Flor Van Laer. Collection

Language of Description
1 Jan 1933 - 31 Dec 1949
Level of Description
  • Dutch
  • Hebrew
  • Jiddisch
  • German
  • French
EHRI Partner

Extent and Medium

200 digitised images (26 documents, 4 educational prints, 1 precious print and 1 object)


Biographical History

Flor Van Laer has been collecting documents with postmarks for decades. He has a special interest in the Second World War and focusses on collecting items related to the Belgian case.

Archival History

As of 2016 collector Flor Van Laer very kindly allows Kazerne Dossin to digitise specific items from his collection related to the racial persecution in Belgium. His collection is composed of documents he was able to purchase both in Belgium and abroad.


Flor Van Laer, 2016 and onwards

Scope and Content

This collection contains: postcards sent by family members to David Wajntraub and his wife Sura Gitla alias Sara Broner in Brussels (1937-1942) ; a letter from the Antwerp Ortskommandantur to the mayor of Schoten, confirming the confiscation of buildings by the Abteilung Feind- und Judenvermögen [Division enemy and Jewish capital] (1941) ; postcard sent by Edith Silbiger, Jewish secretary at the Dossin barracks, to her parents Arnold Silbiger and Ernestine Kirschner (30 September 1942) ; parcel request form filled out by Michel Van West and his family while detained at the Dossin barracks (1943) ; parcel request form filled out by Meier Romacki while detained at the Dossin barracks (1943) ; payslip for a cleaning lady working at the Soldatenheim in Mechelen (1944) ; two postcards addressed to Belgian men suspected of collaboration and detained at the Dossin barracks (1944) ; postcard from Flora Rothschild (born Florsheim) to the Organisation de Regroupement familiale [Organisation for Family Reunification], inquiring about the Paris address of Mr. Apfeldorfer (28 March 1947) ; three envelopes addressed to the Belgian army divisions housed at the Dossin barracks (1948-1949) ; a copy of the precious print “Het IIIe Rijk en de Joden. Eenige Documenten” by Committee for the Defence of the Rights of Jews, Antwerp, 1933 ; four educational prints on racial doctrine dated early 1930s ; a badge worn by members of Volksverwering [People's defence].


Documents will be digitised and added after acquisition by Flor Van Laer

Conditions Governing Access

Contact Kazerne Dossin Documentation Centre: archives@kazernedossin.eu

Conditions Governing Reproduction

Flor Van Laer, Private collection, Emblem, Belgium

Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements

Digitally stored at Kazerne Dossin

Existence and Location of Originals

  • Flor Van Laer, Private collection, Emblem, Belgium

Existence and Location of Copies

  • Digital copy available as collection KD_00434 at Kazerne Dossin

Related Units of Description

  • Other documents on the Van West family were acquisitioned by collector Patrick Verwerft and are part of collection KD_00348.


This description is derived directly from structured data provided to EHRI by a partner institution. This collection holding institution considers this description as an accurate reflection of the archival holdings to which it refers at the moment of data transfer.