Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 53,541 to 53,560 of 55,889
  1. Starostwo Powiatowe w Jarocinie

    • Landratsamt Jarotschin
    • Jarocin County Governor's Office
  2. Starostwo Powiatowe w Tczewie

    • Landratsamt Dirschau
    • Tczew Country Governor's Office

    Sprawy organizacyjne, administracja gminna (sprawozdania komisarzy urzędowych z podległych gmin) 1941-1944, sygn. 21-22; nadzór budowlany 1940-1944, sygn. 23, 26-27, 1717-1718; meldunki o dezercji 1942-1944, sygn. 25; volkssturm na terenie powiatu 1944-1945, sygn. 27a; kennkarty 1944-1945, sygn. 24, 1716; posiedzenia Komisji Weryfikacyjnej 1943, sygn. 28; spisy osób składających wnioski o wpis na niemiecką listę narodową 1942, sygn. 29-33; wnioski o wpis na niemiecką listę narodową, 1941-1944, sygn. 34-1715.

  3. Starosta Powiatowy w Sanoku

    • Der Kreishauptmann in Sanok
    • Sanok County Governor

    The collection contains anti-Jewish orders, propaganda pamphlets and public announcements regarding confiscation of property, and lists of Jewish registry books from several locations (Lesko, Sanok, Ustrzyki Dolne).

  4. Akta miasta Przeworska

    • Files of the town of Przeworsk

    The collection contains i.a. materials on the establishment of the ghettos and Jewish community assets, population records, correspondence regarding the Jews, German orders, as well as a summary list of the Jews in Przeworsk from 1940 to February 1942. There is also a file entitled “Administracja majątkiem pożydowskim” (Administration of former Jewish assets), which contains lists of large numbers of businesses, houses and other real estate.

  5. Sąd Obwodowy w Wolsztynie

    • Amtsgericht Wollstein
    • Local Court in Wolsztyn
  6. Prokuratura Niemiecka w Rzeszowie

    • Das Leiter der Deutsche Staatsanwaltschaft
    • German Public Prosecutor in Rzeszów
  7. Külügyminisztérium, Külföldön élő magyar állampolgárok gondozását ellátó osztály

    • Foreign Ministry, Department for Attending Hungarian Citizens Abroad

    A moot question in the study of the Holocaust in Hungary is how the Hungarian state related to its Jewish citizens who resided in other European countries either occupied by or allied to the Nazis during the implementation of the Holocaust starting in 1941-1942 but before the mass deportations from Hungary in 1944. Two central questions concern how far the Hungarian state aimed to protect them and how it related to their property. The records of the Foreign Ministry’s Department for Attending Hungarian Citizens Abroad contain documents regarding the tackling of social and cultural issues of...

  8. Nyilas Külügyminisztérium

    • Records of the Arrow-Cross Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    A main but failed ambition of the Arrow Cross government of Hungary that acquired power through a German-backed putsch in mid-October 1944 was to gain diplomatic recognition. Even though the Arrow Cross government pursued a pro-German policy in the war, its ambition to acquire international recognition influenced a number of its policy choices and this included the treatment of Hungary's remaining Jewish population. Hungarian Jews were murdered in thousands in Budapest and tens of thousands of them were forced on deadly marched westwards but they who were no longer systematically deported a...

  9. A miniszterelnökség központilag iktatott és irattározott iratai (1867-1945)

    • Records of the Prime Minister’s Office (1867-1945)

    A whole row of Hungarian Prime Ministers and their offices have played notable roles in the history of anti-Semitism and the persecution of the Jews during the 1930s and 1940s. In Hungary, anti-Semitic initiatives, including anti-Semitic legislation, was often launched and even more often supported at this level. In 1944, following the entry of Nazi Germany into Hungary, it was the newly appointed government headed by Prime Minister Döme Sztójay that actively collaborated with the German Sonderkommando in the implementation of the mass deportations to Auschwitz-Birkenau. The Records of the ...

  10. A Kassai VIII. Csendőrkerület (1944-1945)

    • Records of the Kassa or 8th Gendarmerie District of Hungary (1944-1945)

    Next to various levels of public administration and the Hungarian police forces, the Hungarian gendarmarie was the major organization responsible for the implementation of the Holocaust in Hungary in 1944. Its representatives ghettoized and deported Hungarian Jews from the countryside and often did so in a cruel and brutal manner. The 8th Gendarmerie district of Hungary was organized upon Hungary's (re)acquisition of territory from Czechoslovakia around the time of the latter's destruction. Records of the 8th gendarmerie district concern, above all, the processes of confiscation, processing...

  11. Limbažu pilsētas valde

    • Limbazi City Council
    • Stadtverwaltung Lemsal

    The fonds contains information about the town’s history administration since the 19th century. Most of the wartime files contain data concerning confiscation of Jewish trade and industry enterprises (1941).

  12. Madonas apriņķa policijas iestādes

    • Madona District Police Institutions
    • Polizeibehörden Kreis Madohn

    The fonds contains information about activities of the Police Institution in the district since 1919. The wartime documents include information about evictions of Jews from apartments; lists of Jewish property and belongings; information about seizing of Jewish possessions and list of goods taken; and information about Jews arrested in Litene, Jaungulbene, Dzelzava, and Gulbene (1941-1943).

  13. Kandavas pilsētas valde

    • Kandava City Council
    • Stadtverwaltung Kandau

    The fonds contains information about the town’s history and administration since 1912. The wartime documents include orders of the district chief to demolish all Jewish cemeteries in the district and to transfer all Jewish vital records to the Riga archive (1942).

  14. Kuldīgas pilsētas valde

    • Kuldiga City Council
    • Stadtverwaltung Goldingen

    The fonds contains information about the town’s history and administration since the 19th century. The war period documents include lists of Jewish property, registration of property, acquisition of Jewish property and belongings, a list of Jews sent to do agricultural work throughout the district (1941), and a list of war prisoners in the Kuldīga camp (1941-1942).

  15. Vācu kinožurnāli, Rullis Nr. 12

    • “Reel” (“Rullis”) Nr. 12 (director unknown); motion pictures from the German occupation period

    A few shots: A group of Jewish workers is assigned to clear the rubble of a ruined building in Riga (July, 1941).

  16. Dokumentālā filma “Paliekošais”

    • Documentary “Intransient”

    About history of the Jewish community in Latvia.

  17. Dokumentālā filma “Upuru sadedzināšana”

    • Documentary “The Incineration of Victims”

    This documentary history of the Holocaust attempts to address questions such as "How, and why, was it possible for the Holocaust to happen?"

  18. Documentary “Jehovah’s Witnesses Stand Firm Against Nazi Assault”

    This documentary is about a tiny group of Germans who refused to be bullied by supporters of Hitler into doing anything which they considered to be against God's Word or condemned by Jesus. They preferred to die (and many did) rather than to kill another person.

  19. Dokumentālā filma “Un atkal cerība”

    • Documentary “And There is Hope Again”

    This documentary is about Jewish culture in Latvia. It includes footage of M. Vestermans; the ensemble “Ufkum”; a children’s theatre: art theorist T. Vlasova; artist H. Risins; sculptress L. Novozeneca; jeweller Z. Smarkovics; the ensemble “Kinors”; Art historianH. Dubins; and musicologist L. Krasinska)

  20. dokumentālā filma “Un atkal cerība”

    • Documentary “Rescuers and Survivors”

    The film is dedicated to Zanis Lipke, who saved 55 Jews in Latvia during the Nazi occupation.