Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 3,401 to 3,420 of 56,066
  1. Oral history interview with Haim Brill

  2. Society for the Support of Jewish Performing Arts in Vilnius Towarzystwo Popierania Żydowskiej Sztuki Scenicznej w Wilnie (Fond 296)

    Records related to the activities of Yiddish theatre groups that performed in Poland during the interwar period. It includes bylaws of the organization, minutes and resolutions of board meetings, work plans, and activities reports, extensive correspondence related to the organization of performances and tours, cooperation with other Jewish public organizations in Wilno and Poland, applications for permission to hold performances and concerts; financial records related to the support provided to local theaters and unemployed actors, tax exemptions applications for organizing cultural events,...

  3. Registration lists of the Polish citizens and ethnic Poles repatriated from the Soviet Ukraine to Poland (Fond 3229)

    The collection contains case files and registration lists of Polish citizens and ethnic Poles who applied for repatriation to Poland from Soviet Ukraine. Registration lists include the names of the returnees, gender, nationality, date of birth, marital status, place of residence, occupation and description of movable personal property (cattle, agricultural tools and machinery, etc.). The repatriation of Polish citizens and ethnic Poles was carried out under the auspices of the L’viv Regional Office of the Chief Representative of the Government of Soviet Ukraine on Repatriation Issues. This ...

  4. Korunk [Newspapers]

    A "Korunk" is the Hungarian-language cultural journal published in Kolozsvár; a first issue appeared in February 1926; the publication was ceased between 1940 and 1957, and resumed in February 1957. Selected issues od the journal contains left oriented reviews with strong anti-Fascist and anti-Nazi editorial agenda.

  5. Yiddish Intermediate School in Plungé Plungės žydų vidurinė mokykla (Fond 781)

    Minutes of teachers' council meetings, examinations records; copies of graduation certificates, including photos of students; class journals with the names of students and their grades.

  6. Operacijska zona Jadransko Primorje (SI AS 1760) Operationszone Adriatisches Küstenland (OZAK)

    Selected records on activities of the office of the Higher SS and Police Leader in the Operational Zone of the Adriatic Littoral (Operationszone Adriatisches Küstenland, OZAK), a district of Nazi Germany created in 1943 after Italian capitulation following the Allied invasion of Italy. Includes a fragmentary list of local residents detailed by German police. The area of the OZAK with its capital in Trieste comprised parts of the territories of present-day Italy, Slovenia, and parts of Croatia (Rijeka region). Odilo Globocnik served as Higher SS and Police Leader of this district in 1943-194...

  7. Oral history interview with Henia Shylit

  8. Presentation by William Léons

  9. Presentation by Helen Sperling

  10. Oral history interview with Peter Schur

  11. Oral history interview with Pnina Kaminsky

  12. Selected records from the General State Archives in Chalkis (GAK Euboea)

    The collection includes archival materials from two record groups: 1. Postwar records of the Court of Appeal of Chalkis (Chalkida) - Special Court for theTrials of the Local Collaborators in the area of Chalkis (Euboe/Evia Prefecture) in the former Italian and German Occupation Zones of occupation. It contains court proceedings and verdicts against local collaborators, who took part in the persecution and killings of civilians during the occupation; 2. Selected records from the private archives of Lefteris Ioannidis (1879-1993), a former employee of the Prefecture of Chalkis. It contains th...

  13. Yiddish Gymnasium in Panevėžys Panevėžio žydų vidurinė mokykla (Fond 1137)

    Consists of students’ files, class journals, minutes of meetings of the teachers' council, records of entrance examinations; requests from parents for the admission of their children to school; class journals, graduation certificates, etc. The latter include photos of students.

  14. "Free People" Szabad Nép [Newspapers]

    Communist daily published after the war (in 1956 changed its name to Népszabadság), and until 2016 was the most important Hungarian newspaper This part of the collection contains selection of publications from 1944-1949. It includes articles related to deportations, crimes, and postwar war crimes investigations of war criminals.

  15. Oral history interview with Ilona Mittelman and Ernest Mittelman

  16. Oral history interview with Henny Aronson

  17. Records of the “Joint-Stock Russian-Canadian-American Passenger Company”(RUSCAPA) related to Jewish emigration, Ukraine (Fond P-3066)

    The collection contains records of the “Joint-Stock Company Russo-Canadian-American Passenger Agency” (“Aktsionernoe obshchestvo Russkocanadsko-amerikanskoe passazhirskoe agenstvo”) (RUSCAPA) related to thousands of families emigrating from the Soviet Union in 1926-1930. It includes personal files of emigrants (Jews, Ukrainians, Germans, Poles, Russians), questionnaires, medical certificates, business correspondence with customers, receipts for payment of services, personal letters and telegrams filled out and submitted in order to exit the USSR and enter the USA and Canada, and other impor...