Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 5,701 to 5,720 of 55,889
  1. Waffen SS; SS volunteers in Denmark, Sweden, Croatia, Hungary; International fascist organizations and SS volunteers

    Various film recordings. European Waffen SS major rally of the DNSAP, in Denmark. (05:18:17). Advertising poster for Dutch SS, Sven Olov Lindholm, leader of the Swedish Nazi party. 1938: Swedish Nazis in Stockholm. 1933: Lindholm in Hamburg, Hungary: an arrow cruiser (07:55:09). December 21, 1944: Goebbels receives Russian volunteers, "Eastern volunteers" Rally of the Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia. Includes Gen. Skilenkow, Gen. Wlassow, Dr. Ante Pavelic (Croatia), Bosnian SS volunteers, Muslim volunteer. September 26, 1944: German-American Bund (USA). November 2, 194...

  2. "Tom" letter about tour of Germany

    Consists of a photocopy of a letter written by an American soldier named Tom, a member of the 7th Army, on May 5, 1945. In the letter, he describes a trip to Heidelberg, Stuttgart, Munich, and to the Dachau concentration camp, where he saw the Dachau death train and witnessed the visit of American congressmen to the camp.

  3. Lester Striker collection

    Documents and correspondence illustrating the efforts of Szyja and Beila Lazar and their children, Perla and Samuel, to emigrate from Kraków, Poland in 1940. Included is a typed letter that Beila sent to the American Consulate in Berlin, Germany on which she also wrote a personal letter to her brother Max Striker (donor's father) in Brooklyn, NY. Letter indicates that the family has been deported from Kraków, and asks for packages of food and clothing as conditions are not good. Szyja, Beila, Perla and Samuel were killed.

  4. Military chaplains

    Narration. U.S. War Dept. Misc. 1170. Different houses of worship. People pray, sing. Ministers, priests and rabbis. American soldiers read the Bible. “Battles are won by military power, wars are won by spiritual power.” Military chaplains present communion wafers to soldiers kneeling. Army chaplain provides a group of soldiers with cigarettes, magazines, and letters. They smile and laugh. Chaplain writes and converses with soldiers. Sermon on a massive anti-aircraft weapon. Soldiers read bibles. A chaplain uses broadcasting technology to deliver sermons to men on the battlefront. Locals an...

  5. Schmidt family collection

    Contains a letter of recommendation written by Prof. Gustav Embden for Dr. Gerhard Schmidt, dated 1929; a letter written by Joseph Sepp Grunbaum, Dr. Gerhard Schmidt's brother-in-law, in which he described his ordeal in the Dachau concentration camp after Kristallnacht, dated April 26, 1939; a letter from Dr. Gerhard Schmidt to Edith Strauss Horkheimer proposing marriage to her, dated December 20, 1938; correspondence between Dr. Gerhard Schmidt and different German Jewish scientists regarding finding employment in the United States; copies of documents certified by Nazi authorities 1939; a...

  6. Monument erected for SA man Josef Wiesheier

    SA men are camped in a meadow, drinking beer, laughing in camera, panning over the crowd. SS men are lying in the meadow, isolated from the SA, one is drinking from a flask. The collars of their jackets bear the number 41. A photographer takes a group photo of some soldiers, with their flags leaned together like a teepee. Drummers play. Women and children sit, many in costume. Women observe, some shielding their face from the sun. 10:15:45 May 13, 1934: Monument revelation for SA-man Josef Wiesheier, who was murdered on May 21, 1933 in Gaiganz. SA men in the cemetery, numerous spectators on...

  7. Blanket

    Blanket entrusted to Jewish community of Budapest by woman who walked in with it and wanted to give it to Syrian refugees, claiming it was worn by her mother after liberation from the camps during WWII. On September 11, 2015, the Bálint House (the Jewish Community Center of Budapest) was fundraising, collecting blankets and tents for Syrian refugees. An elderly person arrived in the afternoon who brought in blankets, includings this blanket which they said it was difficult to part with because their mother was given this blanket during WWII.

  8. Festival in Wachau region; Dollfuss burial

    Wachauer Festzug 2 Mai 1936. Festival in Wachau. Girls in traditional costume, procession. 10:03:21 Burial/ceremony for Dr. Engelbert Dollfuss. Crowds, speeches, Fatherland Front flags.

  9. May Day; Siemens factory

    With German title cards. May Day celebrations in 1934/1935. Siemenswerke at Mannheim.

  10. Various film records on the history of German aviation

    Various recordings on the subject of German aviation / air force: Gliding (1921-1923). Flying through muscle power (1934). Commercial aircraft. Structure and use of the air force. 10:32:58 Helmut Lent and Wolfgang Falck (I./ZG 76) 10:33:57 am Johannes Steinhoff 10:34:02 Wolfgang Falck 10:34:08 Gordon Gollob and Helmut Lent 10:34:15 Carl-Alfred Schumacher

  11. Germans building bridge

    Germans building a railway bridge. Officials in uniform.

  12. Selected records related to history of the Jewish Community of Estonia from the National Archives of Estonia in Tallinn

    Correspondence, minutes, reports, statistics, registers, etc. of various government offices (Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Education, Police Department, Credit Unions, State Chancery, Tax Office, Banks, etc.) and Jewish organizations, banks and schools (Jewish National Committee, Cultural Autonomy of the Jewish Minority, Jewish communities of Tallinn and of Tartu, Jewish Cooperative Bank, etc.). The collection includes records related to the confiscation of the Jewish property (by the Soviet and German authorities 1940-1945), nationalization of the Tallinn J...

  13. Selected records related to the evacuation of civilians to Armenia during World War II

    Records related to the evacuation of civilians to Armenia during World War II that includes information about resettlement, employment, financial aid, food supplies and medical assistance provided by the local authorities to evacuees and refugees. Includes lists of evacuees arriving to Armenia from various regions of the former USSR, lists of Polish refugees repatriated to Poland and Jews evacuated from various locations, correspondence of the local authorities pertaining to settlement and employment of evacuees and refugees, statistics, reports, lists of communists, etc.

  14. Glee club "Loreley"; excursions around Dresden; daily life

    Ascension Day 1937, pub, bus ride, boat ride, Elbe River, Family in Glossen, Lübben, Dresden

  15. Wolf and Schlesinger families papers

    The collection documents the pre-war lives of Rudolf Wolf and Gretel Schlesinger Wolf and their families in Frankfurt, Germany, as well as their immigration and post-war experiences in the United States. Included are biographical materials such as identification papers, diaries, and genealogical research; pre-war correspondence along with war-time letters written from family and friends in Germany as well as those who fled; immigration papers; restitution papers; and pre-war and post-war photographs of family and friends in Frankfurt and the United States. The biographical materials primari...

  16. Handbook

    Home health care manual given and inscribed to Marianne Schüler by Martin Gerson, a pioneer in the Hachshara movement, who knew her when she was in Gut Winkel, a Zionist youth camp in Germany. Martin Gerson did not survive the war. Marianne emigrated to the Dominican Republic in 1940.

  17. German army, Winter 1941

    Agfa 8. Winter of 1941. Wehrmacht, probably in Russia. Bunker, sawing wood, sleigh

  18. Laying of the cornerstone at the De Rijp condensed milk factory owned by Dutch Jews

    Slow pan of a city on a waterway; tree-lined banks and steepled buildings; extended views of the flatlands across the water from town, including a windmill and people working in the fields; 01:01:17 detailed views of the edifices of various buildings in the town of De Rijp, and of a canal, taken from an upstairs window; 01:02:56 Slow pan of a smokestack and chimney emanating steam; surrounding houses and industrial buildings; the sign on one building reads "De Beemster" at Tuingracht 32; 01:05:09 A man drives a horse-drawn cart carrying metal milk canisters; the interior workings of the mil...

  19. Dina Wizmur photograph collection

    Contains a photograph of Maria Firestein Insler and Edward (Meitek) Insler.