Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 28,161 to 28,180 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Jorge G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jorge G., who was born in Budapest, Hungary in 1931, an only child. He recalls many relatives playing the violin, including his parents; studying violin with his uncle from an early age; attending a Jewish gymnasium; his preoccupation with playing and performing music; German invasion in March 1944; food shortages; ghettoization; his father's appointment as ghetto pharmacist and his as a messenger; the ubiquitous presence of the Arrow Cross, who abused and killed Jews; liberation by Soviet troops; returning to their apartment; attending music school beginning in 1948;...

  2. Erna R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Erna R., who was born in Z?ywiec, Poland in 1922. She recalls being one of two Jewish families; attending high school in Krako?w; anti-Semitic incidents; German invasion; forced labor; ghettoization; hunger, deportations, and mass killings; the demoralizing effect of family separations; liquidation of the ghetto in 1943; her family's transfer to P?aszo?w; working in the Madritsch factory; truck transport of all children out of P?aszo?w, including her eleven year old brother (they were all killed); her father's and mother's deportations; frequent hangings and shootings...

  3. David P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of David P., who was born in Šiauliai, Lithuania in 1924. He recalls attending a Hebrew gymnasium; participating in a Socialist-Zionist youth group; Soviet occupation; transformation of his school from Hebrew to Yiddish; joining a clandestine Zionist group; German invasion in 1941; fleeing east with his family; capture by Lithuanians; imprisonment in Šiauliai; separation from his family; forced labor digging ditches, which he later learned were mass graves where his father was killed; release; ghettoization; living with his mother and sister; working in a factory; brie...

  4. Tauba B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Tauba B., who was born in Zamos?c?, Poland in 1918. She recalls German invasion; brief Soviet occupation; reversion to German authority; fleeing with her family to Hrubieszo?w, then Volodymyret?s??; Soviet authorities settling them in Dubno; marriage; her family's flight to Russia in 1940; her husband's draft into the Soviet military (she never saw him again); her daughter's birth; German invasion in 1941; ghettoization; her baby's death; being smuggled out by a Ukrainian (her husband's family perished in a mass killing); traveling to Ternopil? as a non-Jew; working f...

  5. Georges D. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Georges D., a non-Jew, who was born in Ixelles, Belgium in 1911. He recounts his mother's death in 1918; his family's move to Brussels; training as a mechanic in a technical school; military service beginning in 1931; working as a policeman; marriage in 1936; the births of two daughters; German invasion on May 10, 1940; military draft; fleeing to France on May 16; encountering Germans; returning home the day after Belgian capitulation; joining the Resistance; delivering underground journals; hiding individuals sought by the Gestapo; obtaining false papers for Jews; ar...

  6. Odette S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Odette S., who was born in France in 1925 to an affluent family. She recalls helping refugees from central Europe; the outbreak of war; the family's moves to Deauville, Dordogne, and Brive; participating in the scouts; moving to Larche in 1942, thinking it would be safer; three months in Italian-occupied Savoie; arrest with her parents in Larche in 1943; separation from her father (she learned later he was shot); transfer with her mother to Drancy via Pe?rigueux and Paris; deportation to Auschwitz/Birkenau; digging ditches; her mother's death after six weeks; transfer...

  7. Raye D. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Raye D., an only child, who was born in Vilna, Poland (presently Vilnius, Lithuania) in 1928. She recalls her large, extended family; attending a private Yiddish school with Gabriel Weinreich; Soviet occupation; German invasion in June 1941; her father's execution in July; ghettoization; hiding with her mother and relatives during round-ups; deportation to Kaiserwald with her mother and one aunt (her daughter had been taken); slave labor for Organization Todt (OT); German OT staff giving them extra food; transfer to Stutthof in late 1943, then to a subcamp of Dachau; ...

  8. Hilda R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Hilda R., who was born deaf in Vienna, Austria in 1904. She recalls her family; starting work at age sixteen as a seamstress; her marriage to a deaf man; her two daughters; her husband's neglect of the children because they were deaf (he had hoped for hearing children); their divorce; emigration to the United States in 1940 with assistance from a brother already there; having to remain at Ellis Island because they were deaf; and assistance received from the New York Society for the Deaf. Mrs. R. discusses her strong faith in God; gratitude to the United States; visiti...

  9. Lili O. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Lili O., who was born in Vienna, Austria in 1923, an only child. She recounts attending school; antisemitic harassment; witnessing public humiliation of Jews after the Anschluss; being forced to leave their home on Kristallnacht; her uncle arranging her emigration to the Netherlands; her parents' emigration to Palestine; living on a Zionist kibbutz in Lokstreek; German invasion; living with a non-Jewish family in Amsterdam; working at a Jewish kindergarten; anti-Jewish restrictions; helping the underground remove children from the kindergarten to save them; deportatio...

  10. Helen G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Helen G., who was born in Poland in 1912. She recounts her mother's death; her father's remarriage; his death when she was ten; living with her sister in Krako?w; German invasion in 1939; anti-Jewish measures; obtaining false papers from a non-Jew; returning to her hometown in 1940; hiding during round-ups; assistance from non-Jewish neighbors; traveling to Krako?w, then Tarno?w, using false papers; volunteering for forced labor in Germany; working in Berlin in 1942, posing as a Ukrainian laborer; returning to Krako?w; working as a domestic for a Polish family, then a...

  11. Samuel G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Samuel G., who was born in Podhajce, Poland (presently Pidhai?t?s?i, Ukraine) in 1931. He recalls attending public school; one sister's emigration to the United States; attending high school in L?viv; antisemitic harassment; participating in Hashomer Hatzair; draft into the Polish military in 1936 for eighteen months; training to emigrate to Palestine in Khodoriv; military call-up in August 1939; posting to Nowy Sa?cz; German attack; being wounded; capture; hospitalization as a Polish POW; transfer to Stalag XIII-Nu?rnberg, then Stalag VIIIA; receiving mail and packag...

  12. Edward S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Edward S., who was born in Krako?w, Poland in 1920. He recalls his orthodox home; attending Jewish elementary and public high school; speaking Polish with his parents; pervasive antisemitism, particularly in schools; graduation from engineering school; German invasion; fleeing east with his brother and sister; returning to Krako?w; working in a German factory; deportation to Pustko?w in December 1940; arduous slave labor; a two-week furlough home; hiding to avoid returning; ghettoization with his family in February 1941; his parents' deportation (he never saw them aga...

  13. Michael L. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Michael L., who was born in ?o?dz?, Poland in 1924. He recalls visiting his paternal grandmother in Bielowice; his brother's birth in 1933; pervasive antisemitism; attending a Jewish school; participating in No'ar ha-Tsiyoni; attending trade school in 1938; German invasion in 1939; gradual deterioration of living conditions; ghettoization in spring 1940; severe hunger and cold; forced labor in a metal working shop; deportation to Auschwitz/Birkenau in August 1944; separation from his family (he never saw them again); transfer to Gleiwitz; slave labor in a wagon/auto s...

  14. Rachel O. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Rachel O., who was born in Pabianice, Poland. She describes Zionist activities; marriage; German occupation; fleeing with her husband from ?o?dz? to Warsaw; their unsuccessful flight to the Soviet zone; a trip to Pabianice, posing as a German, to help her family; organizing a soup kitchen in the Warsaw ghetto; moving to the Pabianice ghetto with assistance from Polish acquaintances; transfer to the ?o?dz? ghetto; H?ayim Rumkowski's efforts to help children through the Judenrat; deportation to Auschwitz in September 1944; separation from her parents and husband (she ne...

  15. Edwin O. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Edwin O., who was born in Krako?w, Poland in 1918. He recalls his father's career as a physician; an assimilated lifestyle; attending medical school in 1936 under a Jewish quota; affinity for leftist organizations; street attacks on Jewish students; German invasion; briefly fleeing east; returning home; working in the Jewish hospital; obtaining food from non-Jewish friends; ghettoization; round-ups and deportations; transfer with his family to P?aszo?w; volunteering for transfer after two weeks; working with medical staff in Szebnie; deportation to Birkenau in Novembe...

  16. Regina F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Regina F., who was born in Be?dzin, Poland in 1931. She recounts German invasion; anti-Jewish regulations; ghettoization; her mother leaving to have a baby and not returning; hiding during a round-up; being found; selection into a group of children, sick, and elderly; running to the group with her father and brothers; making it to the group next to theirs; deportation to Klettendorf; slave labor; crying for her mother; stopping when she realized she was on her own; starvation; transfer to Ludwigsdorf; slave labor in a munitions factory; older prisoners caring for her ...

  17. Charles R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Charles R., who was born in Vienna, Austria in 1927. He recalls his parents' divorce; the Anschluss; expulsion from school; observing violence on Kristallnacht; he and his mother smuggling themselves to France, Switzerland, and Luxembourg, but being apprehended and returned; illegally traveling to Strasbourg; arrest; his mother's brief imprisonment; moving to Paris; German invasion; living in a children's home in central France; transfer to Limoges; hiding during police searches; receiving correspondence requesting him to join his mother; going to Rivesaltes; learning...

  18. Nathan P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Nathan P., who was born in Torun?, Poland in 1922. He describes attending a secular school; not understanding he was Jewish despite his parents' Sabbath observance; living with his grandparents in a small village for eight months; attending Jewish school there; he and his mother and siblings, joining his father in Paris in 1930; his bar mitzvah; attending agricultural school in Contamine-sur-Arve; graduation in 1939; working in Bourges; German invasion; brief detention at Drancy; visiting his brother who was incarcerated in Beaune-la-Rolande; obtaining his release; ro...

  19. A Appelfeld Words and Images

  20. Nathan F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Nathan F., who was born in approximately 1918 in Krako?w, Poland. He recounts his mother's death when he was an infant; his father's remarriage; working in his father's grocery store; playing soccer; his father's death when he was eleven; abandonment by his stepmother; living with his siblings; German invasion in 1939; military draft; serving in Tarno?w; arrest by the Soviets; transfer to Rzeszo?w; brief incarceration in Vinnyt?s?i?a?, Kiev, and Kharkiv; deportation to Siberia; slave labor felling trees; release; traveling to Moscow; marriage to a Russian; serving in ...