Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 2,041 to 2,060 of 55,889
  1. Devisen-Auskunftsstelle der IKG Wien und des Palästina-Amtes

    Korrespondenz der Devisen-Auskunftsstelle der IKG Wien und des Palästina-Amtes in Zusammenhang mit der Organisation der Auswanderung sowie Bescheide hinsichtlich der benötigten Devisen; die DevisenantragstellerInnen wurden in einer Kartei personenbezogen (Namen u.a. auch der Verwandten, Staatsbürgerschaft, Adressen, Zielorte, Höhe der Devisen) registriert

  2. Wirtschaftsstelle der IKG Wien

    Aufstellungen zu Proviant und verladenen Lebensmitteln im Rahmen der Deportationstransporte Nr. 1 bis 10, 12, 14 bis 33, 37 bis 39 und 41 bis 45 mit Angabe des Transportdatums (teils auch des Transportziels), der Personenanzahl sowie der verbrauchten Güter

  3. Palästina-Amt

    Diverse Berichte des Palästina-Amtes

  4. Ausschuss für jüdische Überseetransporte

    Formulare, Merkblätter, Korrespondenz, Fragebögen betreffend die Auswanderung (insbesondere zu Palästina-Transporten)

  5. Israelitische Kultusgemeinde Wien, Ältestenrat der Juden in Wien

    Tabellarische Aufstellung (handschriftlich) betreffend "Polentransporte", Deportationslisten sowie Dokumente in Zusammenhang mit Deportationen

  6. Αρχείο Τράπεζας Ανατολής

    • Orient Bank Archive
    • Archeio Trapezas Anatolis

    Files on financial matters of the Thessaloniki and Monastirion Branches: clearances, current accounts, customer files and correspondence. The Βank had some prominent jewish families of Thessaloniki as clients.

  7. Ιδιωτική Συλλογή Πυθαγόρα Ιερόπουλου

    • Pythagoras Ieropoulos Collection
    • Idiotiki Sillogi Pythagora Ieropoulou

    One (1) book titled "Birth Book of Veria and Surroundings, by the Midwife Agapi Tsitlakidou (1928 to 1955)”. The book contains the names and personal details the names of 60 Jewish women who gave birth in Veria, from 1930 to 1941.

  8. Ιδιωτική Συλλογή Γιώργου Λιόλιου

    • Giorgos Liolios Collection
    • Idiotiki Sillogi Giorgou Lioliou

    The archive consistis of electoral lists for the years 1927-1949 of: Parish of Agios Ioannis, Parish of Agios Antonios, Kyriotissa Parish, Municipality of Veria, Parish of Agios Georgios, of all the parishes. The lists contain names of Jews residing in Veria.

  9. Αρχείο Επιχείρησης Χ. Κοντού και Ε. Μοδιάνο

    • C. Kontou and E. Modiano Business Archive
    • Archio Epicheirisis C. Kontou kai E. Modiano

    3 books, 21 folders with title deeds, 25 folders with documents of the import-export agency of C. Kontou and E. Modiano. The business imports and exports mainly iron and ores from shipwrecks and various other products. There are also 17 folders containing lawsuits, commercial correspondence, invoices, and documents on tax matters of the business of Henri Modiano and Charalambous Kontou.

  10. Αρχείο Α.Ε. Αντιπροσωπειών Ισαάκ Μ. Ασσέο

    • Archive of the Representation Company S.A Isaac Asseo
    • Archeio A.E. Antiprosopeion Isaak M. Asseo

    Commercial correspondence of Isaac M. Asseo Representation Company.

  11. Απονομή τίτλου ιπποσύνης στον Elia Modiano

    • Award of Knighthood to Elia Modiano
    • Aponomi titlou ipposinis ston Elia Modiano

    Document awarding the title of knighthood "Cavaliere del Suo Ordine della Corona d' Italia" to Elia Modiano by the King Victor-Emmanuel of Italy

  12. Αρχείο Ασφαλιστικής Εταιρείας "La Nationale"

    • Archive of Insurance Company "La Nationale"
    • Archeio Asfalistikis Etairias "La Nationale"

    7 folders containing insurance contracts, accounting tables, receipts, circulars, correspondence. 3 folders containing 51 proposals concerning Jewish people. 84 payment documents and payment receipts. About 200 letters and various company documents.

  13. Κοµµουνιστικό Κόµµα Ελλάδας (ΚΚΕ)

    • Greek Communist Party (KKE)
    • Kommounistiko Komma Elladas (KKE)

    • Congresses, conferences and plenary sessions of the KKE Central Committee (1945- 1968). • Secret shorthand minutes of plenary sessions of the Central Committee. • Decisions and proclamations of the Politburo (1944-1968). • Correspondence of the Central Committee with illegal party organizations in Greece and KKE organizations in Eastern European countries. Central contact mechanisms in Western Europe (1946-1968); Relations of the KKE with the communist movements of the Eastern countries (in particular: USSR, Yugoslavia, Albania) during the years of the Civil War in Greece; Party organizat...

  14. Αρχείο Ιδιωτικού Σχολείου Αγλαΐας Σχινά

    • Archive of Aglaia Schina's Private School
    • Archeio Idiotikou Scholeiou Aglaias Schina

    Student records containing names of Jewish pupils and other administrative records.

  15. Αρχείο Ιδιωτικού Σχολείου "Άγιος Βικέντιος"

    • Archive of the Private School " Saint Vincent"
    • Archeio Idiotikou Scholeiou "Agios Vikentios"

    Student records containing names of Jewish pupils and other administrative records.

  16. Αρχείο Ιωάννη Σταθάκη

    • Ioannis Stathakis Archive
    • Archeio Ioanni Stathaki

    230 folders with judicial cases of the lawyer Ioannis Stathakis containing also his personal and professional correspondence.

  17. Σφαέλλος, Δημήτριος

    • Sfaellos, Dimitrios

    The archive contains articles and speeches of D. Sfaellos, as well as correspondence from his period of activity in the National Student Association, organizational documents and correspondence of the National Union of Greece (known as EEE) branch of Athens, notices, invitations and various documents related to the 1946 elections, correspondence from the period 1945-1948, correspondence related to the charities he did, family correspondence and personal documents. It also contains a folder related to the yarn and textile industry "O Vambax" (The Cotton).

  18. Αρχείο Τμήματος Δημοτικής Κατάστασης Δήμου Καβάλας

    • Archive of the Municipal Registry of the Municipality of Kavala
    • Archeio Tmimatos Dimotikis Katastasis Dimou Kavalas

    Municipal registers of Kavala, registers of males, correspondence protocol books, register books of births - baptisms, marriages. Contains information about Jewish residents of Kavala

  19. Αρχείο Ανωτάτης Διευθύνσεως Δημοσίας Εκπαιδεύσεως της Προσωρινής Κυβέρνησης Θεσσαλονίκης

    • Archive of the Supreme Directorate of Public Education of the Provisional Government of Thessaloniki

    The archive is part of the archives of the Provisional Government of Thessaloniki (1916-1917). It is a source of information on important social and political issues of the New Countries (Macedonia & Thrace) in the face of the WWI and the National Schism (Ethnikos Dichasmos) in Greece. In the archive there is evidence concerning the actions of the Entente forces in Macedonia. It includes the correspondence of the adviser of Public Education with officials of the services of the Army of the Orient (Armée d' Orient), on matters of food supply, movement control, the release of detainees an...