
Displaying items 1,921 to 1,940 of 2,629
Item type: Archival Descriptions
  1. US case files. Auschwitz concentration camp, Record Group 338

    Consists of a war crimes case file relating to the Auschwitz concentration camp, crimes allegedly committed by camp personnel, medical experiments, lists of war crimes suspects, and testimonies by Auschwitz survivors. Includes documents relating to Drs. Josef Mengele and Friedrich Entress, and to Konrad Reinhard, a Roma who collaborated with the Germans. The earliest war crimes cases were investigated by war crimes sections under the Staff Judge Advocates of the 1st, 3rd, and 7th U.S. Armies and under the commanding generals of the Eastern and Western Military Districts. The war crimes prog...

  2. Barbie Trial -- Day 7 -- An expert testifies

    13:40 President Cerdini calls the session to order; asks that the accused present himself; Barbie refuses to appear; Cerdini calls on the bailiff to compel the accused to appear 13:41 The bailiff reads the names of the witnesses scheduled to give testimony in the session; one witness has not yet arrived 13:41 Cerdini suspends the session while the bailiff goes to Barbie to compel him to appear 14:28 Cerdini calls the session to order; the bailiff reads Barbie's statement that he refuses to appear 14:30 Cerdini reads the Court's decision regarding the Defense's exception taken to an earlier ...

  3. Defendants and Taylor at Medical Trial

    (Munich 479) War Crimes Trials - Subsequent Trial Proceedings, Case 1 (Medical Case), Nuremberg, Germany. Opening statement, American trial and American judges. LS shot of courtroom from above. Judges enter, MLS 4 judges. Defendants answer one by one. President of the Tribunal states that as names are called, they will rise and answer questions. Karl Brandt, Paul Rostock, Oskar Schroeder, Rose, Pokorny, Oberhauser, Handloser, Ruff, Fritz Fischer, Blome, Sievers, Brock, Becker-Freysing, Weltz, Romberg, and 4 others. MS, Gen. Telford Taylor tells of "nameless dead...These wretched people were...

  4. Case against von Papen at Nuremberg Trial; Gen. Patton's grave

    10:20:02 (Paris 519) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, January 23, 1946. MCU, Martin Horne, the defense counselor for Ribbentrop, speaking for Hess's counselor. Major John Harcourt Barrington, British prosecutor, presenting case against von Papen. 10:24:27 (Paris 522) Sec of War Patterson Decorates Gen Patton's Grave, Luxembourg, January 24, 1946 (silent). CU, cross over grave with name "George S. Patton Jr." LS, grave decorated with flowers. CU, sign, "American Cemetery, Hamm, Luxembourg." LS, Secretary of War Robert P. Patterson places wreath on Gen. Patton's snow-covered grave. MS, ...

  5. Records of the Sondergericht Hohensalza (Inowrocław, Poland) (Sygn.76)

    Contains records for selected criminal cases tried before the Sondergericht (special court) in Hohensalza (Inowroclaw), Poland. Included is information about Poles accused of various crimes including arson, robbery, murder, rape, disturbing the peace, the violation of wartime economic laws, the unlawful possession of weapons, assault, and the violation of radio broadcasting laws. The files also contain the names and biographical information of the accused and the verdicts of the court.

  6. Oral history interview with Kurt Klein

    1. Testimony oral history collection
  7. March of Time -- outtakes -- Czech/Slovak collaborationist government; trial

    LS Tiso, ex-Prime Minister of Slovakia, reviewing line of German troops in Czechoslovakia, during the war. CU Tiso decorating German soldier. CU soldier shaking hands with Tiso and giving Nazi salute. LS ex-president Czechoslovakia, Hacha, being welcomed in Berlin's railroad station by Meissner of the Reichskanzlei. Hacha and group walking past line of German soldiers. MS group of Czech soldiers at attention. Car carrying Karl H. Frank and Wilhelm Frick entering castle gate of Lany, Czechoslovakia. Frick and Frank enter castle room, meet Hacha. Shots of collaborationist Czech government mee...

  8. Prosecutors and defendants at Nuremberg Trial; Patton's funeral

    02:38:03 (Paris 460) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, 1945. MS, counsel for defendants in courtroom during the trial. CUs, Hermann Goering and Joachim von Ribbentrop taking notes. MS, rear view, US prosecution counsel Robert G. Storey speaking. MS, Judges Birkett, Lawrence, and Biddle on the bench. 02:39:53 (Paris 461) War Crimes Trials, Nuremberg, Germany, 1945. HAS, defendants and their attorneys during session. HAS, portion of courtroom during the trial. MS, Rudolf Hess speaking to his attorney, Dr. Gunther von Rohrscheidt. LS, members of the Tribunal enter the court. MS, Justice R...

  9. Fred R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Fred R., who was born in Nuremberg, Germany in 1920. He recalls his father's death in 1931; experiencing antisemitism beginning in 1933; the impact of the Nuremberg laws; transferring to a Jewish school in 1935, then to a school in Milan in 1936; and emigration to the United States in 1938. Mr. R. recounts his mother joining him in 1939; his draft into the United States military in 1943; serving in the Office of Strategic Services in London and Paris; broadcasting from London to Germany; interrogating a German general in Paris; spying in Aachen; participating in Dacha...

  10. Nathan G. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Nathan G., who was born in Guttenberg, New Jersey in 1913. He recalls growing up in a liberal orthodox home in Brooklyn and Minneapolis; active participation in labor Zionist organizations including editing "Jewish Frontier"; visiting Israel and Europe in 1938; speaking publicly in the United States about the Nazi danger; induction into the Army in 1943; one year's training in Mississippi; landing in Marseille in December 1944; moving through France into Germany; encountering a train of prisoners who had been headed for Dachau; visiting Buchenwald in May 1945; talking...

  11. Irving R. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Irving R., who was born in Moscow, Soviet Union, in 1920. He tells of his family's move from Ri?ga to Moscow before World War I; their return in the mid-1920s; antisemitism in prewar Latvia; German occupation in 1941; arrest by a Latvian Volksdeutsche who was a childhood friend; the Rumbuli massacres; forced labor; and life in the small ghetto. He describes his transfer to Kaiserwald in 1943; transport in 1944 to Stutthof, then Buchenwald, where he was forced to perform meaningless labor; producing ammunition at Bochum; escaping during a death march back to Buchenwald...

  12. Janine K. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Janine K., who was born in 1921. She recalls living in Paris; her parents' divorce; living with her mother; Jewish holiday and Sabbath observances at her grandmother's; German occupation; fleeing to a village outside Paris; working as a nanny for a farmer (her parents had been deported separately and did not return); denunciation; imprisonment with criminals; transfer to Drancy; reunion with her brother; their deportation to Auschwitz/Birkenau; separation by gender; slave labor while freezing in winter and burning from the sun in summer; long appels; her belief that s...

  13. Hanoch V. Holocaust testimony

    Videotape testimony of Hanoch V., who was born in Vilna, Poland (presently Vilnius, Lithuania) in 1920, the oldest of five children. He recounts attending a Jewish school; antisemitic harassment; working in a leather store; active participation in Hashomer Hatzair (Abba Kovner was his group's leader); Lithuanian independence; fleeing briefly to relatives in Lida and Maladzechna; returning home; German invasion; killing of Jews; fleeing to Ashmi︠a︡ny; returning when he was caught; ghettoization; forced labor in a dairy factory; smuggling food; obtaining a pistol; participating in the organiz...