Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 28,261 to 28,280 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Herta V. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Herta V., who was born in 1930. She recalls attending Jewish boarding school in Trnava; antisemitic violence by Slovak guardsmen; returning home; arrest with her brother and parents; their incarcerations in Sered; being released due to her father's connections; their move to Bratislava to live as non-Jews under false names; denunciation and arrest; incarceration in Sered;̕ organized theater and music groups; deportation to Birkenau; refusing to accompany her younger cousin through the selection; separation from her father, aunt, and cousins (she never saw them again);...

  2. Annette W. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Annette W., a historian and research director at the Centre national de la recherche scientifique, who was born in France in 1948, one of four children of Holocaust survivors. Ms. W. recounts her mother surviving in hiding and her father in Nice and Switzerland; the deportation and/or deaths of three of their parents and some of their siblings; her early Maoist sympathies; teaching in China from 1974 to 1976, which changed her mind; learning Yiddish at Columbia University in the early 1980s in order to do research on her grandfather, which led to her interest in Frenc...

  3. Edwarda P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Edwarda P., a Roman Catholic who was born in Zabkowice, Poland in 1926. She describes the annexation of her town by Germany; the removal of Polish intelligentsia to Dachau; and life under German occupation. She recounts the arrest of her family, including herself, in February 1943; her internment and interrogation at Auschwitz for two months; and her transfer to Birkenau in April 1943. She tells of daily camp life there; medical experiments on prisoners; divisions of inmates; and the gas chambers. She relates the death march from Auschwitz in January 1945; her transfe...

  4. Pearl G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Pearl G., who was born in Okrouhlic?ka, Czechoslovakia in 1924, one of seven children. She recalls her father's death in 1934; her oldest brother helping support them; their orthodoxy; Hungarian occupation; two brothers and her brother-in-law being drafted for slave labor (they never saw them again); expulsion from school; confiscation of their business; refusing to hide with her mother's non-Jewish friend, not wanting to leave her family; their deportation to the Ti?a?chiv ghetto; deportation four weeks later to Auschwitz/Birkenau; separation from her mother, sister-...

  5. Peter B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Peter B., a Russian Orthodox, who was born in Terijoki, Finland (now Zelenogorsk, R.S.F.S.R.) in 1916. He relates his family's move to Russia after the 1917 Revolution; living in Poland approximately two years; joining his father in Paris in 1925; earning a degree in chemical engineering; volunteering at war's outbreak; attending officers' school; being wounded and captured by the Germans in June 1940; and escaping in July. He recalls being demobilized; working for the Germans to avoid capture; marriage; assisting in resistance activities through his wife and brother-...

  6. Konrad S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Konrad S., a Romani, who was born in Marburg, Germany, one of ten children. He recounts living in Dillenburg until 1943; incarceration with his family in a concentration camp in Frankfurt; forced labor in the oil industry; frequent Allied air raids; escape in 1945; return to Marburg; and receiving German citizenship. Mr. S. notes difficulty receiving compensation for his war experiences; bad health resulting from those years; and sharing his story with his children. A woman survivor of Auschwitz describes her painful memories of Romani suffering and deaths. They both ...

  7. Ralph M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Ralph M., who was born in 1922 and served in the United States Army. He recounts military draft in November 1942; landing at Omaha beach; the Battle of the Bulge; assisting displaced persons; entering Dachau; emaciated prisoners; locating a mass grave near Regensburg; forcing the local townspeople to rebury the dead; working at Straubing displaced persons camp; friendships with refugees; returning home; and military discharge. He shows photographs and a drawing of himself by a former camp prisoner.

  8. Arieh F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Arieh F., a twin, who was born in a village in Czechoslovakia in approximately 1929. He recalls his family's farm; attending a Slovak school with his twin brother, then a Jewish school in nearby Nitra; antisemitism beginning with Slovak independence in early 1939; transports of Jews to unknown destinations; his and his brother's b'nai mitzvah in 1942; his father's deportation to Nova?ky in 1943; being hidden with his brother in Bratislava; his mother's deportation to Nova?ky; surrendering themselves to join their parents; being guarded by Hlinka guard; administration ...

  9. Rita M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Rita M., who was born in Vienna, Austria in 1927. She recalls her parent's Sephardic roots; a happy childhood in an assimilated and wealthy home; anti-Semitic incidents; the Anschluss; her father and brother being forced to wash streets with small brushes; her mother's assault (which later required surgery) and rescue by an Austrian soldier and shopkeepers; one neighbor who protected her family's possessions; hiding in her uncle's house when her mother had surgery; fleeing to Paris via Switzerland, and, after the outbreak of war in France, to Turkey via Bulgaria; atte...

  10. Werner C. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Werner C., who was born in Essen, Germany in 1921. He recalls his parents' German patriotism; social barriers between German and "eastern" Jews; anti-Semitic incidents in school; expulsion in 1938; attending a Jewish school in Cologne; destruction of their home on Kristallnacht; imprisonment, then transfer to Dachau; help from a cousin; and release due to the intervention of a friend who was an influential Nazi and his promise to emigrate (his mother obtained a commitment from Erich Klibansky for Mr. C. to accompany a children's transport). He recalls studying in Lond...

  11. Arkadii T. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Arkadii T., who was born in Smilovichi, Belarus in 1928. He recalls a fun-filled childhood, despite poverty; his family's orthodoxy; German invasion in 1941; his father's arrest (he was killed in a mass shooting); hiding during a round-up; watching his family leave their house; hearing constant shooting as the Jews were killed, including his mother, sister, and grandparents; local police participation in the killings; traveling to the Minsk ghetto; smuggling food; forced labor in a neighboring village; a German solider warning him of impending round-ups; leaving the g...

  12. Shabtai S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Shabtai S., who was born in S?wie?cany, Poland in 1934. He recalls the family's move to Biecz; his parents' hardware store; German invasion; the men, including his father, fleeing to the Soviet zone; staying on his grandfather's farm near Sanok; his father's brief return before being ordered back (he never saw him again); hiding with his mother and others during a round-up in 1942; returning to S?wie?cany; receiving food and shelter from non-Jewish friends; living in the forest; hiding with his mother for twenty-nine months with two farmers (his grandparents and aunt ...

  13. Carolyn G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Carolyn G., who was born in Szyd?owiec, Poland in 1926. She recalls attending public school for six years; anti-Semitic vandalism before the war; deportation with her sister and brother in 1942; her sister's selection for gassing; her brother's death from typhus; her severe depression resulting in her selection from which she was saved through the intervention of a co-worker; temporarily improved conditions for a Red Cross inspection; frequent beatings; transport to Bergen-Belsen in 1944, then to Tu?rkheim; the death march to Dachau; Hitler Jugend members shooting inm...

  14. Al H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Al H., who was drafted into the United States Army in 1941. He recounts serving in the 104th Infantry Division; landing on Utah beach; fighting as they progressed through France, Belgium, and the Netherlands into Germany; liberating Nordhausen in 1945; the pervasive stench and corpses strewn about; his uncontrollable sobbing; observing General Dwight Eisenhower's reaction; taking photographs; ordering local Germans to bury the dead; their denial of any knowledge of the camp; assisting Jewish women prisoners who had been hiding nearby; leaving after two or three days; ...

  15. Itzchak Y. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Itzchak Y., who was born in Białystok, Poland in 1926, the younger by sixteen years of two children. He recalls attending a Taḥkemoni school; his family's orthodoxy; participating in a Zionist youth group; attending summer camp in Płatkownica in 1938; antisemitic harassment by children; Soviet occupation in September 1939; German invasion in June 1941; witnessing the main synagogue set on fire with hundreds of Jews inside; ghettoization; working at several jobs; his sister, who was blond, trading possessions outside the ghetto for food; hiding with his family during ...

  16. Cesia K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Cesia K., who was born in ?o?dz?, Poland to a middle-class family of four children. She recalls a sheltered childhood; German invasion; anti-Jewish measures; ghettoization; starvation, beatings, and forced labor; her impressions of H?ayim Rumkowski; her mother's escape with her nine-month-old sibling during a children's deportation; trying to help others through the sick committee; her father's deportation in August 1944 (she never saw him again); separation from her mother, brothers, and grandmother upon arrival at Auschwitz; transfer with her sister to Stutthof in N...

  17. Vladka and Benjamin M. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Vladka M. and her husband Benjamin M. Mrs. M. tells of her wartime life as an underground courier between the Warsaw ghetto and non-Jewish Warsaw and contrasts ghetto life with life on the Aryan side. Pointing out the incorrect way in which Poles today equate the ghetto uprising with the (non-Jewish) Polish resistance, she describes spiritual resistance in the ghetto, meetings of the ghetto underground, and the Warsaw ghetto revolt from her perspective outside the ghetto. She stresses the importance of documentation and talks about the underground archive of the Warsa...

  18. Sally P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Sally P., who was born in approximately 1920 and raised in P?on?sk, Poland. She recalls her large, extended family; antisemitic harassment; German invasion; her parents fleeing to Warsaw; selling their goods to support her brothers; her mother's return; ghettoization; public hangings; emotional devastation from observing her family's suffering, particularly hunger; deportation to Auschwitz/Birkenau; separation from her family (she never saw them again); transfer to Budy, then back to Auschwitz/Birkenau; finding her friends; slave labor clearing bombing rubble and in a...

  19. Judith K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Judith K., who was born in Nitra, Czechoslovakia in 1929, the first of two sisters. She recounts her childhood in Nové Zámky; attending a Jewish school; participating in Hashomer Hatzair; Hungarian occupation in 1938; attending a Catholic high school due to the Jewish quota in public schools; learning their relatives in Nitra were being deported; her father bringing his mother and cousins from Nitra to their home; his draft for one month of forced labor in 1943; German invasion in March 1944; anti-Jewish restrictions; abuse from Arrow Cross members; hiding their val...