka. Collection

    This collection consists of: multiple press clippings collected by Annie Sliwka on the Aide aux Israélites Victimes de Guerre (AIVG) and the Wezembeek-Oppem children's home ; multiple databases created by Annie Sliwka, using lists and registries kept by the AIVG, the Jewish Social Services and children's homes run by the Association of Jews in Belgium ; photos of rescuers such as Brigitte Jacobsberg, caretaker at the Wezembeek-Oppem home ; recordings of the international gathering of children formerly housed in the homes of the AIVG organised in Brussels on 27-29 September 2002 ; recordings...

  15. Norbert Vos-Obstfeld. Collection

    This collection contains: the French ID card of Chuma Rajzel Galant-Holcman ; pre-war family photos of the extended Obstfeld-Fleischer and Zwaaf-Vos families, including childhood, wedding and vacation photos ; photos of the Obstfeld-Zwaaf family after fleeing to France during the war; photos of Norbert Vos and his mother Lea Zwaaf while hiding in Kortrijk with the Verhage family ; photos of Elisabeth alias Lilly Zwaaf and her husband Maurice Da Cunha living in India during the war ; post-war photos of Norbert, his mother Lea Zwaaf and his stepfather Emiel Vos ; photos of Emiel Vos’s deporte...

  16. Goffaux-Indekeu family. Collection

    This collections consists of: two lists containing the names of Jewish and non-Jewish persons rescued by Florent Goffaux and Hélène Indekeu ; declarations regarding the rescue of André Paradis, Antoine Gosselin, Heinz Basch and Henri Drouin (with photos) ; a declaration regarding the death of Jean Lekime ; a statement signed by Salomon Muller ; an honorary certificate issued by the Union des Anciens Détenus et Rescapés de la Caserne Dossin de Malines to Florent Goffaux, and a note regarding Hélène Indekeu’s certificate ; two medals given to Florent Goffaux and Hélène Indekeu by the Union de...

  17. Meisel-Goldstein family. Collection

    This collection consists of: photos of Leon Meisel, his wife Rachel Goldstein and their children Catherine alias Katja and Philippe Meisel who were all deported and murdered ; a photo of family friend Florence Ciparisse who tried to rescue Philippe Meisel ; a photo of Sacha Goldstein, cousin of Rachel Goldstein, who visited Namur in the 1960s to look for traces of his deported relatives ; a business card of one of the Meisel-Goldstein family friends who assisted Sacha Goldstein in his search ; three letters from Sacha Goldstein to the Ciparisse sisters commemorating the deportation of his r...

  18. Evelyne Haendel. Collection

    This collection contains: pre-war photos of the wedding and honeymoon of Evelyne Haendel’s parents Moses alias Marcel Haendel (also Handel or Händel) and Pessa Wolfowicz ; pre-war and wartime photos of members of the extended Haendel-Wolfowicz family, including Scheindla Wolfowicz and her daughter Ursula Frommer or Julius Wolfowicz and his wife Ella Diamant and Jetti alias Itte Haendel alias Hecht ; wartime photos of Evelyne Haendel with rescuers such as Georges Vandor and the Krings family ; a post-war photo of Evelyne Haendel's solemn communion

  19. Hans Rosenblatt. Collection

    This collection contains: a digital copy of the Rosenblatt-Ginsberg family photo album, including photos of Hans Rosenblatt, his parents Adolf Rosenblatt and Lea Ginsberg, his uncle Samuel Rosenblatt and his adoptive parents David Dorn and Hanna alias Fanny Dorn taken before, during and after the war ; Samuel Rosenblatt’s American immigrant identification card from 1939 ; an album with handwritten messages of friends of Lea Ginsberg which she took with her when she migrated from Poland to Vienna to marry Adolf Rosenblatt ; postcards received by Lea Ginsberg in France in 1941 from her family...

  20. Borisewitz family. Collection

    This collection consists of the following files: KD_00577_0001 : Belgian passport used by Robert Borisewitz for fleeing to Brazil in 1940 KD_00577_0002: documents regarding the military career of pilot Oscar Borisewitz ; correspondence between brothers Oscar and Robert Borisewitz ; documents regarding the death of Oscar Borisewitz in Rabat, Morocco, in July 1942 ; photos of the headstone and aviator monument with Oscar Borisewitz’s name ; documents regarding the repatriation of Oscar’s body to Belgium after the war KD_00577_0003: the charter granting pilot Oscar Borisewitz the title of chev...