Ямпільська повітова управа

  • Iampilska povitova uprava
  • Iampil county administration
Language of Description
1941 - 1944
Level of Description
  • Romanian
  • Russian
  • Ukrainian
  • Cyrillic
  • Latin

Extent and Medium

615 files in 6 inventories

Scope and Content

Some cases contain registration materials in the form of lists of ghetto prisoners and labor camps, prisoners in the workers' columns, lists of people for food aid, etc., 1942-1943. In particular, this is information about the place of residence and the composition of Jewish families, as well as information on the age of ghetto prisoners and the profession of adult family members [inventory 3, files 81, 82, 84, 86].

Available documents with statistical data on the Jewish population of the county. The statistical data for 1942-1943 on the quantitative composition of the population in the ghetto and the colonies of the county on gender and age characteristics - men, women, children (up to 5, 12, 35, 60 years old) [inventory 3, file 80, p. 767; file 28, p. 100, 112; file 84, p. 1; file 392].

There is description of Zhugastru county, which presents the history, geographical location, population of the district, describes the state of industry, private enterprise in the ghetto and labor camps; statistical data, in particular, reflects the movement of population, including Jewish, the number of deported Jews, etc. [inventory 3, file 15; inventory 3, file 28, pp. 464-475, 477-494]. These are documents on the establishment of a ghetto system, colonies and forced labor camps (this includes information on time, place, arrangement of special Jewish settlements); documents reflecting living conditions in ghettos, colonies, etc. (treatment of the Jews by the occupation administration, working conditions and everyday life, sanitary condition, etc.).

The set of documents on the activities of the prefecture begins with a thematic block of documents on the organization of the ghetto and colonies in the district, the state of housing for Jews in the villages of Severynivka, Trostyanets, Dzigivka and others [inventory 3, file 38, p. 32; file 80, pp. 848-849; file 31, p. 125]. Information on the creation of new ghettos in the county and the deportation of the Jewish population therein is present in the file on the administrative division of the county [inventory 3, file 3], there are also documents on the prohibition to give aid to Jews [inventory 3, file 37, p. 53]. There is an order of commander of the Romanian Security Division Boldovina in July 1942: he ordered to find in each colony one Jew who left the territory without permission, and shoot him [inventory 3, file 23, p. 196].

Regarding Vapnarka camp-ghetto, there is correspondence of the commandant of the camp with prefect of Zhugastru district, which says that the deported Romanian Jews arrived to the camp without the most necessary things, since they could not carry the baggage and were not given time to collect belongings. In the premises where they are placed, there are no windows, Jews are sick and are diying, especially children. Security reports show that prisoners do not have food, and some have eaten grass [inventory 3, file 28, p. 153; file 31, p. 132]. Firstly, 3000 Jews from Northern Bukovina and Bessarabia lived in the Vapnarka camp, many of them died, and the rest were evacuated to the Ochakov district [inventory 3, file 26, p. 470; file 31, pp. 42, 53, 101]. In files of so-called "sorting of able-bodied Jews" formation of workers' columns according to professions needed by the occupation authorities is reflected [inventory 3, file 22, pp. 48, 192; file 26, p. 112; file 80, pp. 642, 647; file 81].

The documents contain information on the shortening of the rations of prisoners in ghettos of the county and orders for obtaining food for ghetto and labor camps in Kryzhopol, Goryshkivka, Komargorod, Tomashpil and others. [inventory 3, file 80, p. 199].

In 1942 Aleksianu, the governor of Transnistria, issued permission for the Jews to open workshops and create artels. This is stated in the report of the prefecture on the work of industrial enterprises [inventory 3, file 80, p. 771; file 85, p. 234]. The above-mentioned document is supplemented by lists of Jews worked in industrial enterprises of the county and used in agricultural works [inventory 3, file 80-81, 85]; the results of Jewish labor are reflected in the information about the economic condition of the county [inventory 3, file 298].

An increase of taxes on working Jews is reflected in correspondence with the Department of the Civilian Governor of Transnistria on financial issues [inventory 3, file 318, 319].

In connection with the high level of morbidity and rapid spread of infectious diseases, especially typhus, many documents have been left regarding prevention of epidemics, the purchase of medicines [inventory 1, file 323, pp. 40, 43, 45; inventory 3, file 406, 408, 410], there is also a memo by the district physician about typhoid and tuberculosis epidemics [inventory 3, file 405].

In 1943, as in other Transnistria counties, return of Jews to their homeland is documented – those who in the past were military or civil servants in Romanian institutions, members of their families [inventory 3, file 85, pp. 274-275, 278, 315], applications to allow return were added with lists of merits to the Romanian Kingdom.

There are lists of ghetto prisoners stationed on the territory of Yampil district in settlements: Gorodivka, Zhabokrych, Myastkivka, Verbka, Chernivtsi, Yampil, Dzigivka, Tomashpil, Komargorod, Goryshkivka, dated by 1943. They contain, in addition to information of a biographical nature (surname, name, age), reference to the profession, social status; for those Jews who had been deported, also the place of residence before deportation is indicated [inventory 3, files 81, 82, 84, 86].

The lists of Jews who worked in enterprises, in small trade, etc.; lists of lone Jewish workmen and employees of the butter factory to receive rations for 1943 [inventory 1, file 175]; information about Jews who worked at industrial enterprises by February 6, 1943 [inventory 3, file 81]. The correspondence of the administration on the work of the department of labor, the list of Jews who worked on their profession [inventory 3, file 85, 86].

Archivist Note

Entry added by Mikhail Tyaglyy

Rules and Conventions

EHRI Guidelines for Description v.1.0

Ямпільська повітова управа (періоду німецько-фашистської окупації), м. Ямпіль.

Language of Description
1941 - 1944
Level of Description
  • Romanian
  • Russian
  • Ukrainian
  • Cyrillic
  • Latin

Extent and Medium

615 files

Scope and Content

Постанови, накази, розпорядження, інструкції Румунського Головного військового штабу, Головного Управління цивільного губернаторства Трансністрії, повітової управи, жандармського інспектора; конвенція, укладена між румунською та німецькою арміями про адміністрування 'Трансністрії'; рішення префектури про призначення на посади чиновників установ, викладацький склад шкіл повіту; протоколи повітових адміністративних конференцій; фінансові звіти районів повіту; звіт про організацію та роботу повітового сільськогосподарського відділу; відомості про роботу медичних установ повіту, про стан та діяльність шкіл, викладацький склад шкіл повіту, про хід сільськогосподарських робіт по районах повіту, вивіз в Румунію зерна, технічних культур, худоби; відомості про перепис населення; статистичні відомості про експлуатацію промислових підприємств, випуск готової продукції; списки членів трудових громад районів; листування з райуправами з адміністративно-господарських та фінансових питань, з фермерами повіту про розподіл лісоматеріалів, передачу військовим частинам зерна, продуктів; відомості на видачу зарплати чиновникам установ повіту

Archivist Note

Entry selected by Michał Czajka from 'Arkhivy Okupatsii 1941-1944', ed. by Nataliya Makovska

Rules and Conventions