Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 46,261 to 46,280 of 55,890
  1. Jiri R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jiri R., who was born in S?te?novice, Czechoslovakia in 1927. He recalls being the only Jewish boy in town; cordial relations with non-Jews; German annexation in March 1939; expulsion from school, being shunned by friends, and confiscation of the family business; orders to report to Plzen? in January 1942; deportation to Theresienstadt; working in the carpentry shop; his father working in the police and his mother in the police kitchen; constant hunger; sham improvements during a Red Cross visit; deportation with his father to Auschwitz in September 1944; separation u...

  2. Helena H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Helena H., who was born in 1926 in Pilzno, Poland. She recalls her mother's death when she was six; her father's remarriage; German invasion; public humiliation of Jews; forced labor; the influx of Jews from surrounding towns; hiding during the first "aktion" in July 1942 when many relatives were deported; ghettoization; her brother's deportation during the second "aktion" in November; non-Jewish friends helping her join a transport of Polish laborers in December 1942; and her last glimpse of her father. Mrs. H. recounts transfer to Krako?w; forced labor in Prokocim c...

  3. Robert B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Robert B., who was born in Budapest, Hungary in 1929. He recalls his family's strong Hungarian identity; anti-Jewish laws in the late 1930s; conversion to Catholicism; attending a Protestant gymnasium; his father's draft into a Hungarian forced labor battalion in 1942; German occupation in March 1944; forced relocation to the designated ghetto; living in constant fear; forced labor; escaping with his mother, sister, and grandmother; forging identity papers; hiding as non-Jews in a basement with other Hungarians; Allied bombings; liberation in January 1945; learning hi...

  4. Aaron K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Aaron K., who was born in Vienna, Austria in 1933. He recounts traveling to Cologne in 1938 with his parents, grandmother, and two uncles; being smuggled to Belgium; attending school in Antwerp; German invasion in 1940; fleeing to Paris, Marseille, Nice, then Luchon; his uncles being smuggled to Spain; arrest with his parents and grandmother; imprisonment in Saint Gaudens; his release; visiting his parents and grandmother a few times; living with a family friend; placement in many towns by the Jewish underground, then with a non-Jewish family in Toulouse (they were in...

  5. Erika G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Erika G., who was born in approximately 1932. She recounts being an only child; living in Budapest; her family's affluence; summers with her grandparents in Galanta; German invasion in March 1944 while they were in Galanta; anti-Jewish restrictions; returning to Budapest; forced relocation to a house designated for Jews; her father's conscription into a Hungarian slave labor battalion; his brief return in October; her mother paying for Swiss documents for her father which exempted him from deportation; accompanying her mother to work in a factory; Red Cross child care...

  6. Abram M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Abram M., who was born in ?o?dz?, Poland in 1923. He recalls living in a non-Jewish neighborhood; antisemitic harassment; German invasion; ghettoization; forced labor; starvation; organizing an orchestra and performances; deportation to Auschwitz in 1944; separation from all but his father; their transfer three days later to Kaufering and Landsberg; bringing his father extra food when possible; useless slave labor; his father's death; transfer to Dachau; liberation by United States troops; reunion with three surviving brothers; living in Feldafing, then Munich; learni...

  7. Janet R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Janet R., who was born in Ostrog, Poland (presently Ostroh, Ukraine) in 1928, the youngest of five children. She recalls a comfortable childhood; Soviet occupation; her father moving to L'vov, fearing deportation to Siberia; German invasion; joining her parents in L'vov; German arrest of her father and brother; their execution; ghettoization; forced factory labor; her mother and nephew disappearing (she never saw them again); obtaining false papers from a family friend; escaping with her sister and sister-in-law; deciding to separate, fearing more risk together; posin...

  8. Clara M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Clara M., who was born in Vienna, Austria in 1929. She recalls attending Jewish school; her close family; sudden changes after the Anschluss; Crystal Night; and her father's and uncles' arrest and transport to Dachau. She describes his return in a month; an unsuccessful attempt to go to Belgium; and the winter in Vienna. Mrs. M. tells of going to Antwerp; the German invasion shortly thereafter; her father's internment in St. Cyprien, France; a short stay in Paris; settling in Marseille; visiting her father in Les Milles, a nearby camp; and their arrest and internment ...

  9. Roman S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Roman S., who was born in Zgierz, Poland in 1922, one of six children. He recalls participating in sports events sponsored by Maccabi; a strong sense of Jewish community; German invasion; forced transfer to the ?o?dz? ghetto in early 1940; deportation to Schwiebus in December; forced labor doing highway construction; transfer to Grunow-Spiegelberge, Fuerstenberg, then Auschwitz in May 1943; his assignment to undress corpses; transfer to I. G. Farben at Buna/Monowitz; assistance from British POWs; transfer to a Farben factory near Krako?w; the death march to Gleiwitz i...

  10. Bracha R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Bracha R., who was born in Brussels, Belgium in 1927. She recounts her parents had emigrated from Poland; German invasion; fleeing to Toulouse; attending school; her father's return to Brussels; rejoining him with her mother a few months later; her father bringing her to the home of non-Jews to hide, then to another home a few days later; remaining for about eighteen months; being placed with another family under a false name for the rest of the war; reunion with her parents; marriage; and the births of a son and daughter.

  11. Jonas R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jonas R., who was born in ?o?dz?, Poland in 1914, one of ten children. He recalls attending public school and yeshiva; helping in his father's bakery; organized resistance to antisemitism; officer training in the Polish Army; mobilization in March 1939; German invasion; capture and incarceration as a POW in Go?rlitz (Zgorzelec); hospitalization; release; returning to ?o?dz? via Lublin; working as a baker, construction worker, and fireman in the ghetto; collecting and burying the dead; deportation with other family members to Auschwitz in 1944; separation from his pare...

  12. Jacqueline K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jacqueline K., who was born in Frankfurt, Germany in 1927. She recalls her family's orthodoxy; leaving Germany when Hitler came to power in 1933; joining relatives in Strasbourg, then Enghien-les-Bains; attending public school; German invasion; fleeing with her family to Limoges; she, her mother, and brother smuggling back to their apartment to retrieve their winter clothing; attending an ORT school; living in Lyon; being hidden with her mother in a convent; fleeing to Italian-occupied Nice in 1941; using false papers to pose as non-Jews; her father's exposure and inc...

  13. Alexander M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Alexander M., who was born in 1929. He recalls a happy, comfortable childhood in Sharhorod; cordial relations with non-Jews; German occupation; antisemitic measures; his mother's death; his arrest; convincing the Germans he was not Jewish; forced labor cooking and cleaning for German troops; billeting of German soldiers in his family's home; one German providing them with food; occupation by Romanian troops; their refusal to murder Jews on German orders; ghettoization; overcrowding; starvation; hiding to avoid forced labor; deportation to Odesa; escaping and returning...

  14. Pola N. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Pola N., who was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1919, one of seven children. She recalls attending a Jewish school; German invasion; two brothers and a sister fleeing to the Soviet zone; ghettoization; being smuggled out by a non-Jewish friend; living in Kielce; sending packages to her family; smuggling back to the ghetto once; deportation from the Kielce ghetto to Auschwitz; meaningless slave labor; friends assisting her at appell when she was sick; transfer to Ravensbru?ck; slave labor in a munitions factory; a German soldier shooting a Jewish child in the face, a memory...

  15. Forever yesterday

    A New York area Emmy award-winning documentary based on survivor testimonies, produced by WNEW-TV in cooperation with the Holocaust Survivors Film Project.

  16. Esther G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Esther G., who was born in Mutvitsa, Poland (presently Ukraine) in 1934. She recalls the warmth of Sabbath observance; Soviet occupation; German invasion; anti-Jewish restrictions resulting in a sense of isolation; her mother arranging for a farmer to hide Mrs. G. and her brothers; betrayal by the farmer; a German guard letting her go (she never saw her brothers again); being hidden again by the same farmer who had betrayed her; retrieval by her mother, who escaped the ghetto's liquidation (her father was killed); posing as a Christian; hiding in several places while ...

  17. Vladimir S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Vladimir S., who was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1937. He recounts his parents sending him to his maternal grandparents in a small town near Kaluszyn; running away with a Polish maid (his family was killed); his parents retrieving him; traveling with them, posing as non-Jews; vague memories of filth, lice, and overcrowding in what his mother told him was the Warsaw ghetto; his father's disappearance; escaping to the Aryan side with his mother in late 1942; a precise memory of his mother leaving him with a Polish policeman; placement in an orphanage run by nuns in Otwock...

  18. Sara B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Sara B., who was born in Thessalonikē, Greece in 1921. She recalls attending a French school; ghettoization; the family maid smuggling her to a non-Jewish family friend; rejoining her family when they were threatened by Vital Hasson, a Jewish collaborator, if she wasn't found; a beating by Hasson; deportation to Auschwitz the next morning; separation with her sister from her parents and brother (she never saw them again); meaningless slave labor; separation from her sister; hospitalization for typhus, which caused a permanent hearing loss; assistance from French pris...

  19. Irwin L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Irwin L., who was born in Borislav, Poland in 1925. He recalls his extended family's prewar life; brief German invasion, followed by Soviet occupation; German occupation in 1941; fleeing with his father and brother to Dnipropetrovs?k, then to Rostov, Stalingrad, Astrakhan?, and Ferganskai?a? oblast?; working in a small village; hunger and disease; his father's death in 1942; his brother being drafted into the Soviet army in 1944; learning of his mother's and sister's deaths; and returning to Poland in 1946. Mr. L. describes living in a kibbutz in Szczecin, then in Bie...

  20. Erna H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Erna H., who was born in Krako?w, Poland in 1924. She recounts a detailed family history; her comfortable childhood; antisemitic incidents in school; German invasion; her father fleeing to the Soviet zone; expulsion from school; living in B?onie with her mother and grandfather; ghettoization in 1941; obtaining false papers which they did not use; forced labor at a factory; marriage on November 15, 1942; transfer to P?aszo?w with her mother and husband on March 13, 1943; obtaining permission to stay with her mother; sharing food with her mother and husband; her mother'...