Waffen SS; SS volunteers in Denmark, Sweden, Croatia, Hungary; International fascist organizations and SS volunteers

Language of Description
Alt. Identifiers
  • 2016.518
  • RG-60.5459
Level of Description
  • silent
EHRI Partner


Scope and Content

Various film recordings. European Waffen SS major rally of the DNSAP, in Denmark. (05:18:17). Advertising poster for Dutch SS, Sven Olov Lindholm, leader of the Swedish Nazi party. 1938: Swedish Nazis in Stockholm. 1933: Lindholm in Hamburg, Hungary: an arrow cruiser (07:55:09). December 21, 1944: Goebbels receives Russian volunteers, "Eastern volunteers" Rally of the Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia. Includes Gen. Skilenkow, Gen. Wlassow, Dr. Ante Pavelic (Croatia), Bosnian SS volunteers, Muslim volunteer. September 26, 1944: German-American Bund (USA). November 2, 1944: Arrow cruiser (M: Szalasi?), Sir Oswald Mosley (11:32:16), Bosnian. SS volunteers, Italian fascists and German major, Mosley in London. June 13, 1942: Dr. Pavelic with Ustashe, Degrelle welcomes the SS Brigade to Cherkasy in Brussels,Volunteer Corps “Danmark with Commander KRYSSING, Arnulf Hamsun, as SS volunteer. 1944: SS volunteer from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Major event in Sweden. (16:16:03) Swearing in of Dutch SS volunteers in the Binnenhof in The Hague, Flemish SS volunteers, October 4, 1941: Swearing in, Norwegian SS volunteer, Swedish SS, Quisling 1941 in Fallingbostel at the swearing-in ceremony, Norwegian volunteer, Swedish. April 1944, Bosnian volunteer



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