Stav zásob dřeva v centrálním skladu dřeva pro roky 1944 a 1945
This description is derived directly from structured data provided to EHRI by a partner institution. This collection holding institution considers this description as an accurate reflection of the archival holdings to which it refers at the moment of data transfer.
Angaben zum Lagerstand des Zentralen Holzlagers in Theresienstadt in den Jahren 1944-1945
- Terezín
This description is derived directly from structured data provided to EHRI by a partner institution. This collection holding institution considers this description as an accurate reflection of the archival holdings to which it refers at the moment of data transfer.
Inventories of stored wood of the central wood depot in Terezín for the years 1944-1945
- Terezín
This description is derived directly from structured data provided to EHRI by a partner institution. This collection holding institution considers this description as an accurate reflection of the archival holdings to which it refers at the moment of data transfer.