
Displaying items 121 to 140 of 1,140
  1. Hitler contre la paix

    1. Anti-Nazi resistance and opposition

    The publication "Hitler against peace – response to the Nuremberg Congress" is an analysis by German pacifists published in French. It is meant to shed light on the true intentions of the National Socialists, revealing their imperialistic ambitions and proclivity for war. It summarizes the events of the 8th Party congress in Nuremberg ((Reichsparteitag der Ehre, 8–14 September, 1936), its program, supporters and the consequences of Hitler's policies for France. The conclusion is that a war is planned against France. Hitler is quoted from "Mein Kampf". Nazi activities in Spain are discussed ...

  2. Der Kampf geht weiter

    1. Anti-Nazi resistance and opposition

    The publication was printed for the Memorial Day of the victims of fascism on September 14th, 1947. It includes poems, essays, short stories about the fight in Spain and France, and letters of former inmates to their comrades in Germany. It also includes pictures of resistance papers, caricatures and photos. Short biographies of convicted resisters of the Nazi regime highlight their heroism and unbroken spirit.

  3. Maurice L. Perlzweig

    1. World Jewish Congress
    2. Political Department/Department of International Affairs
    3. Executive Files

    Box B1. Folder 1. Correspondence, 1940 Box B1. Folder 2. Correspondence, 1941 January-November Box B1. Folder 3. Correspondence, 1941 December Box B1. Folder 4. Correspondence, 1942 Box B1. Folder 5. Correspondence, 1943 January-June Box B1. Folder 6. Correspondence, 1943 July-December Box B1. Folder 7. Correspondence, 1944 Box B1. Folder 8. Correspondence, 1945 Box B2. Folder 1. Correspondence, 1946 Box B2. Folder 2. Correspondence, 1947 January-April Box B2. Folder 3. Correspondence, 1947 May-December Box B2. Folder 4. Correspondence, 1948 Box B2. Folder 5. Correspondence, 1949 Box B2. Fo...

  4. Namenslisten von Auswanderern

    1. Fürsorgezentrale der IKG Wien, Auswanderungsabteilung

    Listen von Flüchtlingen des Spanien-Transports vom 7. August 1941 nach Kuba und Argentinien mit Angabe von Namen, Heimatadresse, Geburtsdatum und Geburtsort auf der Liste der Reisegenehmigungen sowie des Ziellandes auf der Abfertigungsliste; // Liste von Auswanderern 1941 mit Angabe von Namen, Heimatadresse, Geburtsdatum bzw. Geburtsjahr, Zielland und Monat der Auswanderung //

  5. Mgr. Tardini au nonce à Bucarest Cassulo

    1. Segreteria di Stato
    2. Archivio della Congregazione degli Affari Ecclesiastici Straordinari
    • Mgr. Tardini to the Nuncio in Bucarest Cassulo

    Tardini inform Cassulo that the Spanish Government refuse the project of the company « Sarocego » about transferring Romanian Jews to Spain.

  6. Le grand rabbin Herzog au cardinal Maglione

    1. Segreteria di Stato
    2. Archivio della Congregazione degli Affari Ecclesiastici Straordinari
    • The Great Rabbi Herzog to Cardinal Maglione

    The Great Rabbi of Jerusalem Herzog informs Cardinal Maglione about news from Spain concerning the treatment of from Germany recently immigrated Jews. These people were reportedly arrested, and, without special authorisations, would be deported back to Germany. Herzog requests Maglione to pay the due attention to this topic.

  7. La Secrétairerie d'Etat à l'Ambassade d'Espagne

    1. Segreteria di Stato
    2. Archivio della Congregazione degli Affari Ecclesiastici Straordinari
    • The Secretariat of State to the Spanish Embassy

    The Secretariat of State informs the Spanish Embassy that non-Aryan Catholics of German origin having an emigration visa for Brazil granted by the Brazilian embassy at the Holy See are not allowed to board in Italian harbours. The Secretariat of State asks the Spanish Embassy if the latter could grant transit visas, allowing these people to take a ship from Spain.

  8. Dokumente zur Auswanderung

    1. Fürsorgezentrale der IKG Wien, Auswanderungsabteilung

    Auswanderung; Abfertigung; Auswanderung USA via Spanien (in der IKG eingelangte Telegramme, Erklaerungen der Betroffenen ueber die Annahme der von der IKG gestellten Bedingungen und an diese gerichtete Mitteilungen ueber die Aufgabe eines die Visaerteilung durch das amerikanische Konsulat in Barcelona erbetenden Telegramms, nummeriert);

  9. Dokumente zur Auswanderung

    1. Fürsorgezentrale der IKG Wien, Auswanderungsabteilung

    Auswanderung; Abfertigung; 5. Spanientransport;

  10. Oversize Materials

    1. World Jewish Congress
    2. Non-Print Materials and Miscellaneous
    3. Sound Recordings, Artifacts, and Oversize Materials

    Contains maps of Europe showing the locations of concentration camps (dated 1942 to ca. 1945), handmade posters from displaced persons camps (ca. 1945 to ca. 1947), an Office of War Information poster dealing with discrimination (1943), and a reprint from a magazine concerning the Holocaust. Box J18. Folder 1. American Committee for the Rehabilitation of European Jewish Children, poster, undated Box J18. Folder 2. Maps of Europe showing locations of concentration camps, 1942, 1944, undated Box J18. Folder 3. War poster, 1943 Box J18. Folder 4. Album, "Le massacre des Juifs de Jassy.". Box J...

  11. "Urlisten": Ursprüngliche Effektenverzeichnisse von Häftlingen des Konzentrationslagers Neuengamme

    1. Verwaltungsamt für innere Restitutionen, Stadthagen
    2. Bestandsaufnahme von Effekten von Verfolgten des NS-Regimes

    Enthält: Schleswig-Holstein, Land: Other valuable articles identifiable, non-monetary gold-articles unidentifiable, non-monetary gold-articles identifiable, List of entvelopes and contents found at Neuengamme Camp but not included in lists compiled by Land Schleswig-Holstein, Inventory of articles received from Neuengamme Concentration Camp and not listed by Land Schleswig-Holstein - France, Poland, Russia, Latvia, Lithuania, Esthonia, Chzechoslowacia, Yugoslavia, Serbien, Kroatien, Germany, Spain, Greece, Norway, America, Brazil, Holland, Belgium, Italy, Denmark, Ukraine, Rumania; List of ...

  12. Administratie te Londen.

    Dit bestand (dat op moment van schrijven nog niet genummerd is) bevat een aantal dossiers in verband met de Jodenvervolging in België. Zie o.a. de dossiers “D123 Belgian refugees in Spain”, “German occupation” (met o.a. briefwisseling met Herbert Speyer in verband met de onwettelijkheid van de Duitse verordeningen) en “Problem of Jews” (inzake het programma van het American Jewish Congress dat toen ook Belgische medewerkers had).

  13. Nuremberg Trials - IMT Collection

    The Nuremberg Trials - IMT Collection is a wide-range collection of documents related to the well-known trial against 23 major Nazi war criminals, held by the International Military Tribunal (IMT) in Nuremberg between 1945 and 1946. Nuremberg documentation includes: the trial’s transcripts, the archival series NG (Nazi Government), NO (Nazi Organization), OKW (Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, Supreme Command of the Armed Forces), NI (Nazi Institutions), RSHA (Reichssicherheitshauptamt, Reich Security Head Office), SD (Sicherheitsdienst, Security Service), Gestapo (Geheime Staatspolizei, Secret S...

  14. Iberian Escapees

    2. Canadian Jewish Congress Special Immigration Cases

    Under an international Jewish wartimes rescue scheme initiated by JDC in 1944, Canada admitted certain family groups who had managed to escape to temporary refuge in Portugal, Spain and Tangier. A family escaping via Japan is also among this group.

  15. File

    1. W.P. Crozier's Confidential Foreign Affairs Correspondence

    The file contains correspondence and reports concerning domestic and foreign affairs, including reports on the state of the British navy and army, accounts of meetings between Anthony Eden and Joseph Stalin and a meeting between Sir Lewis Bernstein Namier and Edvard Beneš about the Czechoslovakian Jews. There are also materials concerning Yugloslavia, Spain, Iraq, Greece, Turkey, Russia, Japan, Denmark, and relations between Jews and Arabs in Palestine. Additionally, there is a significant amount of materials concerning the deportation of Jewish refugees from Palestine and mobilising Jewish...

  16. File

    1. W.P. Crozier's Confidential Foreign Affairs Correspondence

    Manchester Guardian The file contains correspondence and Crozier's notes on foreign and domestic events. Materials include reports on continued Jewish immigration to Palestine, including the arming of Jewish refugees and Jewish divisions in the British armed forces, and correspondence from Charles Lambert concerning the Balkans, Iraq, Iran, the Vichy government, Spain, Libya, and food supplies in France. There are also reports about the Blitz, including air raid reports and analysis of the effects on the economy and workforce, as well as reports on the cabinet and provisions for the wartime...

  17. File

    1. W.P. Crozier's Confidential Foreign Affairs Correspondence

    The file contains correspondence and reports, primarily from Charles Lambert and Sir Lewis Bernstein Namier concerning diplomatic and military action in Greece, Russia, Norway, Finland, Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Spain, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, France, Belgium, and Germany. It includes reports of the flight and attempted peace negotiations of Rudolf Hess in Scotland, Japanese propaganda in Syria and Lebanon, Wendell Wilkie's visit to Europe, Australian soliders in Palestine, reactions to the sinking of , the Turko-German pact, and Anthony Eden. There are also accounts of interviews between Namier an...