Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 28,601 to 28,620 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Agatha B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Agatha B., who was born in Budapest, Hungary in 1932. She recalls her close, extended family; attending English school; German occupation in March 1944; her family moving into a building designated for Jews; her parents' deportations (she was left alone with her younger sister); assistance from Jewish and non-Jewish neighbors; postcards from her father; refusing to convert or to leave their home with an aunt (she wanted her parents to be able to find them); a mass killing including her aunt; her parents' return in September after their escape from deportation trains; ...

  2. Gerda H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Gerda H., who was born in Ansbach, Germany in 1922. She recounts her father was a kosher butcher; attending lyceum after documenting her father's World War I service; expulsion due to additional anti-Jewish laws; attending a Jewish school in Berlin; moving with her family to Munich after Kristallnacht; her father's emigration to England; being unable to join him once war began; her sister being sent to nursing school in Frankfurt and she in Berlin; learning her mother had been deported (she never saw her again); occasionally seeing her sister (she was working in a Ber...

  3. Morris B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Morris B., who was born in Galicia in 1913. He recounts his family fleeing to Vienna during World War I; his determination to learn Austrian German and assimilate into the culture, thinking his future was there; working in a textile factory; attending law school; attending a Nazi convention in Munich in 1936 with fellow students; German occupation in 1938; marriage; arrest on Kristallnacht; beatings and shootings; an Austrian officer releasing him; emigration to Geneva via Italy; obtaining emigration papers to Cuba with assistance from a non-Jewish banker in Zurich; e...

  4. Moses K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Moses K., who was born in Drohobych, Ukraine (then Poland) in 1918. He recalls leaving public school after third grade due to anti-Semitic treatment; working at odd jobs; visiting an uncle in Lv?iv after his bar mitzvah; traveling a circuitous route for months to Palestine with assistance from people in Constant?a, Budapest, Salonica, and I?zmir;imprisonment in Acre for illegally entering Palestine; transfer to a prison in Jerusalem; his release through the intercession of a rabbi; working for the British; stealing arms for the Haganah; working in several places; and ...

  5. Clara L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Clara L., who was born in Kisva?rda, Hungary in 1925. She recalls Sabbath observance at home; her older sister's emigration to England; her older brother's conscription into a labor battalion (she never saw him again); accompanying her father to Budapest for several months while he was hospitalized; German occupation in 1944; return to Kisva?rda with her parents; ghettoization; deportation; a family's suicide on the train; her mother's advice to do anything to survive; and separation from her parents upon arrival at Auschwitz (she never saw them again). She describes ...

  6. Eva M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Eva M., who was born in Berlin, Germany in 1922. She recalls increasing antisemitism; anti-Jewish restrictions prohibiting her father's law practice; placement in an orphanage with her sister due to financial difficulties; her mother's arrest in 1935 and two-year incarceration resulting from her father's smuggling (he remained in Luxembourg); joining her father (her sister remained behind); their move to Brussels; her mother and sister joining them in 1937; German invasion in 1940; her father's arrest in 1942; working for a lawyer; arrest with her mother and sister; d...

  7. Frieda G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Frieda G., who was born in De?bica, Poland in 1916. Mrs. G. recounts her childhood; marriage in 1938 in Rzeszo?w; wartime transfer eastward of her father and husband; arrival of the German army; and occupation conditions. She tells of smuggling herself to her husband in the Russian area; returning to the German area; the clandestine return of her husband in 1942; ghetto life; her husband's forced labor for Organisation Todt; their transport with two of her sisters to Huta Komorowska, a camp in the Polish forest; and her separation from her husband when the camp was li...

  8. Rozalia W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Rozalia W., who was born in Czechoslovakia in 1919, the oldest of eight children. She recalls cordial relations with non-Jews; attending public school; Hungarian occupation in 1938; draft of her brother and future husband into a Hungarian slave labor battalion in 1942; German occupation in March 1944; forced relocation to a brick yard in Mukacheve; her family's deportation to Auschwitz after a few weeks; her deportation a day later; meeting cousins; learning her sister was in another barrack; transfer with her cousins two months later to Stutthof, then Praust; slave l...

  9. Lazarz S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Lazarz S., who was born in Boryslaw, Poland in 1912. He recalls leaving school at age fourteen to help support his family; working as a barber in many cities and sending money home; returning to Boryslaw in 1939 when Germany invaded Poland; living there during the Soviet occupation; fleeing toward the Soviet Union when Germany invaded in 1941; joining partisan units in the forests; fighting the Germans for years; and hearing of deportation of Jews from his town, many to Auschwitz. He describes Ukrainian units sympathetic to the Nazis killing many Jews; seeing thousand...

  10. Jakub G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jakub G., who was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1929. He describes his assimilated family; German invasion in 1939; his father fleeing east (he never saw him again); ghettoization; crowding and starvation; working as an errand boy for the Judenrat; hiding with his mother and brother in an attic overlooking the Umschlagplatz during round-ups; moving when they were seen; hiding in a bunker during the ghetto uprising; deportation to Majdenek after they were discovered; separation from his mother and brother during selection (he never saw them again); hiding to avoid useless ...

  11. Marietta M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Marietta M., who was born in Vienna, Austria in 1928. She recalls moving to Amsterdam in 1935; German invasion in May 1940; anti-Jewish laws, including expulsion from school; hiding; assistance from non-Jewish neighbors and the Dutch underground; her parents' arrest in 1942 when she was visiting neighbors; their arranging for her to join them in Westerbork; deferment from deportations due to their privileged positions; joining a Zionist youth group; assisting prisoners to the transports, not knowing their destination; acquiring forged Paraguayan passports with assista...

  12. Ellen G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ellen G., who was born in Berlin, Germany in 1938. She recalls her parents' divorce; visiting her father; attending a Catholic school; a kind nun (she hid her mother at one time); expulsion from school; she and her brother attending a Jewish school; her mother keeping them inside on Kristallnacht; a non-Jewish patient of her uncle's placing them on a Kindertransport organized by a Quaker woman in England; living with a private school teacher in London (her brother was placed at a boarding school); transfer to Dorset after the onset of war; transfer to her brother's sc...

  13. Maurice S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Maurice S., who was born in Radom, Poland in 1919 and raised in Szyd?owiec. He recounts his father's kosher butcher shop; German invasion; the Judenrat supplying forced laborers; escaping with friends from a labor camp in 1940; escaping from the Radom ghetto in 1941 using Polish papers; separation from his parents during the ghetto's liquidation in 1942; forced labor with his brothers sorting ghetto rubble and digging graves; hiding in the woods with his brothers with assistance from a Polish farmer; smuggling themselves into Wolano?w with assistance from a Polish acq...

  14. Eric L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Eric L., who was born in O?hringen, Germany in 1916. He relates his family's history in Germany since the 17th century; moving in 1926 to Go?ppingen, where his father was rabbi, religious school teacher and cantor; friendly relationships with classmates; the shock of Hitler's appointment as Chancellor; people at school soon wearing swastika buttons; continued support from two Catholic classmates; students wearing brown uniforms and singing Nazi songs; and withdrawing from school due to antisemitism. He recounts the next four years at an orthodox teacher-training schoo...

  15. Helga G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Helga G., a Lutheran, who was born deaf in Hamburg, Germany in 1923, the oldest of five children. She recalls attending a school for the deaf; Hitler's assumption of power; her parents' and other relatives' anti-Nazi beliefs; being forced by a teacher to join a Nazi group (N.S.D.A.P.); observing Jews wearing the yellow star; the disappearance of Jews; a deaf teacher informing the class he was to be involuntarily sterilized; his suicide when his arrest was imminent as an anti-Nazi; her involuntary sterilization; meeting her future husband in Leipzig (he was deaf and al...

  16. Jacques L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jacques L., who was born in Brussels, Belgium in 1931, the older of two sons. He recounts attending public schools in Anderlect; fighting back against occasional antisemitic harassment; German invasion in 1940; anti-Jewish measures, including expulsion from school in 1942; his parents receiving assistance from a Nazi sympathizer to find hiding places for him and his brother, first in Antwerp, then in Charleroi; their illness due to malnutrition; his mother seeking assistance from a Catholic priest; with his help, he and his brother living as Catholics in separate hous...

  17. Karin L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Karin L., who was born in the Wilmersdorf section of Berlin, Germany in 1929. She recounts her paternal grandfather had converted from Judaism and her mother was Protestant; visiting her paternal grandparents in Szczecin; her father losing his appointment as a judge in 1933 due to his Jewish ancestry; moving due to the loss of his income; living in the Wendenschloss area; her brother's birth; moving to central Berlin; problems resulting from the Nuremberg laws; her father forging documents for friends; his arrest on Kristallnacht; assistance from their non-Jewish rela...

  18. Frederick S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Frederick S., who was born in Vienna, Austria in 1907. He recalls his family's financial instability; completing law school in 1931; supporting his mother after his father's death; arrest following the Anschluss in 1938; incarceration and receiving a severe beating; transfer to Dachau; his release after obtaining an English visa with assistance from his boss and the Quakers; traveling to England in March 1939; working for a committee helping Czech refugees; arranging for his mother and fiancee to join him; their emigration to the United States; marriage to his fiancee...

  19. Jacques R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jacques R., who was born in 1922. He recounts his family's move to La Louvie?re, Belgium, then Brussels and Anderlecht; beatings at school because he was Jewish; violin lessons; participation in leftist organizations; German invasion; fleeing to France; returning to Belgium; involvement in the Resistance; the Bund placing him in hiding with non-Jews in Villers-la-Ville, using false papers; running away from his hiding place; joining his mother in Uccle; arrest with his uncle and cousin; interrogations; transfer to Malines; deportation to Auschwitz/Birkenau; quarantine...

  20. Alfred B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Alfred B., who was born in Amsterdam, Netherlands in 1922 to a Jewish father and Dutch Reformed mother. He recalls religion played no part in their lives; his brother's birth in 1937; German occupation in 1940; anti-Jewish restrictions; receiving a notice to report to a central location; his father bringing him to a friend who was in the underground (his father had some protection from his mixed marriage); traveling with her friend to Rotterdam; obtaining false papers; hiding in twenty-two places during the war including Rotterdam, Leiden, Delft, and Amsterdam; learni...