The Romanian Collection: Documentation, mostly from the Holocaust period, regarding the fate of the Romanian Jews
Extent and Medium
745 Files
New documentation is added to this RG on regular basis
Scope and Content
The first 82 files in the Record Group include documentation of the Jewish organizations which were active in Romania, 1941-1947: The Central Council of Romanian Jews; The Federation of the Union of Communities; The Joint Distribution Committee; The Union of Romanian Jews; The Jewish Party; the General Jewish Council and the Jewish Democratic Committee. The rest of the files contain mainly personal documentation submitted to the Yad Vashem Archive by private people on an on-going basis.
Finding Aids
Description of files are available on IDEA ALM system at Yad Vashem Archives reading room and on the YV website
Existence and Location of Originals
YV archives and in private possession
Archivist Note
JL according to RG description in the YV computerized catalogue
Dates of Descriptions
Corporate Bodies
- Romania
- Bucharest
Other Connected Items
Matatias Carp’s archive may be seen as a complementary part of the archives of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Romania, along with the Wilhelm Filderman's Collection.
Additional files with identical provenance.