Archival Descriptions

Displaying items 11,801 to 11,820 of 55,889
  1. Sightseeing in Paris

    Title reading, in English and French: "Paris La Nuit / Paris by Night." Sights by night, with lights, Place de la Concorde, yellowish light, nice effect, especially fountain, with traffic rushing by. Arc de Triomphe, camera lingers on details, pans upward. Les Grandes Boulevard. Paramount theater, various theaters and advertisements in lights. People window shopping, lots of activity on the street. Tout Va Bien restaurant. Interior of a restaurant with people drinking coffee, reading [motion is fast forward]. Montmartre: cafes, more lights, Moulin Rouge. Gaumont

  2. Removal to Krakow Ghetto

    Jews moving into the Krakow ghetto in winter. Carts/wagons piled with belongings. Jewish people with Star of David armbands, carrying belongings. Tram passes in BG. Busy street scenes. Men, women, and children walking across a bridge, moving into the Krakow ghetto. Bicycles, street activity. A man takes a photograph. Moving furniture, CUs, some Jews pose for the camera, snowy streets. Young girls walk in a line with chairs above their heads. More street views of people with belongings and moving about in the streets of the ghetto, furniture/paintings, trucks, the bridge, people walking, and...

  3. Daily life in Russia, children at play

    Russian children playing along a river that is frozen over. They are play fighting with each other and skating around on the frozen water. One boy has dug a hole through the ice and is searching for something in the water, the other boys gather round. Play sequence continues until 01:12:47:00 where the subject shifts to scenes of the rural countryside, the camera pans landscape: establishing shots, subject returns to children on the river playing and pretending to be sword fighters.

  4. Country life in Zakopane Poland 1936

    Turnip and potato planting and picking in the fields of Zakopane. VS of the farmers; young boy herding cattle, and folk dancing. Folk dancing scenes are shot at a faster speed than usual, and therefore the image is slowed down considerably. VS of circle dances, couples in elaborate folk costumes dancing circles around a wooden cross.

  5. Liberation of Auschwitz

    Polish narration. Former Auschwitz prisoners walk slowly past the barbed wire fence. There is snow on the ground. Well-known Soviet footage of uniformed prisoners looking solemnly at camera through fence at liberation in January 1945. Aerial pans of camp. Blueprints or architectural drawings of camp. Interior of barracks with women. "Arbeit macht frei" gate. Pages of photographs. Woman and child stand stiffly outside in front of building; corpses on the groud around them. Survivors exiting barracks, carrying blankets, bundles, being escorted by Soviet soldiers. Horse-drawn carts carrying su...

  6. Mental patients

    Scenes of adult patients performing agricultural work interspersed with footage of children outside in a yard. A woman feeds chickens, a man operates a plow drawn by bulls, and men and women pick lettuce. Lots of shots of the animals. Close-ups of children in a yard, nurses visible in the background. More scenes of patients working ain hay field; some of the men take snuff (tobacco). The children are led out of the building by nurses. Some of the children lie on blankets. A couple of them are naked and their deformed bodies and very thin limbs are visible.

  7. Rommel in Africa

    "Afrika" superimposed over an outline of the continent. German artillery, vehicles, personnel in the desert. Upbeat music as tanks are cleaned and readied for service. Low-angle close-ups of German soldiers drinking water, cutting bread, smoking cigarettes. Good, if brief, shot of Rommel with other officers. Low-angle shot of troops on a tank, signaling to move out. Various views of a line of tanks moving across the desert. View from a German airplane as it attacks British tanks. Ground-level view of a shot-up British tank, with the word "Beacon" on it. Injured British soldiers; burning Bri...

  8. Guillotine in prison, 1946

    INT, Pancraz prison in Prague, Czechoslovakia, 1946. MS of a guillotine. The working of the machine is being demonstrated by a Czech prison guard in uniform to two men in civilian dress. The three men discuss the machine at some length, the footage is silent, and there is no record in Julien Bryan's shot lists that indicates why this action was shot, who these men are, and why they are watching this demonstration and discussion.

  9. Waffen SS red fez acquired by a US soldier

    Red fez that was part of the dress uniform of a Waffen-SS military detachment composed of Muslims from Bosnia, Croatia, and Herzegovina in occupied Yugoslavia, woth one divison from Albania. There was a field gray fez for the combat uniform. The creation of this unit was authorized by Hitler in 1943. The original purpose was to combat Tito’s partisans. Through recruitment and conscription, the unit had 26,000 soldiers within a few months. The group was commanded by German or ethnic German officers, and the uniforms were designed to reflect the religion/ethnicity of the recruits.

  10. Nazi Germany 1937: Hitler Youth girls on a country road; BDM; farming

    Sequence of outtakes. BDM girls place flag in ground, write letters. Landscape with ploughed fields, oxen and cart. Road with BDM girls, marching and singing with banner. CUs faces, braids, white blouses. While resting at roadside two girls perform a singing act for the camera, flirtatious, very animated. Others seated, write in diaries, then march on. Ages range from 8 to 12, most in braids or bobbed hair. BDM girls eating, with group leader, CU BDM flag, reading magazine, resting. Antiquated shaking threshing machine. CUs hay. Farmers working. Note: J.Bryan's film lecture, "Germany 1937,"...

  11. Hohner Imperial IIA accordion and case carried by Hilde Anker on a Kindertransport

    • United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    • irn521020
    • English
    • 1938-1939
    • a: Height: 6.500 inches (16.51 cm) | Width: 10.750 inches (27.305 cm) | Depth: 10.500 inches (26.67 cm) b: Height: 7.500 inches (19.05 cm) | Width: 12.000 inches (30.48 cm) | Depth: 11.625 inches (29.528 cm)

    Imperial IIA small piano accordion and case belonging to Hilde Anker, 13, who took it with her on a Kindertransport from Berlin to Great Britain on June 12-14, 1939. Hilde's sisters, Eva, 17, and Dodi, 15, were also sent away by their parents, Georg and Gertrud, on the same Children's Transport. In 1933, Hitler's Nazi regime implemented policies to persecute the Jewish population. After the Kristallnacht pogrom in early November 1938, Georg decided the family must leave. The girls applied for spots on the Kindertransport and George's brother Leo in England agreed to look after them. Eva was...

  12. Polish cavalry on maneuvers, street scenes in Warsaw, scenes in the countryside, 1936

    TRIMS of Poland 1936- not connected by subject matter. Polish cavalry on maneuvers in an open field. Shop window in Warsaw during the arrival of Smigly Rydz. INT, MCU a streetcar full of passengers in Warsaw. Gdynia, ships loading and unloading at the port, pier 23. EXT, MS, streetcar rounding a corner in Warsaw. VS, EXT, MLS, husband and wife in the countryside walking toward their home, MCU entrance to home, etc. MS, EXT, street scenes, busy street in Warsaw. EXT, MLS, new buildings in Warsaw. EXT, MS, miners exiting building in Zakopane, Poland, drinking water. EXT, CU, dockworkers at lu...

  13. Children and ruins in postwar Poland

    EXT Boy pulling cart in the street. Boys with a dog digging in rubble. Boy riding a scooter past rubble. Ruined buildings. CU Traffic officer. Traffic officer directing traffic. Building under construction. Horse drawn cart passes hauling dirt or rubble. Boys and a dog playing in rubble. Two children, a boy and a girl, walk up a street of damaged buildings as men work in the BG. Damaged buildings. Man using a pick on a damaged wall. Debris falling through a damaged building. A boy and girl walk up a street of damaged buildings. Boy and girl pick through rubble. Boy and girl on a street corn...

  14. Daily life in Russia, children at play

    Children playing in the snow in Russia, exact location needs to be verified. Great shots of the children with their sleds, some on ice skates, etc. 01:02:15 MCU of 10+ children on sleds, getting ready to go down a hill in tandem, they start the line up and just keep going, very playful shots. CUs of young girl smiling at 01:02:33, then boy, then group of children.

  15. Immigration of the Polish Jews to Palestine

    Polish Jews immigrate to Palestine, locations in Constanza, Romania, and Mediterranean.

  16. German siege of Warsaw, Poland 1939

    CUs of belongings amid rubble. These belongings are all that remain for the Poles featured here who have been displaced from their homes by the German air attacks. MS, camera pans another destroyed interior- this time it is a church (discussed in the book "Siege" (1940)) The priest is inside taking things out of the sacristy, trying to salvage the relics, etc, several people mill about outside. CU of a young girl with a dog in her arms, this is the same girl that was seen in Story 3982 on this tape - USHMM Film ID 3003. 01:15:41 VS of destruction to a cemetery, CU of another corpse. CU of a...

  17. Nurses with young patients

    Dormitory-style room full of young children in beds and nurses. Nurses read. The children listen, look at the pictures, and play with toys in bed. Girl runs out to balcony, a nurse follows. LS of pond and trees. The nurse and the patient look out at the view together and chat. Patient is wheeled down a hallway, the plaster cast on her leg is cut off. She practices walking without her cast and gets a piece of candy. Child writes on a paper with a Christmas tree on it. Children bundled up on deck chairs outdoors on a balcony. A nurse helps tuck them in. They close their eyes or read. Brief sh...

  18. Atrocity in Riga; Riga synagogue burns

    According to the narrator, an atrocity committed by the retreating Soviets against Latvian nationalists in the Riga area. View of a building, then people carrying corpses on stretchers and laying them out in a row on the grass. Civilians looking at the bodies and weeping; many women. A woman in a flowered dress lays a body in a coffin. Close-up of a woman weeping. Bodies of children. Latvian civilians beating Jews they hold responsible for the atrocity. They drag a man across the street. Many German soldiers in the street watching the Jews being beaten. A burning synagogue in Riga. The narr...

  19. Polish port city of Gdynia and schoolgirls in Gdansk

    From the factories in Silesia featured in RG-60.4002, also on USHMM Film ID 3004, the next stop is in Gdynia, in the northwestern corner of Poland. Shot of the harbor along the Baltic Sea. VS of mineral ore being loaded onto ships, VS of lumber yard near the ship yard along the Baltic Sea. VS of the streets and architecture of the city of Gdynia, picturesque shots of the boats on the sea and the canals that flow through the city. More shots of workers unloading materials at the dock in Gdynia. End scenes of Gdynia, begin brief sequence of street scenes of Gdansk, also in the northwestern co...

  20. Audrey Diamant collection

    Contains eight photographs of the Delman and Grunfeld families, along with their friends and associates.