Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 1,821 to 1,840 of 2,003
Country: United Kingdom
  1. Gertrud Wilmersdorfer: Copy personal papers

  2. Rudolf Rosenbaum collection

  3. Various news cuttings

    Volume of news cuttings This collection of newspaper cuttings contains poetry relating to the First World War and a variety of news stories from Die Nation and the Frankfurter Zeitung.

  4. Hilda Hallenstein: copy letter re experiences in Spanish Civil War

    Copy letter from Hilda Hallenstein to Ernest Halsted, her brother-in-law, describing her experiences during the Spanish Civil War, dated MarseilleEnglish 4 pages 

  5. Gestapo Sonderkommando, Lehrter Strasse Prison: Admissions book

    Readers need to reserve a reading room terminal to access a digital version of this archive.This microfilmed copy document was produced when the original was still at the Royal United Service Institution, London. It is now at the Imperial War Museum.A note which precedes the list, dated 19 July 1945, from the director of the Lehrterstrasse prison, after it was taken over by the British Military authorities, states that he found the list and that it contains the names of those allegedly involved in the 20 July 1944 plot to assassinate Hitler. He also states that those who were transported to...

  6. Anni and Walter Robinson: family photographs

    This collection consists of family photographs and postcards of Anni Robinsohn and her husband Walter Robinsohn, Jewish refugees from Hamburg who emigrated from Nazi Germany to London in the late 1930s.Personal papers including family photographs and postcards, also included are a small metal plaque of Dr Schacht, President of the Reichsbank, and a piece of painted stained glass.

  7. Copy eyewitness reports regarding the November Pogrom

    These copy reports are apparently strays from a full collection of 356 reports (WL Document Collection 1375) gathered in the weeks and months following the November Pogrom of 1938 by the Jewish Central Information Office (JCIO) in Amsterdam. They bear a similar reference number to the rest of the reports in this collection, pre-fixed by the letter 'B'. These reports have been numbered separately (B.104, B.131, B.240) and are in relation to the destruction of synagogues in Germany during the November Pogrom.

  8. Radio broadcast re centenary of Thomas Mann

    This collection consists of the English transcript of 2 parts of a 3 part radio programme, entitled 'Thomas Mann- Representative of an Epoch', which originally went out on German radio to commemorate the 100th birthday of the author and was produced by Heinrich Wiedemann.

  9. World Jewish Congress: minutes of meetings

    This collection includes copies of minutes of meetings of the executive and administrative committees of the World Jewish Congress, held in Paris and Vienna, in addition to other papers.

  10. Intelligence reports re Nazi atrocities

    This collection comprises 3 separate deposits, of which the provenance of only 2 can be identified. 809/1 was deposited by R D Gray in November 1988 along with a number of books and pamphlets, which have been catalogued separately as part of the Wiener Library book and pamphlet collections. The material in this deposit relates mainly to the interrogation of German prisoners of war. It appears that the depositor (a retired academic at the time of deposit) was a member of an interrogation team during the war: Some original pencil notes on the interrogation of prisoners of war in the summer of...

  11. Victor Zorza: Press cuttings and news copy