OVERKO Ivan Osipovich
Extent and Medium
111 p.
Scope and Content
Case against OVERKO Ivan Osipovich
From July 1942 to January 1943, first he was a criminalist and then became the chief of police in the town of Mirgorod, Poltava region.
He was involved in the investigation of general criminal offences.
Archivist Note
Description provided by Alexander Kruglov
ОВЕРКО Иван Осипович -
Extent and Medium
111 c.
Scope and Content
Дело по обвинению ОВЕРКО Иван Осипович - С июля 1942 г. по январь 1943 г. сначала криминалист, а затем начальник полиции города Миргород Полтавской области. Занимался расследованием дел по общеуголовным преступлениям
Archivist Note
Description provided by Alexander Kruglov
Rules and Conventions
EHRI Guidelines for Description v.1.0