Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 31,081 to 31,100 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Felicja N. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Felicja N., who was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1924. She recalls attending public schools; celebrating Jewish holidays; few antisemitic incidents; frequent visits to family in Bia?ystok; German invasion; moving to Bia?ystok in the Soviet zone; German invasion; a mass killing which included her father and uncle; ghettoization; harsh working conditions and overcrowding; efforts of the Judenrat to ease conditions; round-ups and mass killings; receiving food from Polish friends; escaping to her friends; returning due to reluctance to leave her mother; a final escape with a...

  2. Robert F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Robert F., who was born in Orşova, Romania in 1914, the younger of two brothers. He recounts his family's secularism; his father's career in a mineral oil factory; home-schooling until he was thirteen, including tutoring by a rabbi; attending high school in Timișoara; the family's move to Bucharest; completing high school; working in his father's factory; attending university in Vienna with his brother; antisemitic violence; completing university in Prague; moving with his family to Podbrezová in 1936, then to Dubova, where his father managed an oil refinery; milit...

  3. Rudolph G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Rudolph G., who was born in Libau (now Liepa?ja), Latvia in 1918. He recalls his religious upbringing; his father's death when Mr. G. was thirteen; repairing watches in his family's jewelry store; and apprenticeship to a local watchmaker. Mr. G. describes the Soviet occupation; German invasion in June 1941; bombing of Libau; anti-Jewish measures; deportations; round-ups; mass shootings, which included his brother; transport of his mother and sister to Ri?ga (he never heard from them again); and repairing watches for the German army. He tells of Jews forced to destroy ...

  4. Joseph H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Joseph H., who was born in Boryslav, Poland (presently Ukraine) in 1921, the youngest of three children. He recounts his brother's death before his own birth; his family's orthodoxy; attending cheder; participating in Zionist groups; brief German invasion; Soviet occupation; German invasion in 1941; hiding his family during Ukrainian anti-Jewish violence and killings; ghettoization; hiding his parents during round-ups (he and his sister had jobs which exempted them from deportation); his later deportation to Janowska; escape with assistance from the camp underground; ...

  5. Anna W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Anna W., a Romani, who was born in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, one of five children. She recounts her father's work in a traveling theater; her family's move to Leipzig; expulsion from school in 1937 or 1938 due to laws against Romanies; forced labor at about age thirteen; deportation with her family to Auschwitz in 1942; the humiliation of having to undress in front of many people of both genders; transfer to Birkenau; transfer two years later to Ravensbru?ck; surgical sterilization; transfer to Schlieben; forced labor in a munitions factory; transfer to Oldenburg, t...

  6. Marie W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Marie W., who was born in 1914. She recalls growing up in Zaliztsi, Poland (presently Ukraine); strained relations between Poles and Ukrainians; Soviet occupation; marriage in 1940; German invasion; a mass killing of Jewish men, including her sister's boyfriend; hiding during round-ups; becoming pregnant; loss of the baby in her sixth month; going into hiding; learning her sister and parents had been killed; being hidden by a Ukrainian man, then a non-Jewish woman, then the man again; fleeing to the forests when it became too dangerous; building a bunker; living there...

  7. Elsie M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Elsie M., a non-Jew, who was born in Koblenz, Germany in 1924, one of three children, to a British mother and Belgian father. She recounts her sister's death at age thirty-months in 1925; moving to Brussels in 1929; attending public school in Evere, then Catholic school; German invasion in May 1940; fleeing on foot with her parents and brother; Germans overtaking them in Hazebrouck and returning them to Brussels; her father's resistance activities; Jewish schoolmates wearing the yellow star; Germans arresting Jews in her class; her family hiding Allied aviators since ...

  8. David L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of David L., who was born in Futoma, Poland in 1915. He recalls eighteen months in the Polish military prior to 1939; German invasion; ghettoization with his brothers and parents in Rzeszów; separation from his parents and one brother (he never saw them again); liquidation of the ghetto; transport with his brother to Wieliczka, then Mielec; slave labor in an airplane factory; transfer to Flossenbürg, then Altenhammer; return to Flossenbürg a year later; liberation by United States troops; staying in Hochfeld displaced persons camp; some assistance from UNRRA; living i...

  9. Chaim H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Chaim H., who was born in Radziwillow, Poland (presently Radyvyliv, Ukraine) in 1927, one of three children. He recounts attending Jewish and public schools; his family's move to Brody in 1939; Soviet occupation; attending a Russian school; German invasion in 1941; fleeing east; returning home; his father's round-up by Ukrainian SS; observing a mass shooting of Jewish men, including his father; his grandfather's death resulting from being beaten by a German; escaping into the fields during a round-up; hiding with his family; forced labor for Organisation Todt building...

  10. Aharon C. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Aharon C., who was born in Opoczno, Poland in 1921, one of seven children. He recounts attending cheder, public school, then Tarbut school; participating in Gordonyah; antisemitic violence; his older brother's emigration to Palestine in 1935; two brothers' conscription; German invasion; one brother's return; anti-Jewish restrictions; Germans taking community leaders for ransom, including his father; the community paying the ransom; his father's appointment to the Judenrat; ghettoization; working in the family bakery; volunteering in a soup kitchen; his assignment to b...

  11. Stephen J. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Stephen J., who was born in ?o?dz?, Poland in 1939. He recounts his family's move to Piotrko?w Trybunalski after German occupation; ghettoization; his father's privileged position as a physician; living in a hospital compound; deportation to a labor camp with his parents, brother, and uncles and aunts; transfer to Buchenwald with his father and brother (his mother was sent to Bergen-Belsen); being hidden in the shoemaker's shop with assistance from a German prisoner-physician, then in the tuberculosis barrack; seeing shootings and wagons full of corpses; the prisoner ...

  12. Steven H. and Marion L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Steven H. and Marion L., twins, who discuss the period immediately following their liberation by the Russians from a train in a small German farm village; the subsequent arrival of American troops; and their transfer to a holding camp in Leipzig. They remember their parents' efforts to return to Amsterdam and the frustration of being put into another camp because they were German by birth, in spite of having been deported from Amsterdam. They relate their journey to the United States and their arrival in New York on January 1, 1946. They discuss extensively their post...

  13. Henry Z. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Henry Z., who was born in Radom, Poland in 1925. In an exceptionally detailed and descriptive testimony, Mr. Z. recalls his traditional family of seven children; anti-Semitic incidents; his father's death; German invasion; anti-Jewish measures; ghettoization; the roles of the Judenrat and Jewish police; smuggling food with assistance from his father's Polish business contacts; hiding to escape work details; family efforts to protect each other; his two brothers' disappearance in 1942; round-ups and transports; evacuation of the Jewish hospital, murder of the patients,...

  14. Ivona F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ivona F., who was born in 1923. She recalls living in Novi Sad, Yugoslavia; her close family's focus on education; rumors of events in Germany; cordial relations with non-Jews; a demonstration against the Yugoslav/German pact; Hungarian occupation; anti-Jewish restrictions; moving with her parents and brother to Budapest; their return without her; losing contact in January 1942; learning they had been murdered in a mass killing; briefly returning to Novi Sad; German occupation in March 1944; obtaining false papers as a non-Jew; arrest on April 28; imprisonment; transp...

  15. Ernst M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ernst M., who was born in Troppau (Opava, Czechoslovakia), Austro-Hungarian Monarchy in 1918. He recounts the transition to Czechoslovakia; his family's move to Prague; his father's position as a health minister (he was a physician); attending medical school; German occupation in March 1939; arrest with his parents in 1941; their imprisonment in Prague; deportation to Theresienstadt; slave labor in construction; confinement with his parents to the small fortress, a punishment area, in May 1943; their transfer to Auschwitz in late July; quarantine; assignment to haulin...

  16. J. N. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of J. N., who was born in Brno, Czechoslovakia in 1938, the younger of two children. He recounts moving to Bratislava in 1941; his family's assimilated lifestyle; his father's exemption from deportation due to his training as a chemist; his work with explosives and deactivating bombs and mines; his parents obtaining false documents with Christian names from an evangelical priest in 1943; cancellation of his father's exemption; a non-Jew whom his father's brother had helped, hiding both families (a total of seven) in the countryside; their rescuer visiting once a week; di...

  17. Sonja B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Sonja B., who was born in Pozarevac, Serbia in 1922, one of seven children. She recalls one brother's death; moving to Belgrade about 1929; her brothers' illegal communist activities; their escapes due to neighbors' warnings that police were coming; active participation with her sisters in Hashomer Hatzair; destruction of their home in the German bombardment on April 6, 1941; briefly fleeing; returning and staying with neighbors; orders to register as Jews; her brothers refusing to do so; registering with her mother and sisters; partisans providing false papers and hi...

  18. Eve S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Eve S., who was born in Hannover, Germany, in 1926. She describes her childhood in Berlin in her large, closely-knit family; their emphasis on education; her socially responsible father (with whom she was particularly close) and grandfather; and her parents' anxiety about the rise of Nazism. She recalls her belief at age six that simply inviting Hitler to dinner would convince him that she and her family were "good people." She recounts her first childhood encounter with antisemitism; the family's experience during Kristallnacht in 1938; her parents' search for foster...

  19. Robert R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Robert R., who was born in Mellrichstadt, Germany in 1924. He recounts his family's orthodoxy; attending a Catholic school; antisemitic harassment; attending high school with his brother in Bad Neustadt an der Saale; increasing antisemitism; expulsion from school in 1937; attending a Jewish school; having to leave town for defending himself against an attack by Hitler Youth; being beaten by Nazis; apprenticeship with an uncle as a tailor; Kristallnacht; his father's and uncle's arrests; his arrest and deportation to Buchenwald; a fellow prisoner assisting him; standin...

  20. Sonya O. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Sonya O., who was born in Nowogro?dek, Poland (presently Navahrudak, Belarus) in 1922, one of five children. She recounts a pleasant childhood in an affluent family; attending gymnasium; Soviet occupation; confiscation of their business and home; acceptance to medical school; German invasion; deportation of her grandparents; ghettoization; working in the ghetto hospital; one brother being killed; conversion of the ghetto to a forced labor camp; remaining with her family; her younger brother starving to death; round-up of her mother and sister, then of her father a wee...