
Displaying items 1 to 20 of 10,105
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. URO-byrån för rättshjälp

    1. Jewish Community of Stockholm
    • URO Legal Aid Office
    • Riksarkivet Täby
    • URO-byrån för rättshjälp
    • English
    • 1953-1975
    • 53,3 linear meters of textual material.

    The archive contains a card index to compensation cases from 1953 to 1975 and over 600 personal files with several thousand compensation cases in the same period. The claims files contain both standardized personal data about the clients, such as age, gender, origin, religious affiliation, and information about the crimes they suffered at the hands of the Nazi regime in Germany. The applications also contain testimonies written by the applicants about the crimes they suffered. These accounts are detailed but often very factual and concise as they are shaped by the legal process in which the...

  2. Juridiska byrån

    1. Jewish Community of Stockholm

    The archive contains documents from the Bureau for Legal Information, the Polish Restitution Claims Department, and the Office of Restitution. The archive contains personal files, registers of individual files, and correspondence. The archive contains personal files from 1947 to 1954, divided into “general” cases (21 volumes) and cases concerning property in Poland (13 volumes). The archive also contains a card index to the personal files. The sub-archive contains documents 1947-1954 (3 linear meters in total) from all three agencies mentioned above: * Register of personal files (series D 1...

  3. Emigrationsavdelningen

    1. Jewish Community of Stockholm
    • Riksarkivet Täby
    • Emigrationsavdelningen
    • English
    • 1941-1966
    • 40,5 linear meters.

    The department assisted refugees and survivors to emigrate to 'third countries'. The archive contains information about where Holocaust refugees and survivors went and how emigration was organized. The archive contains personal registers of cases handled 1946-1962 in 8 volumes. There is also a questionnaire to the 1945 rescued about emigration plans etc. in 1946, questionnaires about desired emigration destination, correspondence with Hias and other foreign aid organizations that partly financed Jewish emigration from Sweden, and 336 volumes of personal files in emigration cases from 1945 t...

  4. Avdelningen för immigration och transmigration och Judiska Transmigrationskommittén

    1. Jewish Community of Stockholm
    • Department of Immigration and Transmigration, and the Jewish Transmigration Committee
    • Riksarkivet Täby
    • Avdelningen för immigration och transmigration och Judiska Transmigrationskommittén
    • English
    • 1945-1950
    • 12,5 linear meters of textual records.

    The archive contains, among other things, a card index of transmigrants and relatives during the period 1946-1948, as well as personal files for entry cases between 1945 and 1950.

  5. Registreringsavdelningen

    1. Jewish Community of Stockholm
    • Riksarkivet Täby
    • Registreringsavdelningen
    • English
    • 1944-1948
    • 9,6 linear meters of textual material.

    The archive contains lists and files compiled in the course of researching and registering deported Jews (e.g. for the purpose of sending aid) and Holocaust survivors. There are 19 volumes of registers of Jews researched (deported) in Germany or German-occupied countries 1944--1945, a four-volume register of Jews in Theresienstadt 1944--1945, a corresponding two-volume register of Jewish prisoners in Bergen-Belsen 1944--1945 and a volume of registers of prisoners in smaller camps 1944--1945. There is also an index of 1945 rescues and lists in 18 volumes of Jewish survivors in various countr...

  6. Gunhild Tegens samling

    • Archive of Gunhild Tegen

    The collection contains a rich assortment of records related to the experiences of Jewish survivors of concentration camps, compiled by Gunhild and Einar Tegen as part of their post-World War II documentation project. The documentation was gathered at the initiative of the Swedish Joint Committee on Democratic Reconstruction (Samarbetskommittén för Demokratiskt Uppbyggnadsarbete), of which professor of philosophy Einar Tegen, the author Gunhild Tegen’s husband, was president. The interviews were conducted by Swedish psychologist Valdemar Fellinius and polyglot Dory Engströmer and carried ou...

  7. Kommittén for levande historia

    • YK 5252
    • Riksarkivet
    • Kommittén for levande historia
    • English

    The archive of the state expert commission includes documentation of the committee's work as well as the material collected and produced by the commission in 2001. It comprises 40 archive volumes, and includes 94 video and audio tapes of interviews conducted as part of the Committee's documentation project. One of the main principles that guided the collection was that it would have a Swedish perspective. Thus, interviews were not primarily made with Holocaust survivors, but with others, who in one way or another, came in to contact with the Holocaust, like medical staff, the drivers of the...

  8. Göteborgs stads kurator för statslösa flyktingar

    • City of Gothenburg counselor for stateless refugees
    • Göteborgs kommun. Göteborgs stads kurator för statslösa flyktingar

    The series include 1,529 personal files in 16 volumes. The files contain information about refugees and Holocaust survivors who came to Sweden and stayed in Gothenburg from 1937 to 1947. One volume also contains circular letters and guidelines for the treatment of refugees from the authorities and one volume contains correspondence.

  9. Kriminalpolisen i Malmö

    • Malmö Criminal Police
    • Stadsarkivet Malmö
    • Kriminalpolisen i Malmö
    • English
    • 1874-1970
    • 240,7 linear meters of textual records

    The archive includes the F7 series, which contains 12 volumes of extensive material on refugees and survivors, including survivors and refugees who arrived in Sweden during and after the Second World War. The documents from 1943-44 contain documents concerning refugees who came to Sweden from Denmark, including those who fled to Sweden in the autumn of 1943. Later documents concern refugees and survivors from other countries. The series also includes lists of survivors who came to Malmö using various boat transports and interrogation protocols. Volume F7: 9 contains the Malmö police's alpha...

  10. Länsstyrelsen i Malmöhus län, civilförsvarssektionen

    • Civil Defence Section of the County Administrative Board of Malmöhus County
    • Landsarkivet i Lund
    • Länsstyrelsen i Malmöhus län, civilförsvarssektionen
    • English
    • 58 linear meters of textual records.

    Among other records, the Civil Defense Section's archive contains documentation concerning Holocaust refugees, around 1941-1949. The series Ö I: a Registerkort över flyktingar inkomna til landet contains 29 boxes with more than 20,000 register cards of refugees and survivors from concentration camps, who came to Sweden from 1944 to 1946. The cards include their name, date of birth, place of residence, nationality, date of arrival and the name of the reception center where they were received, and sometimes information on transfers. On some cards there is a note if the person was Jewish, in...

  11. Hans Michaelis samling

    • Hans Michaeli's collection
    • Judiska Museet
    • Hans Michaelis samling
    • English
    • 1935-1967
    • 0.1 linear metres (1 large archive box)

    Hans Michaeli’s papers comprise one box of documents covering the period 1935-1967, primarily documents left by his father Wilhelm Michaeli, a German Jewish legal expert, and his work helping refugees for the Jewish Community of Stockholm. However, there is also material concerning Hans’s mother, Sophie Michaeli, and her work as director of the Tullgarn boys’ home in Uppsala. The archive includes various circular letters about raising money for Hjälpfond för Tysklands judar (Relief Fund for the Jews of Germany) (May and November 1933), the Jewish Community of Stockholm’s emergency relief ...

  12. Esther Lamms papper

    • Papers of Esther Lamm
    • Judiska Museet
    • Esther Lamms papper
    • English
    • 1945
    • 0.2 linear metres (2 folders). Textual records, drawings, and photographs.

    The collection consists of two folders containing the psychiatrist Dr. Esther Lamm’s documentation of her work at the Sigtuna hospital for refugees and survivors, who were liberated from Nazi concentration camps and arrived in Sweden with the help of UNRRA and the Swedish Red Cross in 1945. Lamm’s service to the hospital is documented in a certification written in 1945 by the hospital director, attesting to Lamm’s commendable dedication and “motherly care” devoted to her patients. One of the folders consists of documents, while the other consists of photographs from Lamm’s time at the hospi...

  13. Anna Lindhagens samling

    • Anna Lindhagen's collection
    • Stockholms Stadsarkiv
    • Anna Lindhagens samling
    • English
    • 1874-1941
    • 5,1 linear meters of mostly textual records.

    In the series Brev och andra handlingar (Letters and other documents) there are four volumes (28-32) named Handlingar ang. Internationella Kvinnoförbundet för Fred och Frihet, IKFF (Documents concerning International Women's Federation for Peace and Freedom, IKFF). 1917-1941. One volume containing documents concerning the Save the Children Association 1920--39, and several volumes of documents from other refugee aid committees with scattered documents concerning Jewish refugees in Sweden.

  14. Parlamentariska undersökningskommittén ang flyktingsärenden och säkerhetstjänst

    • State commission on the treatment of refugees and the intelligence service
    • Sandlerkommissionen
    • Riksarkivet
    • Parlamentariska undersökningskommittén ang. flyktingsärenden och säkerhetstjänst. YK 984.
    • English
    • 1945-1947
    • 57 volumes of textual records.

    The archive contains 57 volumes of archive documents from the commission's assignments during the period 1945-1947. The series Personakter till anmälningsdiariet (F: 2) contains 390 files containing reports and other documents with information about refugee cases reported by aid organizations and private individuals because they were treated incorrectly by the authorities when they tried to come to or stay in Sweden as refugees. Many of these were Jews. There is an index of the files in volume C: 1. A selection of the reported cases is also summarized anonymously in the commission's report ...

  15. Justitiedepartementet

    • Ministry of Justice
    • Riksarkivet
    • Justitiedepartementet
    • English
    • 1840-1996
    • Textual records.

    Series E1 A and E1 B contain consular files containing the so-called citizenship acts, i.e., applications for Swedish citizenship with accompanying documents. All refugees from Nazi persecution, and Holocaust survivors, who later became Swedish citizens have a citizenship file in the Ministry of Justice's archives. In addition to applications and notifications of citizenship, the files contain all other documentation that the Ministry considered relevant to the decision. In the files are short accounts of personal experiences reproduced in police interrogation reports, biographies, certific...

  16. Kluizen - Coffres-forts. Collection

    This collection consists of the bank vaults which were not claimed by their original owners post-war. The owners were both Jewish and non-Jewish war victims or refugees who did not return to Belgium. The vaults do not contain any valuables, but documents including securities and personal documents, family photos, and objects such as cutlery, photo cameras and tableware. This collection is not accessible to third parties. Relatives who might be entitled to the content of one of the vaults are requested to contact

  17. Nat Neujean. Collection.

    Pictures of the artist Nat Neujean while sculpting ; some of Nat Neujean's early works of art (statues and bronze sculptures); pictures of family members and friends of Nat Neujean, some of whom were members of the armed resistance.

  18. Jesode Hatora and Beth Jacob school, Antwerp. Collection

    This collection contains prewar, wartime and postwar parts of the administrative archive of the Jesode Hatora and Beth Jacob school in Antwerp. KD_00037_0001 : General documents regarding expenses and teaching staff, letters with blessings by Isaac Herzog, chief rabbi of Israel, and Eliezer Silver, rabbi of Ohio, promotional leaflets, speeches and magazines of the parent association and the pupils. KD_00037_0002 : Attendance lists of the teachers, 1934-1966 KD_00037_0003 : Attendance lists of the pupils, 1941-1983 KD_00037_0004 : Student count based on the municipal register, 1936-1960 KD_0...

  19. Geiger-Kohn family. Collection

    This collection contains photocopies of : the marriage certificate of Joseph Geiger and Juliana Kohn, the birth certificate of Juliana Kohn and her daughter Gerda Geiger, the music teacher diploma of Juliana Kohn, the prolongation for Juliana Kohn’s American visa and Polish statements confirming the good conduct of Juliana Kohn and Joseph Geiger.

  20. Gert (Gerhard) Lilienthal. Collection

    KD_00059_0001 : Judaica concerning Jewish emancipation and the German liberal revolution of 1848 ; remains of the looted collection of Berlin banker dr. Heinz Lilienthal, father of the donor. KD_00059_0002 : Prewar Lilienthal family documents, including vaccination certificates, birth certificates, marriage certificates, documents related to dr. Heinz Lilienthal’s business, a household inventory and household budget. KD_00059_0003 : Wartime Lilienthal family documents, including three letters sent from the Dossin barracks by Hilda Kirschstein and Minni Marie Fabian, mother and maternal gran...