Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 30,261 to 30,280 of 55,889
  1. German Confessional Church: Instructions re racial origins

    This copy correspondence of the directorate of the German Confessional Church was sent to Alfred Wiener from Pastor Niemoeller with a letter dated 9 September 1957 (1273/3).

  2. USHMM Division of Education

    This collection of short biographies of Holocaust victims and survivors was created by staff at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum from interviews of survivors who described not only their own experiences but those of friends and family. The text was used to create identification cards for use in classrooms. The majority of the 37 biographies in this collection pertain to children.

  3. Jüdischer Kulturbund, Berlin: Legal case papers

    Jüdischer Kulturbund, Berlin: Legal case papers including those pertaining to Herbert Grünbaum, actor; Kurt Rosenbaum; Simon Kaplan; and Harriet Domker

  4. Rita Philip papers

    This collection comprises an original, undated, though apparently contemporary account of Fanny Moses' journey to the UK from Amsterdam without any money. Also included are a copy of the document, both a manuscript and typescript translation of the document and 2 copy photographs of Fanny Moses

  5. Copy order re confiscation of Jewish property

    Copy order from the head of the military government in Belgium and Northern France to commanders throughout the region re the confiscation of Jewish property 

  6. Medical prescription from German-Jewish doctor

    Medical prescription from German-Jewish doctor 

  7. Special collections

    The so-called 'Special Collection' is an artificial collection of numerous deposits from a variety of sources, the provenance of which was frequently not recorded.It contains a lot of propaganda material, anti-Semitic, anti-Nazi and anti-Communist; also id documents; personal papers; ephemera; documents re POWs; various currencies and artefacts; political leaflets etc.

  8. Sir Frederick G. Kenyon: Correspondence re persecuted academics in Germany

    This correspondence of Sir Frederick G. Kenyon, a British academic, addresses the problem of the persecution of academics in Germany by suggesting ways of assisting them and raising awareness about their plight.

  9. Louis Zylberklang collection

    Various papers including original last Red Cross letter from Paris prior to deportation to his brother, Maurice, in Scotland; copy typescript autobiographical notes of Esther Berk, Louis Zylberklang's sister; various copy documents pertaining to Louis Zylberklang's fate

  10. Copy documents re Heinrich Himmler

    Readers need to reserve a terminal in the reading room to access a digital version of this archive.This microfilm collection comprises 3 parts, which correspond to files or folders. The first 2 folders [501(1) and (2)] contain a variety of documentation of and about Heinrich Himmler, both before and during his time as Reichsführer SS. This had been collated from a number of archives and subsequently deposited by Roger Manvell, co-author of Heinrich Himmler, William Heinemann Ltd., 1965. Each document is preceded by a detailed description and/ or summary in English. Note that many of the doc...

  11. German Jewish refugees: miscellaneous material

    This collection consists of a variety of material which documents the experiences of German and Austrian Jewish refugees during the 1940s.

  12. Central British Fund for German Jewry: list of contributers

    This collection comprises lists of contributors to the Central British Fund for German Jewry and an apparently post-war appeal leaflet.

  13. Material re Holocaust testimony

    This collection of papers concerns the creation and preservation of personal testimonies relating to the Holocaust, including correspondence from the Imperial War Museum and the Shoah Foundation.

  14. Lothar Nelken: Diaries

    Diaries of Lothar Nelken

  15. Protocols of the Elders of Zion: statement re their reliability

    This is a copy of an authenticated statement by Philip P Graves, former correspondent of the Times, which confirms that the content of a pamphlet entitled The Truth about the 'Protocols'- a Literary Forgery is true. The pamphlet comprises 3 articles written by the above author and published in The Times in August 1921, all of which assert that the Protocols of the Elders of Zion was a forgery. It appears that the statement was made in relation to the trial in Berne regarding the reliability of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. The statement is addressed to a court in Berne, Switzerl...

  16. Cahn family papers

    This collection comprises mostly copy Red Cross telegrams sent by Sophie Cahn (the depositor) from England to her father in Mönchen- Gladbach, 1940s. Also included is a copy claim form by Fritz Cahn in Canda for compensation from the city of Mönchen- Gladbach.Sophie's father, Emanuel, died in Theresienstadt in 1942. The children ended up in Canada, USA, UK, and Israel.

  17. Siegfried Rotholz: personal papers

    These mostly original personal papers of Siegfried Rotholz, a German Jewish former resident of Berlin, who was transported to Australia on the 'Dunera', document his experiences as a refugee and his attempts to gain restitution money from the German government. Of particular interest is his account of the trip on the 'Dunera', replete with descriptions of the suffering endured by the internees, 847/3.

  18. Kristallnacht anniversary speech by Lyndal Sachs

    This document is the text of a speech given at the Wiener Library by Lyndall Sachs, Public Information Officer at UNHCR, to commemmorate Kristallnacht.

  19. Arnold Zweig: copy correspondence to Joyce Weiner