Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 27,101 to 27,120 of 33,375
Language of Description: English
  1. Leon G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Leon G., who was born in Turka, Poland (now Ukraine) in 1923. He describes his family's farm; antisemitic harassment by other children; brief German invasion; Soviet occupation; confiscation of most of the family farm; obtaining a government job; altering his father's documents to prevent his deportation to Siberia as a capitalist; German invasion in 1941; being beaten by a former Ukrainian friend; working as a beekeeper; arrest by the Ukrainian police; ghettoization in Sambor; his mother's deportation (she did not survive); a mass killing at the cemetery; brief impri...

  2. Shiela Z. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Shiela Z., who was born in Vilna, Poland in 1921. She describes German invasion in 1941; anti-Jewish measures; hiding her brother and father after learning about the mass killings at Ponary; forced labor in a brick factory; hiding during round-ups; an unsuccessful attempted escape from the ghetto; hiding with her parents and brother in the sewers during the ghetto's liquidation; receiving assistance and food from a religious Pole; her father's death from illness; liberation by Soviet troops in July 1944; traveling with her mother and brother to Poland in 1946; living ...

  3. Reinhold R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Reinhold R., a Romani, who left Berlin in 1936 when all Romani trailers were expelled during the Olympics. He recalls marrying in 1937; working at a wharf; his son's birth; arrest on May 16, 1940; deportation to a labor camp in Poland; the deaths of many, especially children; release; traveling to Lublin with his wife and child; going into hiding in Krako?w; obtaining false papers; arrest and imprisonment in Montelupich; transfer to Auschwitz/Birkenau; learning his father had died from typhus; classification as a Polish political prisoner; transfer to Buchenwald two w...

  4. Lilly T. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Lilly T., who was born in Szikszo?, Hungary in 1930. Mrs. T. details her family history; their comfortable and assimilated lifestyle; arrival of Jewish refugees from 1938 onward; anti-Jewish regulations; her older brother's resistance efforts; and deportation with her family to Kos?ice, then Auschwitz. She recounts immediate separation from her family; transfer to Birkenau; her sense that she grew up immediately; inclusion with a group of children; escape from that group with the assistance of a Wehrmacht soldier; transport to Estonia; slave labor cutting wood; receiv...

  5. Eva K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Eva K., who was born in Wielu?n, Poland in 1925, one of eight children. She recalls her family's Hasidism; being injured during German invasion in 1939; hospitalization; living in ?o?dz? with her parents and some siblings, then in the Warsaw ghetto; hiding in bunkers during round-ups; her father's and youngest sister's deportation; deportation with her mother and some siblings; separation from them all; slave labor in Majdanek; transfer to Auschwitz; dreaming of her parents; transfer to Weisswasser; slave labor in a munitions factory; liberation by Soviet troops on Ma...

  6. Martha S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Martha S., who was born in Prague in 1907. Mrs. S. describes her early family life; her family's move to the Sudeten in 1909; and her family's reaction to her marrying a non-Jewish child survivor of the Armenian genocide. She recounts the plight of the Jews in the wake of Kristallnacht and her husband's help in assisting her and her parents to flee to Czechoslovakia. She recalls anti-Jewish restrictions; her designation, along with her oldest "Jewish" daughter, for transport to a labor camp (a younger daughter was not designated as Jewish); and her husband's conscript...

  7. Bridget S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Bridget S., who was born in Stuttgart, Germany in 1910. Mrs. S. describes her Christian family background; lack of prejudice in her family as well as the intellectual society in Stuttgart; meeting her husband, a Jewish doctor, during her nursing training; and her marriage and subsequent move to a sanatorium near Rottweil, where her husband received further psychiatric training. She recalls the birth of her two children; observing the Nazi rise to power; her mother's openly anti-Nazi sentiments and actions; hearing stories about Dachau; her growing fears; her brother's...

  8. Lina P. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Lina P., who was born in Thessalonike?, Greece. She recalls her family's affluence; German invasion; ghettoization; acquiring false papers from a non-Jew; illegally traveling to Athens; benign Italian occupation; hiding after German occupation; betrayal by other Jews; arrest; with her siblings, refusing to escape, not wanting to leave their parents (one cousin escaped with his family and survived); deportation from Akharnai? to Birkenau; remaining with her sister (they never saw their mother again); learning of the gas chambers; locating their father and brother throu...

  9. About the Holocaust

    This documentary, narrated by the child of a survivor and including testimony excerpts, introduces the secondary school student to the Holocaust. Originally produced for an inner-city school system and currently distributed by the Anti-Defamation League, this edited program has had a favorable response from both teachers and students, particularly at the ninth grade level.

  10. Félix G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Félix G., who was born in Forest, Belgium to Polish immigrants in 1926, one of three sons. He recalls growing up in Brussels; his family's focus on education; doing well in school; German invasion; fleeing with his family to Abbeville; returning when overtaken by German troops; anti-Jewish restrictions including expulsion from school and wearing the star; arrest in September 1942; incarceration in Malines; love at first sight for another prisoner (Frieda); deportation to Sakrau; separation from Frieda (he never saw her again); transfer to Königshütte; slave labor b...

  11. Lily T. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Lily T., a Catholic, who was born in Sampont, Belgium in 1921, the elder of two sisters. She recounts living with her maternal grandparents in Arlon; attending a Catholic boarding school from age ten; volunteering for the Red Cross in 1939; German invasion; helping the wounded; her father's involvement in the Resistance; distributing Resistance literature; arrest with her parents in November 1943; incarceration with her mother in Arlon; their transfer to St. Gilles; violent interrogations at Avenue Louise; their trial; her release in November, but not her mother's; li...

  12. Pola G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Pola G., who was born in Stopnica, Poland in 1926, one of five children. She recalls their traditional shtetl life; German invasion in 1939; ghettoization; transport with her sister and sister-in-law to Skarz?ysko-Kamienna in 1942; slave labor in a munitions factory; smuggling food with help from civilian workers; their transfer to Cze?stochowa in 1944, then to Ravensbru?ck, Burgau, and Dachau; being wounded during liberation by United States troops; living in Feldafing displaced persons camp; marriage in 1945; moving to Brussels; her son's birth; emigration to Israel...

  13. Efraim S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Efraim S., who was born in Poland in 1916, one of six children. He recounts attending cheder, then, briefly, a yeshiva in Ostrowiec; participating in Hechalutz; his uncle, father, and brother moving to Brussels for economic reasons; following in 1930; joining Hashomer Hatzair; printing a Yiddish paper; working with the Bund; German invasion; two brothers illegally emigrating to Switzerland to avoid deportation; printing underground newspapers; stealing ration cards to sell on the black market; refusing to register as Jews; marriage in 1942; hiding his younger sisters ...

  14. Jan B. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Jan B., a Catholic Romani, who was born in Klenovec, Czechoslovakia (presently Slovakia) in 1931. He recalls a relatively good life during the Czechoslovak period; persecution once Slovakia was established; harassment and beatings by the Hlinka guard, their youth movement, and his teacher; prohibitions on train and bus travel; hiding in a forest during German shootings; Hlinka guard taking Jews away; improvements during the Slovak uprising; Hlinka guards searching for partisans and weapons and vandalizing their houses; and decreased discrimination against Romanies by ...

  15. Lydia S. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Lydia S., a Catholic, who was raised in Mechelen, Belgium. She recounts attending middle school when the Germans invaded; she and classmates forming a group to distribute clandestine anti-German publications; arrest with many from the group on June 17, 1942; imprisonment in Antwerp; transfer to Aachen, Essen, then Zweibrücken a few months later; transfer to another camp, then Esterwegen; placement in solitary confinement as was her friend; a trial and two-month sentence; transfer to Gross Strehlitz, then Esterwegen; slave labor weeding and harvesting produce; eating ...

  16. Judith H. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Judith H., who was born in 1928 in Tiszadada, Hungary, the oldest of three children. She recounts attending a Catholic school; cordial relations with non-Jews; her father's military draft in 1939, then his transfer to a Hungarian slave labor battalion; anti-Jewish restrictions impacting the family's business; German invasion in 1944; round-up to the synagogue; deportation to Nyáregyháza, then two weeks later to a warehouse; deportation to Auschwitz/Birkenau; separation from her brother, mother, and grandmother; forced labor carrying stones outside the camp; seeing h...

  17. Celia K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Celia K., who was born in L?viv, Ukraine (then Poland) in 1935. She recalls their relative affluence; a warm, extended family; cordial relations with non-Jews; German invasion in 1941; former neighbors turning on them; her father's draft into the Soviet military; ghettoization; harsh conditions including starvation, disease, and frequent deaths; her mother going to a labor camp; hiding on her own during round-ups (adults would not take in a young child fearing exposure); witnessing soldiers violently killing children; escaping with her mother, who had arranged to hide...

  18. Martin R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Martin R., who was born in Posen, Germany (presently Poznan?, Poland) in 1908. He describes his father's death as a Prussian officer in World War I; his mother's strong German identification; moving to Berlin with his family in 1918; attending school in Bu?tow; antisemitic incidents; joining a family lumber business in Danzig in 1936; moving to Warsaw in 1938; German invasion; traveling to many places to avoid German capture; arriving in Amsterdam in November 1939; German invasion; escaping by boat; incarceration as an enemy alien in many places, including St. John's,...

  19. Rudolf R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Rudolf R., who was born in Berlin, Germany in 1922. He recounts his father's service in World War I; his ardent German patriotism which resulted in him minimizing the Nazi threat; anti-Jewish laws and harassment; his bar mitzvah; temporary improvement during the 1936 Olympics; expulsion from school; assistance from non-Jews on Kristallnacht; his sister's emigration to England in August 1939; forced labor on farms with his brother; being returned to Berlin in 1942; their deportation to Auschwitz; learning his parents had preceded them; slave labor for I.G. Farben in Bu...

  20. Bill F. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Bill F., who was born in 1926 and served in the United States Army in World War II. He recounts attending military high school; induction into the army in 1944; fighting with the 7th Army in France, Holland, Belgium, and Germany; being awakened by the smell of death while riding in a half-track; entering Dachau; and observing emaciated corpses lying on the ground.